
Nathan's brows furrowed slightly in confirming his false promise. After that, Nathan and his parents left the Clara family mansion.

Of course, Clara followed Nathan's family obediently and with a very happy feeling.

Meanwhile, Kevin leaves the restaurant where his grandfather's party was held. He used a taxi because he didn't want to be driven by his grandfather's driver.

Kevin woke up from his daydreams when he got a call from someone whose calls should not be abandoned.

"Hello..". Kevin said first after sliding the green icon on his cellphone.

"Kevin ... Are you already in town A?".

"Yes. I thought you were at my grandfather's party, because I seemed to see you there". Kevin replied while looking out the car window.

"I'm still on the road. Oh yeah, what about our chance?".

"I've sent it to your personal assistant, I hope you don't disappoint me!". Kevin said, emphasizing what he had agreed on.