A Hope For Survivors

This man's power would be essential to Zed. Since Zed himself was an undead, the man could probably give him a decently large boost in stats.

Zed continued to slice through the zombies in his way. Many of the zombies had their heads split in two directly across the nose. This, in turn, destroyed their brains and left nothing for the undead to recover with.

After a few minutes of running, Zed saw a few girls in the window of a building. Seeing this, Zed cut down the last few surrounding zombies and walked up the buildings front door.

The front door seemed to be blocked, most likely barricaded by the survivors within. With a single kick, Zed blew the door and barricades away into the middle of the lobby. As he walked in dust settled on the ground and Zed could tell that nobody was on the bottom floor of the building.

Zed passed through the bottom floor which seemed to house a lobby and a few rooms. Zed went into each one checking for survivors. The majority of the rooms were empty apart a few which had a zombie corpse or two. In the end, Zed could tell that whoever was staying in the building was decently strong considering they had managed to stay alive and even kill a few zombies while doing so.

Now that he had went room by room and found nothing of too much interest he moved to the stairs. Going up the stairs he heard voices from the next few levels up.

Zed decided to skip past the next level and go straight into the level which he could hear survivors. By the sounds of it, there was quite a few of them.

When Zed finally reached the level where he had heard voices, he noticed the stairway had been blocked off. From behind this barricade, Zed could hear people yelling at each other. Something about someone dangerous outside. Zed could obviously understand that this someone was him and they felt scared of him.

"Sigh, this might take a bit..." Zed sighed as he raised his leg and kicked towards the blockade.

A loud crashing sound could be heard as the blockade went flying and Zed walked over the debris and into the level.

"Yo!" Zed let out as he waved to the people who stared at him with surprised eyes.

Immediately almost everyone grabbed their weapons. Weapons ranged from spears to guns and everything in between.

Zed looked around and noticed that all up there seemed to be about 16 survivors. This included roughly 4 children, six women and six men.

With all the weapons pointed at Zed, he quickly let out a small chuckle. "Hehe, that's quite a lot of guns you got there."

Hearing this everyone's muscles became extremely tight. Some of them had seen how easily he could take out the zombies on the streets. A feat which took two of their people to do, unless one owned a gun. Zed was something which they feared. Maybe he was here to kill them or maybe do even worse. Either way, they would not let loose around this guy who could easily kill them in a matter of moments.

"What do you want?" asked an old man with the sound of terror evident in his voice.

"Huh, well I'm here to try saving you. I can point you in the direction of my base if you'd like a safe place to stay, " Zed said while putting his hands into the air, showing his lack of hostility towards them.

"Do you really think we'd believe you with just that? Sorry but this is the safest place for us right now," replied the old man who was holding a spear at Zed.

"Well actually, I currently govern 15 soldiers and over 40 survivors. We have guns, ammunition, cars, tanks and a strong base. Unless you really believe that this place is safer than my base then head north till you get here" Zed pulled out a map which he had found at the front desk in the lobby. He circled the base in red and dropped it to the ground.

Zed walked out from the hallway and into the stairwell. He continued until he got to the first step. Deciding it would be faster, Zed jumped over the fence and fell down to the bottom floor.

Zed was now long gone and the survivors grouped around the map.

"If what he says is true... Well, it could mean safety for our women and children. I think it might be worth trying our luck in getting there." Said a muscular young man who appeared to be a firefighter.

A few others nodded in agreement with the firefighter. This could be their best chance of receiving help.

Nobody had gone against this idea and so the room was fully in agreeance.

"Get ready. We are leaving in half an hour so don't leave anything behind and make sure you have a weapon."

Everyone went their separate ways and began getting ready to leave. It would soon be night and knowing how terrifying the undead was during the night, the survivors didn't want to risk trying to survive another night.


Zed observed the conversation from a building just across from where the survivors were held up. It seemed they were getting ready to leave. This made Zed smile as he leapt down to the streets and began his slaughter again.

He didn't slow down as ploughed through the zombies walking the streets. Next, he would move to the gunshots heard nearby. They had been ringing out on and off for 2 minutes now. Although this wasn't an uncommon occurrence, it meant the chance to gain strong survivors.

Zed got closer and closer until he could just see what was happening in the distance. A group of survivors, around 3 were killing zombies. Unluckily for them, they had now become surrounded and resorted to climbing onto the roof of a bus.

The bus was shaking and the survivors were showing signs of low ammunition. Zed concluded this because they were only taking shots when absolutely necessary.

In an instant, Zed shot out towards the zombies which surrounded the bus and began cutting them down.

Soon he was inside the hoard and was cutting the heads of tens of zombies heads off.

It wasn't as though the survivors hadn't seen what was happening, however to them it just looked like blood spraying into the air and undead falling to the ground.

They looked at this weird scene with confusion. But soon this confusion turned into awe as they saw a handsome young man with white hair and blue eyes dancing. Well actually he was cutting down zombies with a sword, but nevertheless, he was dancing. The blade sliced through the air and formed in their minds a raging yet calm stream of water. It was hard to describe. They could see that this man was something special. The way he cut through tens of zombies and didn't allow anything to touch him made them feel safe. His ability to do it all while dancing like a ninja made it even more amazing.