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"Looks like he will be disappointed if he finds out about it. Well, I'll tell him through the person who was paid to investigate me. I'll give him a surprise". Said Max, smiling broadly. 

Max is not a person who likes to bother other people, he will fight if someone annoys him, and he will make anyone regret it if they dare to disturb his calm. 

The assistant's expression was terrifying when he saw his boss smiling because he knew it wasn't a nice smile, but a condescending smile. 

"What should I do boss?". Ask the assistant immediately before Max gives orders. 

"We play like him, you just follow his way to investigate me. Find out who the woman has been close to him. Especially, find out who his wife is". Replied Max casually. 

"I will do your orders boss, one more boss!".

Maxwell stared at his assistant, squinting because his assistant had two stories.

"Say it!".