You are not my wife!

"I have to confirm this news". Nathan thought.

After that Nathan contacted his assistant to arrange for his departure to London.

A few moments later.

"Honey... where are you going?". asked Clara who had just returned from her boutique. 

Nathan stopped and looked annoyed at Clara. 

"None of your business!". Nathan said as he walked again ignoring Clara's presence. 

"Wait...". Clara starts to get annoyed with Nathan's attitude, who often ignores her after they live together in a luxurious house that Clara's family prepared as a gift.

Nathan stopped again when he grabbed the doorknob to get ready to leave. 

"Is it because of the news of Natalia's death?". Clara asked after Nathan turned to her. 

Nathan was silent for a moment, from the start he had no love for Clara and he had made it clear even when they were making love.