Found you

" Who are you?"

William dropped his hands by the side, watching the men rush in. They simply ignored him searching the whole warehouse. Was there somebody or something here? Was....Wish here? Maybe someone had sent their guards for the search too. Nobody mentioned him. Could it be Mr.lennon?

At the back of the warehouse, Jake was ready to fight them but it wouldnt be possible alone. As expected, the men found them in no time. They pushed aside the boxes which finally woke Wish up. She was terrified by the sudden commotion, trying to understand.

" Back off!!" Jake tried to punch them but one of them pulled him aggressively, twisting his arms and turning him backwards, choking in process.

William hearing other voices, rushed to the back side and his eyes landed on Wish. One of the man was untying her rope. " Wish!!!"

She looked up, surprised and happy. He hugged her instantly, relief washing his body. Wish was really in here, safe. Wish had never expected to be found this soon and seeing William infront really calmed her down. They continued hugging tightly for sometime, then let go smiling awkwardly.

" Was it difficult in here?" he asked with concern.

" I-" she was cut by one of those strange men, " Ms.lennon, can you come with us for a second?"

She turned back to William and the man then back to him, " Arent they...your guards??"

He shook his head, " No, i dont know who are these people..."

So, they werent William's guards. She went out of the warehouse, behind their car. The other men were waiting with Jake on their hold. She glanced at him worried. " Who sent you guys?"

" Madame Martha." the name he mentioned instantly widened her eyes, " H-how did you..."

" We were secretly doing follow ups of you and the day you got captured, our guards found it, leading us to knowing about this location."

Wish felt deceived and upset. They were just supposed to help her with ruining father's company then why did they need to follow her secretly? " Listen, im very thankful for Martha but i cant do this anymore. Tell her im out."

" You know you cant do it right, Ms.lennon." the man reminded her.

She sighed, pushing her hair back. It was going out of line, " Please, i beg you alright? I want to stop our contract."

" As Madame Martha had said, once you terminate the contract, your truth about past shall be revealed to the world."

Wish was well aware about this. That time, Martha had blackmailed her using the secret. At one point, she just wanted to leave no matter the consequence but then she remembered how she was finally rescued after losing her hopes. If she gave her secret away, would this fail her plan? Of course, it would right. Once, people found out that Wish was actually raised in a middle-class environment, they would all be shocked and hate her for lying. This was the only option for her now, even it meant invading her privacy.

" I assume you will stay with Madam Martha, " the man spoke, " Then attend the normal meeting tomorrow, strictly not missing."

The other men holding Jake, pushed him inside the car forcefully. Wish was back to reality, rushing to his side, " What will you do to him??!"

" He will be taken to the police station."

" But-"

" Wish!!" he called now inside the car, she stopped whatever she was trying to say and looked at the boy, " didnt i tell you to not lose hope?" he smiled sadly, " Keep that same attitude and go forward."

She gulped her dry throat, nodding along.

The car started his engine and he called one last time, " Jake!....My name is Jake." and with that the car drove away as the flying sand dust disturbed her vision, " Jake...." she slowly whispered. still staring at the car distancing more every second.

" Wish....who was he?" William had came by her side, listening half of their conversation.

" He...was my kidnapper." she noticed Jake's jacket was still hanging on her shoulders.

William gave a confused glance, shaking his head.

" William..." she turned to him because she had one more thing left to say, " Dont lose your temper with what i have to say, okay?"

He slowly nodded, feeling anxious.

"....It was Julie."

That name instantly boiled his blood as he gritted his teeth and made a fist with his hands, " I knew it!! I fucking knew it!!" he kicked the dust angrily.

" What do you mean...."

" Otherwise who would have known this place besides her?" he raised his hands towards the warehouse and dropped it back aggressively, " My hunch was right.....How could she do something so horrible?"

" Does this place have some thing with her?" she asked, curious and upset at the same time.

William gave a tired sigh, " A bad memory kind of."

Just at the moment, few cars came towards them. " Oh, my guards have arrived finally."

She noticed his guards were wearing a completely different type of suits than the previous ones. This must be their uniforms.

" Lets go back. You need to rest." he placed his hands on her shoulders, gently patting it. She was glad she could return back home but things might get a little hard from now on.


Julie was dropped outside one of the sidewalks and as soon as she stepped out, she pulled out her phone. There were over a hundred of messages from Jake and his members. When she called his number, another voice was heard, " Hello, this is the police station. The owner of this phone Mr.jake Wilson has been arrested. If you are his guardian, you can come visit him for the last time."

Her hands dropped from her ear, swinging loosely by the sides. Jake was really caught by the police. She had to be there as quick as possible.

The police station was pretty crowded as she pushed pass people, looking for Jake. Her eyes caught the spiky hair inside one of the rooms with thick windows.

" Excuse me maam, " a police officer tried to stop her but she pushed him, entering the room.

" Julie...." Jake said in a small voice. " Why did you come here?"

She couldnt believe her brother was going to be arrested. All because of her. He was doing so good in leading his gang which was probably going to be one of the most successful in next few years. But instead, he would be locked up in the prison for god knows how long.

She couldnt waste any more time and quickly did her sign language. The police officer could read it and raised his brows when he got the words, " You ordered him to capture Ms.lennon?"

Julie nodded, adding more of her signs.

" Im sorry, maam. We cannot let him go since he was one of the gang leaders who did big troubles but somehow got away. This is the only chance for us to capture him." the officer said.

Julie clasped her hands in a begging stance. " Julie, stop it...." Jake said with a tight throat, " Stop....i would be caught no matter stop it."

She ignored her brother, now on her knees. This made Jake sigh deeply, looking away.

" Maam, get up..." the officer said shocked, "....can you tell us why you wanted to kidnap Ms.lennon then?"

Julie didnt respond to his question, a little panicked.

" And also how can we believe if you are telling the truth?"

" Officer, take her outside. She is just lying." Jake added, having difficulty to look at his sister trying so desperately.

But Julie immediately stood up, taking out her phone and showing the officer, her sent messages as proof. It was enough to make them believe at the end of the night.


"Breaking news: With a thorough discussion within the police officers, Both Julia Wilson and Jake Wilson will be arrested on a kidnapping case. As the victim Wish Lennon was found in two days, Julia is only punished to be imprisoned for 6 months. As for Jake Wilson, he will be imprisoned for 5 years, with various charges of gang trouble and kidnappings. The news shocked the public but at the end of the day, they were thankful that Ms.Wish lennon was found safe...."
