
Chapter 10

"All the best people are crazy."

Melanie Martinez.

He's messing with me, he has to be!

Does he know it's me?

He can't know that, right?

I need to be reasonable.

'Valentina, huh? Do u like her?'

'Yh. She's a very good friend.'

"There goes the rest of my self esteem. Again," I think.

'Ur bound 2 know her,' Wyatt texts back. 'This is a small town after all.'

Hmmm. I decide to try something out.

'Oh. U mean Little Miss Fatty! Yh Ik her alright.'

The three dots bounce about the bottom left corner of my screen and I'm almost tempted to tell this guy to hurry up.

'I don't refer 2 her as that. And neither should u. Her name's Valentina and just bc she doesn't fit ur standards or anybody else's, doesn't mean u have 2 automatically dislike her. She's a great person. I'm honestly regretting comparing her 2 u.'

'U sure about that? I hear that she has a rlly hard time socialising.'

"Let's see how he reacts to this one," I giggle.

'She does.'


Frankly, that's not the answer I was expecting.

'But only bc ppl don't give her a chance.'

I smile, wishing I had never doubted him.

'So that means u like her, right?'

'Yh. As a friend.'

'Some friends wouldn't list half the qualities u just listed. If ur willing 2 compliment her that much, it's bc somethings going on.'

Waiting, I begin to wonder if I've done the correct thing. I know that this may be wrong but to an extent, this is turning out to be quite entertaining.

'Val is the only person who I feel I can properly talk 2,' Wyatt types back.

'So u like her?'

'What's the problem if I do?'

Wyatt is officially insane. He's a lunatic. A wild beast. A house on fire. That's why I want to add more fuel to his flame.

'R u rlly that committed?"

'There is no commitment, I'm just asking: what's the problem?"

'Do u rlly like her that much 2 want 2 deal with all the teasing?'

This question actually makes me nauseous. If he answers 'no', it'll be the end of me. I would rather end the friendship than find out he doesn't actually like me. So why am I doing this?

Well, I want to test him.

And because it's kinda entertaining.

'If I rlly wanted 2 pursue a relationship with her, then yes.'

Butterflies appear in my stomach and the same feeling of light, care free energy comes back to me, causing me to recall the day Wyatt said he liked me.

As a friend.

"Don't forget," I think. "He said 'if he wanted to pursue a relationship.' It's not definite."

'So u like her?' I repeat over text.


"Wow, he's using caps. Scary."

'U said that u think Valentina is the only person u can talk 2, right?"

I don't know why I''m continuing this but I want some time of confession. I want him to admit something. Though, I'm not sure what.


'So if u feel like that with her, doesn't that mean u have a connection?'

There is no response on the other end and when  I type back, I'm shocked.

Wyatt blocked me.