Search p.2

"W-what?" Jake was confused. He didnt understand what she was trying to say. " Shabby neighbourhood? That means you or...?"

Wish silently stared at the boy, not knowing what to say.

" How am i supposed to believe this??" he scoffed. She was the daughter of Lennon manufactures, one of the top companies in the country.

" Its up to you....just dont say it to anyone."

Jake scrunched his brows, " What makes you think i wont say it to anyone?"

" Because i think you are a good person...."

His eyes widened a bit after hearing the girl. Without knowing, his heart was beating fast. Why would she say that to her kidnapper? " I am....not a good person."

" Yeah? who am i to say that when i talked to you for only few hours...." Wish sighed. She just kept spouting what was inside her head, not being able to keep it in. The situation must have took a toll on her mind. She might just go crazy any time soon.

" Anyways, what made you tell your secret....or lie?" Jake asked, trying to continue the conversation for some reason.

" I am sick of acting like these stupid rich people..." she said what was haunting her, " I figured if i was gonna lose everything, might just spill it someone."

He raised his brows, understanding a little. Was Wish Lennon not the real daughter? But in a way, he started feeling bad for her and somehow felt they were close already.

" But, please keep it a secret for now. Okay?"

Jake sighed, nodding his head.


"FATHER!!!" Lisa burst the door open to his office. " Wish has gone missing!"

" What??!" her father shot up from the chair, shock all over his face.

She had gotten the message from Lucas and immediately ran to father's office. She was worried sick, building her anxiety, " We must inform the police or just anyone.....Father hurry up!!"

" Lisa! calm down....." he tried to think of some plan, rubbing his forehead, " Dont call the police....."

" What do you mean??"

" We have to be careful for the media to not find out about it."

She scoffed irritated, " Is that what youre worried about??"

" Listen, Melissa...." he lowered his voice, " Who knows what the kidnapper's intention is? What if they try to kill her if the police gets involved? Also, the police are useless...."

Lisa's hand dropped from the door's handle, realising the situation. She had no idea what they were supposed to then. " Wish...." she mumbled, " Stay alive...."


William jerked his head from the couch, checking the time. It was almost afternoon so he quickly got out of Wish's apartment, driving the car. His hired men were all over the city on search. Once, he reached one of the spots, there were few of his men waiting.

" Did you find any lead??" he asked immediately, grabbing one of the tablets.

" Sorry to say sir but we couldnt find much information."

" What??! It has been 20 hours already, how is that possible???" William was losing his patience. These people used to track people within 5 hours but now they were having difficulty?

" We are suspecting they might not be from the city."

".....Lets start the search outside of the city. Now!" he assigned and all of them got ready to leave. Just as he was about to get in his car, a call stopped him.


" What?" he answered.

" I heard Wish went missing....did you find any leads?" Caleb spoke from the other line.

William sighed annoyed. How the hell did he find out already? " Not yet,....." he bit his lips before speaking again, ".....I know i might sound desperate but me find Wish."

".....Of course, you dont have to say it." Caleb replied, cutting the call.

" So, do they have any leads?" Ryan asked worried as him. They were outside the venue where there gig was gonna be held.

" No..." Caleb replied, sighing. He was thinking of anyone who might know about it. Suddenly, someone passed them carrying a keyboard. His eyes caught the thing being carried and different thoughts automatically clouded his mind. " Julie....." he whispered, remembering that Julie had declined the offer to participate in this gig. It was today.

" I think i have to go...." Caleb patted Ryan's back, and he nodded understandingly, " Goodluck bro!!"

Caleb waved back lightly, rushing out of the place.


Back in Julie's mansion, she carefully placed a cup of tea on the table. Her father hadnt noticed her presence so she tapped on his back, smiling wide, " Julie!! you are back. You didnt come home yesterday. Is my daughter doing fine??"

She did her sign language but her father looked back with difficulty. His memory had started to become worse and now he couldnt understand her sign language too. She tried to hide her sadness and just showed a thumbs up sign.

Her father nodded, spacing out. Julie tapped his shoulder again, signalling she would leave. " Again? where are you heading to?"

She had no other choice but to take out her phone and type on the notes, showing her father. Before, he could reply, she had rushed out of the room. Her father knew what she was upto but it was late to stop her now.


Caleb arrived at Julie's house after an hour or so. He asked the maids to take him to Mr.Wilson when they said Julie wasnt home.

The man was on his chair, spacing out, staring at nothing.

" Mr.Wilson!" Caleb called, taking his attention, " Where is Julie?"

He didnt reply, smiling sadly. " Its been so long since you visited, Caleb."

" Where is Julie, Mr.Wilson?"

Caleb left the mansion immediately, after not getting the answer. If she wasnt at home, where could she be? He tried to think of all places she visited often while he drove in full speed. " Ohh!...." a place clicked on his head as he turned his car, driving the opposite direction. " If she isnt there than i might have to give up..."

He stopped in a park nearby the elite rank residency. This was the park Julie used to visit often. This was also the park where they had their last farewell two years back. He looked around everywhere and saw an auburn hair among the trees, sitting at the bench.

Caleb sighed a relief, rushing there. " julie!"

The girl got startled hearing his voice, avoiding eye contact. After a brief silence, Caleb spoke, " What are you doing here?"

She didnt respond, still staring ahead at the setting sun. He gulped, trying his best to calm down. " Was it you?"

Julie froze, clasping the file on her hand tighter. Still not facing him, she signalled 'what'.

He was about to speak but the file caught his eyes. It wrote 'Lennon manufactures' in the front. " Julie, what is that file?"

She quickly tried to hide it but Caleb was quicker snatching it away from her. When she tried to grab it again, he pushed her down, " You have to let me see, Julie. Wish is important to me..."

The last sentence made her stop trying as anger and irritation build from inside. Everybody had replaced her with Wish and it hurt her a lot but all she could do was watch.

Caleb's eyes widened as he went through the files, turning the page aggressively. " Where did you find this, Julie?"

Julie still didnt respond, clasping her hands tightly.

" What....are you planning to do?"
