Caleb's happy moment

Wish reached father's office and took a deep breath before opening the door. When she entered, he was folding his arms waiting for her. Step mother and Lisa were also there. The room's aura was serious and all of them were silent.

" This is about my postponement, right?" she directly started the topic. She wanted the talk to be over and done with because standing infront of her father was always annoying.

He gritted his teeth and banged the table, startling both the step mother and Lisa. " How dare you postpone the marriage!!" his voice filled the room , even taking Wish by surprise. " Do you know how how many people were upset about it?? some even cancelled the investment and cut ties with my company!!"

Wish glared back at her father. the whole point of this postponement was to ruin him anyways. The way he shouted at her, made her even more resentful of the man.

" Cancel the postponement and continue with your marriage!!" he pointed a finger at her with red eyes.

" Sorry but we cant."

" What?" he said in a low voice, surprised by her answer. This girl really was a pain in the head, " if you dont continue it, then more investors will drop out!! Dont you want enough money to support your mother and sister for a lifetime? If so you got to hurry your marriage!!"

Wish clenched her fist tightly. This man really only cared about money. How could he say this without even feeling a little bit of remorse? "monster" she whispered and the man stopped talking instantly. " What did you say?"

" Me and William have decided to postpone the wedding till we feel comfortable with each other." she said not caring about what her father asked. " We thought it was the best for both of us as it might bring trouble to our companies if we ended up being in wrong terms."

He rubbed his forehead and punched the table again.

" Is it because you two dont feel comfortable with each other or..." her step mother decided to speak, "....or William cant stand the sight of you?"

There went her step mother degrading her looks and status again. She was the witch. " No, we need time to know each other. " Wish tried to control herself.

The step mother raised her brows and opened her mouth again, " too bad...if it were Melissa, nothing like this would have ever happened. I mean look at her!" Lisa got surprised when mother included her out of nowhere. " You would accept him, wouldnt you?"

Lisa opened her mouth but no words came out. She looked somewhere else, avoiding her mother's gaze. If it were a month back, she would happily say yes and smile but now....she couldnt. Her throat felt heavy and dry. Things had changed. When she tried to reply to her mother, thoughts of Lucas crossed her mind.

The step mother scrunched her brows when Lisa didnt speak up. She looked lost and confused. " dear??..."

" If you guys just want to make fun of my status..." Wish spoke taking their attention, " I will be leaving." she turned around to leave the suffocating room.

" Wish Lennon." her father called in a commanding tone, making her stop, " if you dont cancel the postponement.....i will make sure Lia wont be able to get the surgery."

Wish snapped her head back with terror. Father knew about Lia's surgery and he dare stop it?

" What?"


" Everything is ready??" Aaron asked the rest of the band for the very last time. Everyone nodded their head, standing in their positions.

Today was finally the day of the competitions. Caleb was more than ready for today, putting away any thoughts about father. He had to win today for the sake of the band.

In three minutes, the curtains moved away and he could finally see the audience all cheering loudly. He felt goosebumps all over his body, a feeling of euphoria taking over him. This view right here was the best view he could ever ask for. It was his dream.

They started their performance and all of his bandmates did it perfectly as they had done in their rehearsals. Caleb was enjoying every bit of it and so were the audience. He could perform with his band for the whole day.

After finishing the performance, the cheers of the audience filled the hall and Caleb stood there with the biggest smile on his face.

" You guys did a great job!" Aaron said once they were backstage again, everyone clapped happily. he noticed Caleb looking at him and gave a small nod.

" He approves of you." Ryan nudged him. Caleb smiled silently.


" Now the most awaited moment of this competition!! the time to announce the winner!!" the emcee shouted from the stage and the whole crowd screamed.

Caleb clasped his hand, suddenly nervousness taking over his body. He looked at his bandmates and everyone looked nervous as well, fidgeting.

" Our judges had a hard time choosing the winner....but they have decided Finally!"

The crowd were also expecting the winner. " and the winner for today is.....dun dun dun dun....." the crowd followed the emcee, " IS...THE 5TH GARAGE!!"

Caleb and his bandmates looked at each other shocked after hearing their band's name. Ryan covered his mouth, not believing.

" We won!!" Aaron shouted and all of them joined running to the stage. The whole crowd were cheering so loudly for them, Caleb stared back with shock and happiness. They received their trophy and celebrated on the stage. This was the happiest moment of Caleb's whole life. It was unreal that it could last forever.


Caleb reached back at his home. the silent environment of his home made it feel like he wasnt really there. Loud cheers of the audience from the concert was still booming in his ears as he walked to the room dazed.


He instantly looked up and saw his father standing with folded arms. " You didnt go to Mr.Cartier's event, did you?"

Caleb bit his lips, looking at the marbled floor, not replying anything. He had lied to father and went to the competition instead. He had to be in the competition so this was the only way.

" How many time are you going to disappoint your dad?? how many time-"

"- We won." he cut his father's sentence, looking back at him.

His father became quiet for sometime, not taking his eyes off Caleb. Meanwhile, Caleb gulped expecting a reply from his father. He finally spoke, " even if you win there, its not going to last forever. But if you win in this business world, you will be rewarded for the rest of your life, son..."

Caleb clenched his fist while his father continued his lectures like everyday. No matter what he did, father never acknowledged it. What was he even thinking when he told they won. " I am going to my room."

" Son! i have something more to say."

" You can keep it for tomorrow." he walked away, ignoring his father's words.

" I found her."

Caleb froze in his spot, hearing father.

" She's back."

He snapped his head back, shocked. " what do you mean.....she's back? do you mean.....Julie?"

His father sighed slowly, " do you really wanna know?"

