Not expected!

Mrs. Sarah cried hearing the doctor's explanation, she could not imagine how her grandson would undergo therapy. 

"Thank you for your explanation, doctor!". Said Mrs. Sarah.

"Then I'll excuse myself, the nurses will take your grandson to his room." After saying that, the doctor immediately came out.

Not long after, Zio was transferred to the most luxurious infirmary in the hospital. 

At the same time, Nathan had an appointment with Alena in an old building on the edge of town.

"Where's my stuff?". Asked Nathan.

Alena immediately gave the gun that she had shown to Maxwell earlier.

Nathan took the gun with a smile, "Okay. Thank you! I've transferred your money to your account, now I'm leaving!".

Alena was silent while staring intently at Nathan, she regretted the handsome face that Nathan had because his heart was not as handsome as his face.