For the first time

Seeing Qiara's condition, Julian became even more angry, he kicked the person beside him again, he ducked his head to avoid three punches at once that came from various directions. He dodged and threw another hard punch at the person closest to him, while parrying another attack from the side. 

Instantly, someone behind Julian looked down and then wrapped his hands around Julian's waist from behind. 

With all the strength he had, he tried to lift Julian's body and then slammed him to the ground. But Julian was getting mad and his anger was out of control, so he immediately kicked the person in front of him when his body was lifted by the person who hugged his waist from behind, it made Julian and the person who was hugging him back away and then fell. Instantly, the person released his hug on Julian's waist. 

Then he immediately rolled to the side and curled his opponent's leg and quickly got back to his feet.