Just act normal

Instantly, everyone gathered and whispered when they heard Laurent's scream.

Qiara ignored Laurent and walked away from her.

"Hey... Bitch! How dare you find trouble with me, just wait for bad things to happen to you!". Laurent shouted again while stopping Qiara's steps.

Qiara immediately turned around and said. "I'm not afraid of cheap humans like you, I'm waiting for you and don't you know where to look for me?".

After saying that, Qiara immediately left the crowd and Laurent's anger, besides that she had no interest in eating in the canteen.

A few moments later.

Lecturer room.

Qiara was summoned to the lecturer room for reasons that are not clear, even so Qiara still came.

In the room there was already a homeroom teacher and next to her was a woman around forty years old.

Qiara was still standing while watching the middle-aged woman who was already preparing to leave.