I know everything

Just then, there was the sound of approaching footsteps. Natalie immediately stepped back and clung to the wall, her legs and arms tied tightly.

"Hello?". Said Mr. Joseph, standing straight in front of Natalie with a terrible gaze and a deceptive smile.

"Mr. Joseph?". Natalie was surprised when she saw the middle-aged man standing in front of her. Instantly, Natalie shuddered with horror and stared at him with hatred.

"You still know me?". Asked Mr. Joseph, pointing at Natalie with the cane he always carried to help him walk well. 

"How can I forget the person who killed my son". Natalie replied boldly. 

"Your son died because he doesn't deserve to live, this is all because of your fault, if you didn't seduce my son, maybe I wouldn't make you like this". Mr Joseph said as he grabbed Natalie's hair roughly.

"Aaaa ...". Natalie moaned, clutching her aching hair.