Move to the dorms

"No need, because I will take care of them myself. Now, tell them that we have a meeting in ten minutes from now!". Julian said as he pulled back the file. 

"But, they're already on their way home because it's past office hours". Andi said, remembering that it was already 9 pm.

"Tell them, if they are not in the meeting room in 30 minutes, then they will not need to come to the office again!". Said Julian with a terrible look. 

"Yes boss, I will tell them right now". Andi said quickly because he knew that his boss was not playing. 

After that, the secretary came out first because she felt short of breath in Julian's room.

The secretary felt sorry for the fate of those in the finance department, they had to get ready to be scolded by the boss. Thought the secretary who was satisfied that she wasn't the only one being scolded.