Honesty and longing

Not long after, Julian lifted Qiara's body onto the patient bed. Meanwhile, Qiara was still stunned as she stared at Julian's gaze so gentle. 

After Qiara's body lay on the bed, Julian again crushed Qiara's soft lips.

Feeling the pleasure, Qiara closed her eyes then put her hand around Julian's neck while returning the kiss. 

"I feel like I want more than just a kiss, I want him to touch me deeper. Why am I feeling this crazy, only Julian can make me want things that I shouldn't be doing right now, but I'm not willing to just let Julian go. I want more" . Inner Qiara while enjoying every kiss that Julian gave.

Without realizing it, Julian had lay down beside Qiara on the large patient bed. 

Without releasing the kiss, Julian hugged Qiara's body tightly as if it wasn't enough for him.