You are mine!

"Virsen, why is this demon here? Does he want to torture and whip me like before? Or, he wants revenge because Julian and I made him fall into the abyss. But, how could he still be alive? Not even one less". Rena thought while swallowing her saliva deeply.

"Virsen, why are you here?". Rena asked after she could control her emotions.

Without answering Rena's question, Virsen immediately pulled her hand and then held it in his sexy broad chest. Instantly Rena could smell the very seductive fragrance of Virsen's body.

"I miss you dear ...". Whispered Virsen in Rena's ear.

"Let go, what are you doing? I'll call Julian if you dare to mess with me!". 

Rena tried to get away from Virsen, but unfortunately she didn't have the strength to beat Virsen's tall and muscular body.

"You are mine and I will not let go. Besides, Julian will never dare to help you again!". Virsen tightened his arms with a mischievous smile.