Become better

"I just hate seeing you hurt, we just started a new thing in our life, so I'm afraid I won't make you happy. What should I do to keep you okay?". Julian answered as he sat beside Qiara. 

Qiara smiled then turned to her side and said seriously. "I know that I am indeed a rude and stubborn person, but I will try to change little by little, for that please increase your patience. And thank you for supporting my career to hide our relationship for the second time. Even though I know you are uncomfortable. But, after I feel worthy of standing beside you, from then on I will announce our relationship".

"Yes. As long as it makes you comfortable I will do it, let Zio get used to you so he can easily accept you as his mother. Because actually, Zio's character is similar to yours". Julian said while holding Qiara's hand. 

"Yes. Oh yeah, what time is it already, aren't you going to pick up Zio?". Qiara said when remembering that Zio was still at school.