
Chapter 18

"Luck's a revolving door, you just need to know when it's your time to walk through."

Stan Lee.

Rubbing my hands together, I await for Wyatt's arrival. Today is a beautiful day, a day where the sky is a royal-blue and the sun is an acid-yellow. A day where the cherry-red flowers planted in front of gardens and the indigo petals gleaming from violets, capture your eyes attention, demanding your curiosity.

It's a day where it's absolutely quiet, there is no disruption, only the rustle of grass as the wind arches it and shapes it in any way it sees fit. Only the noise of droplets sliding off the tip of swamp-green leaves, hitting the soil. Only the sound of a turning newspaper, a slight chuckle, a light tapping against the pavement or a slight strumming against the middle of someone's thigh.

Today's a day where my parents busily entertain themselves in the kitchen, deeply indulged in their activities and duties. A day where I throw on my black tracksuit and trainers and haul myself down the stairs, trying not to see the downside in all of this.

Today's the day where Wyatt shows me if he's worth being my personal trainer.

I mess about with my raven-black hair, adjusting my glasses, applying a bit of lip gloss. Sure, I realise that Wyatt and I will be doing nothing which isn't associated with exercise. However, this does not prevent me from looking nice, right?

"Ewww, why do you always do this?" I think. "You always take a completely normal situation and make it awkward by trying to impress this guy who you've only known for a week!"

Shaking my head, I proceed to put on the bracelet Wyatt gave me. Each paint brush dangles on the silver chain, each paint brush dances as it shifts from side to side. The sketch book is at the centre of it all, two names, two artists, carved into this same charm, dividing the desire of wanting to fulfil the identical dream.

Observing the charm, I smile. He's given me a lot in a week, especially in terms of feelings.Butterflies appear to form all the time in my stomach and my head seems like it's floating on water. Wyatt's stood up for me, made me feel like I belong, offered me a good friendship and despite not agreeing with me, always helped me. 

The door bell rings, pulling me away from my thoughts. Grinning, I dart towards it, forgetting to acknowledge my parents with a 'good morning' as I do so.Sweating, I take a deep breath and open it to see the perfect boy in all his so-called 'glory.'

Black vest and sweatpants with trainers to match. Wet hair with loose curls at the top and a muscular yet lean body ready to spring into action. Perceptive eyes, carefree attitude. Relaxed, happy and overall, just content. He's here. Wyatt is here and complete.

"Ready?" He asks, tugging at his hair.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I sigh.

Laughing, Wyatt grabs my hands and places them in his whilst softly feeling my skin. Admiring them, he then begins to place them on his chest, looking me straight in the eye. Smirking, Wyatt declares:

"I, Wyatt Hunter, promise to make this experience fun, exciting and within your comfort zone. In addition to this, I also promise to stop whenever you feel uncomfortable and avoid any predicament which may cause you to become embarrassed. Understood?"

Giggling, I nod, stepping outside into the day that feels unexpectedly beautiful and mindlessly happy. Smiling at the perfect boy, I rid myself of doubts and present myself with the new possibility which lie ahead.