
The doorbell rang and Mrs.young quickly went to receive it. She had formed noticeable dark circles under her eyes due to stress and lack of sleep.

When she opened and saw who it was, her eyes lit up.

" How are you doing, Mrs.young?" Lucas said with a small smile.

" Oh, im doing fine." she pulled him inside, " How about you?" her voice had a concerned tone. " Are you doing fine with your studies and job?"

Lucas nodded lightly, sitting at one of the couch. This house used to be filled with warm and familiar scent. Even just entering the house used to make him feel calm.

But now.....the atmosphere didnt feel the same. It was empty and sad. Mrs.young was always tidy and neat with the house but right was pretty messy.

And everyone knew why.

Mrs.young placed a cup of coffee for him and started small conversation with him.

" Mrs.young...." he said after sometime, " did...Mr.lennon force....Wish to marry?"

The woman shook her head slowly. " They didnt....but Wish accepted it anyways." her voice trembled.

Lucas regretted a little bringing up this topic but he had to know the story. What if she was going through some bad stuff?

" She really chose this herself then?" his voice was low.

Mrs.young noticed his disappointed look. " You see...." she spoke, " Her father was heir to a rich company and i was just an average girl. But we fell in love at college and married anyways. Things were going okay till Lia was born. He stopped giving us time and was always busy. It was actually because he had gotten into an affair." she scoffed, " With his present wife. This obviously affected my Wish at a very young age and she hated her father a lot."

Mrs.young looked up at the boy, " I dont know what she is thinking but it's definitely something dangerous...." she wiped her tears. " And i dont even know how to stop her...."

Lucas stared at her, clenching his fist, " I know Wish very well....she can go to any lengths for you and Lia."

She started crying softly, " Lucas, can us?"

" Thats what i came here to request." his eyes were serious, " To help Wish."

She doesnt deserve any of this shit.


" Make sure you speak with a lot of people." Abbey had said to Wish when she was finally ready. Tonight she wore a simple bodycon dress and her long hair curled. Wish had only nodded along.

Now, she was inside the mercedes of Brent, heading to another, god-knows what party. She couldnt even rest for a little bit.

Brent sat beside her and suddenly passed her a glass, " Want some drink, Ms.lennon?" he smirked.

She scorned internally, " No, im fine."

" you wish." he drank it in one go.

They reached to the venue and Brent held his hands out to her. Signalling them to enter-twine their arms together. Wish thought for sometime and took it. Well they should look good for the public.

Entering the hall, a lot of people were chatting with each other. They all looked sophisticated.

A woman in a sexy dress approached them as she smiled to Brent. " I was wondering why you didnt reply me back." and with that she took a brief glance at Wish.

" Rheanna, this is my fiancée Wish Lennon." Brent grabbed her waist, making her squirm again.

The woman raised her brows, giving an unsatisfied look. " Oh really? but he slept with me last night." she smirked.

Wish was taken aback but remained calm, clenching her jaw.

" Rheanna..." Brent said quickly, " We just met up. I refused to do anything more than that. Did you forget already?" his voice changed making Rheanna startle a little.

The woman rolled her eyes and walked away from there.

" Everybody are trying to bring us down right now." he said as they walked ahead. " Dont believe anything they say."

Wish slapped his hands away from her waist and turned to him, " Well, i dont think she was lying?"

Brent was shocked by her reply but before he could say anything, a group of men called him, " Mr.brent! how are you doing?"

He turned around and put on his professional face, talking with them.

She stepped away from the group and looked around, lost. All of them were talking in their own group circle. Everyone looked so fake with their wide smiles. " I dont know any of them." she whispered under her breath.

Wish continued walking along the crowd, aimlessly with her thoughts.

" Wish??" someone called her from afar. She snapped her head to the sound, " Wish Young??"

A man finally came to view. He was wearing glasses and had a clean haircut. He also had a shocked but relieved face. " Its you!"

" Oh, Chris...." she remembered the guy. He was one of her college mates, friends with Lucas. They used to have lunch together sometimes but they werent really close. " You are here too."

Chris used to be very friendly and a mood booster in every class. She had almost forgot that he was also the son of one of the prime minister.

" Are you alone?" he asked looking around.

Back where Brent was talking with the group, he turned to see that Wish had gone. He quickly left there and searched the girl. " How can she leave without informing me??"

Noticing the girl's long hair, she hadnt gone too far. At the same moment, a boy headed towards her making him halt on his tracks. " Whos he?"

Brent decided to observe the two. Wish looked pleased for the first time. Were they that close to make her smile? He got even more curious and walked closer without the two knowing.

" Are you alone?" the guy asked.

Brent finally stood beside her, startling the both of them, " No." he looked at the guy.

Chris' face turned confused, " William Brent? You came with him?"

" Uhh....y-yeah...." Wish replied side-eyeing him.

" Why?" Brent put his hands on her shoulders, " Whats the problem in coming with her fiancé?"

Those words made Chris step back, mouth wide. " F-fiancé??!"

" Chris!!" she quickly spoke, waving her hands, " A-actually...."

" You broke up!" he gasped.

Brent raised his brows after hearing it.

" Yeah....its true." she looked down sad, " I broke up but-"

" But we are engaged now." Brent cut her.

Chris was still in a trance with the sudden news. " You must be joking right?"

" Joke?" this time Brent gave a dark look. This guy was annoying and why in the world would he joke about marriage??! He was getting on his nerves.

Chris noticed his dark aura and glared back. " Wish cant be married with someone like you."

Wish snapped her head to Chris, gulping. Why was he getting so mad? If he got in Brent's bad side, then his future could be ruined. " Chris, stop saying that!"

" What did you say?" Brent's voice was low and scary. Even Wish was surprised by his tone.

" Lucas was so much better." he continued spouting, which made Wish shocked.

" Lets not talk about it here..."

" Oh yeah?" Brent raised his sharp brows. " Who the hell is this Lucas anyways?"

" Her boyfriend." Chris said bravely, " And he is better than you."

This was the last straw for Brent as he charged to him with a fist and landed a punch right on the guy's nose.

" CHRIS!!!" she rushed to him, worry all over his face, " Lets not do this, Please??!"

By now the whole crowds attention were on them. They all looked terrified and confused.

" We will talk some other time, okay??" she told him, passing him a napkin.

Chris pressed his nose to stop the bleeding and glared at Brent. His hands were still clenched tightly, eyes red with anger.

Wish stood up and looked at Brent. " Come with me." she spoke in a low voice.

Brent ignored her words, instead pulled her wrist forcing her to stand beside him.

" I dont know who the fuck you are comparing me with still better." his voice was dark and heavy.
