You deserve it

Helena was silent because she was like a fool who chased a man tirelessly but never glanced at her.

"Nathan is just a spoiled child who does not have any power, therefore he will not be of any use to me in the future. Besides, he will marry the son of the owner of the famous Law Firm in this city". Her mother said again.

"What do you mean?". Helena asked in confusion because she felt that she had stopped eyeing Nathan for a long time.

Nathan is getting married? How could it be? Hasn't he decided to go with Natalie?

"Stop chasing Nathan, because your current target is Julian". Her mother replied, smiling slyly at the confused Helena.


Helena was surprised because she did not think that her mother would ask for such a difficult thing, if she couldn't beat Nathan, how could Julian, who was known to be stiff and very cruel? Especially now that he's involved with Virsen. 

"Yes". Her mother replied, nodding her head.