Two strange bosses

"I have to shoot. So, see you in the next chat". After saying that, Qiara left regardless of Gee anymore.

Instantly Gee felt furious and angry because Qiara really didn't appreciate her as a senior.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to take mine". Said Qiara who came back only to take the invitation she returned to Gee earlier.

After that, Qiara left Gee's face with a smile because she was very happy to see Gee's angry expression.

Immediately, Gee immediately made a call to Helena because she could not contain her anger.

"How? Does she look sad?". Asked Helena from across the phone.

"Unfortunately, she looks very happy instead". Gee replied irritably.

"Hahahaha ... I think she's just pretending to be calm while in her heart she has a hard time getting an invitation from me because the one I will marry is the number one person at YM Entertainment". Said Helena with a laugh.