Meeting with old friends.

"Fine, if this is what you want. I will follow, but never regret your choice, because I will not give you another chance!".

Said Nathan while glancing at Natalie who was quite far from his car, after that Nathan started his car again and drove away at high speed from the place. 

All the way home, Natalie cried because she regretted saying that, but she had no choice but to do it.

Julian's house.

Do not feel it was already evening, Julian came out of his room complete with neat clothes and luxurious coat. He then walked slowly over to Qiara, who was seen playing games in the park.

"Qiara ...?".

Hearing her name called out, Qiara immediately turned to the source of the voice. 

"Yes?". Qiara replied, squinting to see that Julian was neat. 

"Where are you going? I thought you were still sleeping so I left you out alone because I was bored so I played games". Qiara continued.