Bad boy

"Good afternoon everyone! We meet again!". Said Julian, who again asked to be a guest lecturer in Qiara's class.

Hearing that familiar voice, Qiara immediately looked up, immediately Qiara was shocked.

"Ohhh... Jeez? Isn't that Julian? What else is he doing teaching here? Isn't he very busy and the schedule for guest lecturers is up?". Inner Qiara with a cynical look.

Julian's eyes were immediately fixed on Qiara. However, he didn't react because he didn't want to make Qiara uncomfortable.

"Welcome Mr. Ju!". Welcome all female students and students in the class except Qiara.

Julian nodded then prepared to start learning. While Qiara is still focused on finding out what Julian's goal is to do this.

"Earlier, he glared at me, why? Does he want to watch over me? Inner Qiara again while hiding her face.

Unfortunately, Julian ignored it because he didn't want to divert Qiara's focus.