Do you believe me?

"I don't understand this situation, why I have to be dragged so far into the world of the rich. Besides, stop apologizing because you did not do anything wrong". Natalie didn't dare look at Nathan's eyes because she couldn't help but touch Nathan when she saw his eyes. 

"Okay, I won't apologize again. Unless I'm wrong". Nathan said.

Natalie smiled happily when Nathan was willing to obey her. 

After the chat, Natalie and Nathan went straight to their respective rooms to rest before nightfall. 

Unfortunately Nathan could not sleep, because he was afraid that Natalie would leave him when he woke up. 

Unable to sleep, Nathan came to Natalie's room, luckily Natalie forgot to lock the door. 

Seeing Natalie lying asleep, Nathan immediately walked in with a happy smile. And he immediately lay down beside Natalie.