Chapter 4

Levi felt ease. Relief. And relaxed. It had been exactly a week since he met that woman, (U/n). And it felt like heaven, honestly. He had never felt this way before with someone- a stranger. He could trust her immediately and not let his guard up.

She was just that approachable.

He felt this connection with her that he had never gotten with anyone else before. It was different with Isabel and Furlan. He had saved Isabel from getting bullied and she immediately latched onto him to protect herself.

That's what he had thought before, but he changed his mind. Isabel looked up to him as the older brother she never had. After he found out about her family issues, he accepted her as his stupid, little shit of a sister.

Furlan was different. He actually thought he could beat up Levi in an unfair group fight. The idiot promised to be his servant and actually became his servant. In the end, they became the best of friends and Levi didn't regret beating them to a pulp.

He���d love to reminisce those days right now and fall back into those times. However…

Levi grabbed his beer from the counter and took a sip. He was at the Night bar again for the 2nd time. it was Wednesday at the moment- actually one of his busiest school days. Thankfully, Hanje took his shift and he went home. Unfortunately, Isabel and Furlan were...being themselves... and he found himself dragging his feet to this bar.

It wasn't to see that woman again. Nor was it to watch her from his seat. No. Truthfully, he just wanted that feeling of relaxation again. He just wanted to feel that connection once more.

So, here he was- drinking a beer in a school night. He heaved a sigh at his incredulous decision. What was he thinking? He might have been too drunk the last time he was here. Maybe he was just imagining the moment and created the illusion himself just to feel at peace.

"Levi…?" He looked up from his drink to meet the shocked gaze of an old, tall man. "Levi Ackerman?" The rasp made his eyes widen and his brows to furrow as a bad memory resurfaced.

"Bozado…" He murmured distastefully. The man cringed and it made Levi smirk slightly. It was great he was feeling uncomfortable. To think he, the short man, was the higher status now.

It was no longer the high school loner against the popular jock. It was a government-hired teacher against a drunkard. The sight of him all haggard and drunk almost made him feel powerful. Almost.

It didn't make him feel better seeing the shame in the man's eyes.

"It's been a while…hasn't it?" The man coughed nervously.

Levi grunted in response and took a swig of his beer. The drink tasted like nothing now. Really, this decision of his was down right stupid. Well, it's not like he had expected to meet with this man.

"So, how have you been…?" Levi narrowed his eyes at the man's sad attempt of conversing. He almost wanted to spite him just as he had done six years ago, but he held his tongue and took a deep breath. He would never stoop down to his level. Never.

"Great. You seem to doing well yourself. Only you can come up with a sad name as Night Bar." Levi leaned against the counter and said it oh so sarcastically.

The man chuckled, but the shame was still clear in his features. "How did you know I own the bar…?" Levi rolled his eyes and a chuckle managed to slip through his pursed lips. The man looked confused until the short man pointed at his right breast pocket. The pin 'owner' was stuck there.

The man blushed. "Forgot about that thing…" he coughed again and scratched his head. "I heard you became a teacher…"

Levi rose a brow. "I don't think I've met anyone I or you know in school."

"My nieces actually go there…" That made sense. He drunk his beer waiting for the man to continue. "You have one of them every Friday and the other on Tuesday and Thursdays."

"Right. I have a lot of students on those days. I don't think one or the other is a name."

"Hm…does Sasha Blouse ring a bell?" Levi nearly cringed hearing the name. She was one of the most annoying students he had ever met, also one of the popular girls in Sheena High. His gaze narrowed at Oluo while thinking of Blouse.

They almost…

He nodded. "I see the similarities well."

The man's stupid face almost made him spit out another chuckle. However, a smirk was what came out. Oluo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Then what about…"

"BOSS MAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Levi and Oluo jumped at the loud shrieking voice. They simultaneously looked at the young woman who caught off their conversation. It was that woman who made him feel something he never felt before. For some reason, she looked distressed as she looked at him and Oluo.

"Oh, and here she is, I was just…" Oluo gleefully got up and wrapped his arm around the woman's shoulders. Levi expected two things: a loving smile or a forced one. Even the woman pushing him away or bringing him closer to a hug.

