
" Sir, you have a visitor." the secretary told from the phone. William had no idea who could that be. It was still pretty early in the day and he rarely got visitors at this time.

" Who is it?"

The secretary paused for sometime and answered, " Miss.Julia Wilson."

The name made him alert. Of course, he had been expecting Julie to come visit him soon as he wasnt going to meet her anywhere else. " Let her in." in a few seconds, the auburn haired girl entered with a straight face.

" So,what brings you here?"

Julie stared at him for sometime and finally raised her hands, to do the sign language: ' you are really getting married.'

William nodded sensing where the conversation was going. It was expected. She bit her lips and raised her hands again: ' Even after my warnings?'

He flinched a little but remained calm. He knew what she was talking about. " If you came here to talk about it then i dont have time. Please leave."

But Julie was not leaving just like that: ' What would happen if i reveal it to the whole world?"

She was being bold again and William hated that. He could only clench his fist, silently.

Julie showed her phone up, showing an event poster. : ' Make sure you come.' and with that she finally left his office while William cursed inside his head.


After his dreadful meet with Julie, he was back at mrs.young's house. Wish and Lia got inside his car as he drove off from the neighbourhood. Today, they had planned to go to the carnival because Lia's rest days were complete. She had been talking about carnival for a long time, so the two decided to take Lia there for a day out.

When they reached at the carnival, it was already pretty crowded. Lia excitedly walked ahead while William avoided any contact with the normal beings.

" You can loosen up for a day." Wish said noticing him. She really was tired of rich people. William nodded uncertainly but it still made him anxious.

" Wish! you wanna try that!" she pointed at the huge roller coaster which might have been the biggest in the carnival.

Wish gulped looking at the ride, " n-no, the doctor said you shouldnt be doing thrilling stuffs like those." Lia drooped her face, disappointed.

" How about that one?" William pointed at the dragon roller coaster which was comparatively smaller. " Its still dangerous-" Wish said but Lia immediately cut her off, "-sure that one is good too!"

Seeing Lia's excited face, Wish couldnt reject. Only William and Lia decided to take the ride, since Wish was extremely scared of these rides. She sat at the nearby benches alone, waving at them.

" Wish seriously is no fun." Lia said once they were lining up.

" Was she always scared of these rides?" William asked. Wish, being one of the strongest girl he had met was scared of carnival rides. It surely came of as a surprise.

" Yeah, ever since she was little she hated sports and thrilling stuffs unlike me." William nodded listening to her, " but she loved reading and i hated it. At least she is intelligent than me."

" Well, i cant deny that fact." he smiled as they went forward, climbing in the ride.

Wish could see where the two were sitting. As soon as the ride started, she could feel her own heart beating fast. When the ride got closer to her seat, Lia and William were both raising their hands, shouting. " God, how can they enjoy that?"

Both of them came towards Wish, after the ride had finished with the biggest smile on their faces. " Wish, you should have come!" Lia said and William joined, " yeah, it was really fascinating!"

Lia took double glance at William because of his wording. Rich people really talked differently.

" Umm, no thanks guys. I had enough fun just watching you." she quickly stood up, walking to the other side.

In that way, the two played few of the other rides while Wish sat at the bench everytime.

" How about we play something Wish can play too?" William asked and Lia agreed. " its okay guys! i am having enough fun really....." Wish gave a tight smile. She wasnt having fun at all. in fact she wanted to go back as fast as she could.

" The car bumping game!" Lia pointed at the game area and pulled her before she could say no. It was her first time playing it. Even though she was good in driving of course, why was she having so hard time controlling these toy cars? She struggled to drive it while both Lia and William were having the time of their lives. " I really suck at having fun, dont i?"

Wish's energy was almost drained after they finished the game. " How were you having fun? I felt like i was about to break my back when you guys bumped with me!"

Lia laughed listening to her boring sister, " Thats the fun part, sister!" Wish scowled at them, already having enough of this. Also, William was being anxious when they first entered and now he seemed to have forgotten how he didnt like being around normal people and having the time of his life! " Talk about dramatic. " she whispered to herself but she admitted it. He was loosening up like she had said and enjoying. It also warmed her heart how William and Lia had become comfortable with each other.

They decided to eat after two whole hours of rides and games. They were starving. " Hey can i have that hotdog?" Lia asked like a hungry puppy. " Go on. have whatever you want." William passed her the card and she hopped to the stalls excited.

" William, i could give her my card!" Wish said shocked. " You can loosen up for today." he repeated what she had said with a smirk. She just sighed loudly and sat next to him.

" How old is she? I never got to ask that."

" She is seventeen." Wish said looking at Lia ordering foods, " Sometimes.....i feel like she is really innocent for this world. It really worries me, how she will be able to take care of herself in the future."

William listened intently, " She might be innocent but she can understand really fast. I think that's really mature of her."

" Yeah, maybe because she grew up knowing father left us." she sighed, " Lisa and Lia are only a year apart and it makes me realise how your environment can affect your personalities."

William fell silent, still listening to her. " Actually, they do have one similarity though. Both of them likes that trendy band BT5. Do you know them?"

He shook his head, " Nope, never heard of them."

" Its kinda funny, dont you think?"

Right at the moment, Lia came carrying a tray full of foods and put at the table. " Thanks brother-in-law for the card. You are the best!"

Both of them froze, after hearing Lia. William coughed lightly, nodding without saying a word. They ate the foods, having small talks.

" By the way," William looked towards Wish, " when are you going to meet the mastermind."

She suddenly remembered the prize. Instead of being excited, she was nervous. Maybe it was because she had no idea, how this person was. The word mastermind itself sounded scary for her. "....tomorrow."

" Make sure you tell it to me." he jokingly said to which Wish rolled her eyes.

It was starting be dark and the sun was slowly setting. For the last event, they were going to ride in the big ferris wheel.

" I hate this already." Wish said holding the rails tightly and it hadnt even started yet. " Sis, you have to cheer up. This is the last ride."

The wheels started to move and she was frozen in her spot, while the other two observed the view amazed.

" CAN you STOP moving!!" Wish said to the two who were walking around the wheel now. The wheel finally reached the top, and it would stop there for a few minutes.

" Wish, you can stand now." William called, enjoying her reactions. She gulped and slowly walked at the windows. The wheel shook a little, which made Wish instantly grab William's arms scared, " noo!!"

William chuckled looking down at wish grabbing his arms tightly. Realising what she had done, she quickly let him go. William found it amusing so he jokingly shook the wheel again. She grabbed his arms again, slapping his chest, " STOP IT!!"

He laughed loudly and the wheel was back to moving again. Their last ride for the day ended as they walked back to the car.

" I want to come back again and ride that big roller coaster." Lia said getting inside. " hey, how many times should i say the doctor will-"

" Yeah yeah, i was just kidding..." Lia cut off her boring sister again.

When William was going to start the engine, both his and Wish's phone rang showing a message. The two shared a look and checked their phones together.

It was a group chat made by Caleb: this Monday, lets go to Michael's event!

Along with the three, there was another member too and it was.....Julie Wilson.
