Content of letter.

"No wonder my son and my husband are smart people, it turns out that they have the same hobby, namely reading. But, where is my husband now?". Inner Qiara, looking down sadly.

Unconsciously she shed tears without knowing why. 

"Julian ..". Qiara called Julian's name repeatedly because her heart was very sick and felt tight.

Unconsciously she touched the flower pot beside the bookshelf. The pot looked so unique that Qiara was attracted to touch it. She turned it around because the pot couldn't just be lifted like other flower pots.

Instantly Qiara was shocked when she heard a strange sound after turning the pot. 

"What is that?". Qiara immediately turned her head towards the bookshelf which had suddenly shifted to the right.

Qiara walked slowly to the right, she was surprised to see that there was another room besides the study that Julian used to use.