Trust Me.

"Kevin, let me hug Aunt Monica!" Maxwell said. 

Kevin turned to Maxwell with a little doubt because he remembered that Monica wouldn't be able to calm down without being sedated first. 

"Are you sure? Auntie is in a tantrum, chances are you will be overwhelmed." Ask Kevin.

"It's okay! My strength is stronger than yours. So give her to me!" Maxwell answered confidently.

Kevin immediately nodded and gave Monica into Maxwell's arms. Instantly, Monica stopped tantrums, she just cried while hugging Maxwell's body tightly. 

Kevin was surprised, "This is strange. Aunt has been declared cured, but when she saw Maxwell she was hysterical again. Her memory full of wounds came back. However, in Maxwell's arms to she calmed down. Usually, she has to be sedated first. Could Maxwell be wrong? one of his missing children? But, this is impossible."