He didn't expect the man to be thrown on his back by a lady that barely showed any muscle. Was that foam coming out of his mouth? Levi's mouth immediately dropped at the woman who made him feel at peace also made him feel afraid.

"OH MY GOODNESS, GUNTHER, THE BOSS IS UNCONSCIOUS!" Levi's night was really one heck of a ride. He drunk his beer and nodded to himself at the wonderful sight of Oluo, the boy who used to do petty tricks on him, unconscious and carried away by one of his employees.

The same woman who just flipped her boss casually stood in front of him and gave him a smile. "I'm sorry for that, Sir. Would you like a refill of that beer?" Levi could only dumbly nod.


(F/n) cursed the heavens above for what was happening right now. First her day went so horribly wrong. She woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Like literally on the wrong side of the bed.

She was sleeping in her FATHER'S room. Not her parent's room, but only father's room. When she smelt the musty and dusty scent of the bed covering, she instantly sneezed for a hundred times. It wasn't really a hundred, but she sneezed a lot.

Then she realized it was already six in the freaking morning after sneezing. Her class started at seven. She lived a kilometer away from school. Of course she didn't rush out of the house without bathing… goodness no. That would be disgusting-

She's already going through so many nicknames that adding Smelly is just going to hurt her more than ever. So, she took a five minute bath then changed into her uniform. It was a long-sleeved white collared shirt which was tucked in her plaid, black skirt. There were straps that held the skirt up, which she slipped over her shoulder.

Honestly, she found it useless- maybe for style, but other than that, useless. After that, she slipped on the plain brown vest with the school crest on her upper right breast. It hid the straps, and hang loosely, giving her room to breathe.

Looking at the mirror, she forced a smile. She rather liked the senior's uniform. Back in middle school, they had to wear this really short skirt and a rather, exposing top that showed her belly when she raised her hand. Horrible, embarrassing three years. It even made the bullying worse because she looked "sluttier".

The forced smile dropped and she cursed her mind for even remembering.

It was 6:30 by the time she left. Her breakfast being two slices of bread and a cup of water. It wasn't enough; thankfully, she always brought her snacks to school. Today was Wednesday- not one of her busiest school days having only two classes for the day.

Now she had to just find another place to hide away and eat her food in peace.

Suddenly, the image of Sir Levi appeared in her mind. She frowned at the image. His sunken cheeks and dark bags. The man was barely eating. She noticed during lunch hours that he'd just stay cooped up in his class room and grade their essays.

Which…brings…to question…why does she keep passing by his classroom anyway? Her homeroom was a floor above and she'd only have his class every Friday. So why does she keep…?

The thought made her frown. She doesn't really understand her feelings for him. At first, she looked up at him for working so hard and eating so little for their sake. He even added legible words to make them understand their mistakes and get an even higher grade. It doesn't show on his face, but he did really care for them.

She respected him and gave him snacks whenever she can. Not only him, but teachers like Sir Erwin and Miss Hanje. She would secretly give the latter, but to Sir Levi she had to give it to him directly.

If she didn't, he'd throw it down the bin or give it to other teachers.

But is respect and admiration really the reason though?

What was she running away from?

What was this feeling in her chest?

So, this anxious feeling filled her day with unease. Couple with the petty pranks and remarks from her peers… her Wednesday went horribly well. She didn't want to reminisce those times. She didn't want to even say anything about it.

She just wanted school to be over.

And her wish came true. The day passed like a breeze in the wind. Like the clock just ticked away without her noticing. Without her realizing she was on the ground drizzled in water and trash.

She ignored the dirt clinging to her upper uniform and the stares of freshmen as she went to the bathroom to clean herself up. It was already 4:30. Honestly, she took her time cleaning up.

Wiping away the tears and the bruises.

Covering up the pain and the sadness.

It was her usual…day.

She left the school at 6 in the evening. She was already wearing the wig and the make up, making her unrecognizable. She only needed to change out of her home clothes into her work clothes.

So, her horrible day went even more downhill when she entered the Bar and saw her uncle speaking with her teacher. She ignored it and tiptoed into the office to change. However, her uncle began talking about her and Sasha, which made her eyes widen.

The old man was drunk as fuck.

"BOSS MAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" (F/n) yelled, cutting off the conversation before her cover was blown by that stupid old uncle of hers. He even had the audacity to smugly grin at her like the proud shit he was.

"Oh, and here she is, I was just…" Her forced smile dropped into a menacing frown when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. If this was an anime, her ears would be steaming so hot. In her maddening rage, she flipped him before he could say anything more.

Gunther who was peacefully talking with another female customer gaped at her. She forced a grin and looked down at her unconscious uncle.

"OH MY GOODNESS, GUNTHER, THE BOSS IS UNCONSCIOUS!" And goodness, her co-worker looked afraid. He took the hint and carried her uncle away to sleep in his office. And hopefully, die there. That old man nearly blew her cover and got her expelled!

(F/n) then noticed Sir Levi was looking at her in amusement. Why would he be amused? She dismissed the thought and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for that, Sir. Would you like a refill of that beer?" When he nodded, (F/n) grabbed a bottle and poured him a drink. "This is on the house, Sir. I'm really sorry you had to witness that."


Levi nodded again and accepted that. "I'm quite shocked… To flip your boss like that. Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

(F/n) stiffly sniffled and nodded back. "Yes, I am. The Boss Man and I go waaay back. He…owes me or something of the like. He won't fire me." She was confused though. Was he concerned of her? This was just the 2nd time they met. She didn't really recall being flirtatious with him or any of the like. She treated him like every other customer.

Levi took notice of her clothes and his brows furrowed at the familiar bag on her side. His gut churned at the sight. He remembered seeing that somewhere, but where? "You must have been in a hurry. You're not wearing your work clothes." The woman before him stiffened.

She bit her lip and dropped her bag into the hidden cabinet beneath her. "Y-Yea. I was really in a hurry. You don't mind me working in my casual clothes, right?" She asked. Thankfully, he nodded which made her relax. "Thanks. By the way…what's a teacher doing here at a school night?"

He paused from drinking and looked at her. Did he ever tell her that he was a teacher? He went through his memories but there was nothing that came up to him telling her that he was. "I…how do you know I'm a teacher?" He glared at her and leaned away from the counter. Her eyes darted from him to some other space, but he kept his glare on her. She was acting suspicious now.

She cursed herself again. Oh, now what? She couldn't just say that he said it. She knew her teacher had a sharp memory. He wasn't even the least bit drunk when they last spoke in this bar!

"Your…friends said it. Remember? You're the best teacher?" Levi's glare softened. Isabel did say that. His guard relaxed and he leaned back against the counter.

"I'm sorry for being suspicious. It's hard to trust people you just meet." Levi softly chuckled and swirled his drink.

(F/n)'s guard hardened at his words and her grip tightened on the bottle she was holding. She stiffly nodded and looked away from him. "I…I know that feeling. It's hard to also trust family, y'know." She sniffled.

Hearing her words and the way she softly spoke it, the connection ignited again and his eyes widened. He looked at her and really looked at her. She was like him. He understood her words. Just like she did his.

A smile made its way on his lips as he looked down at his half-filled glass. "You shouldn't talk about it here. You never know who is listening."

(F/n) found herself laughing. "But you are."

"Oh? And you trust a guy you just met twice?" He smirked slightly and sent her a questioning gaze.

She shrugged. "You look like you wouldn't say a word. That's how much I trust you." She couldn't say that he was her teacher and that's why she trusted him. Oh no. And seeing the glow in his eyes made her smile.

"Hm. I have the same feeling for you." Her heart thumped at his words and felt the rushing heat on her cheeks. Thankfully, her makeup hid it.

"What do you mean by that?"

Levi hummed and looked at her with both brows raised. But he said nothing. He had nothing to say. He couldn't just up and tell her that this feeling inside him made him trust her. He was glad she didn't push through and kept asking. More on, he knew she wouldn't.

And that made him smile.

He would be coming here more often than he thought he would.