
Chapter 22

"Love is dead, so let's bury the body together."

Guy Bilzerian, 'Big Mouth.'

Laughter dies as it hits the air and the slate-grey clouds and sky seem to merge into one. Sadness is present in the royal-blue roses, which wither outside and the caramel-brown, bare less trees, which arch towards the dark, brown soil.

White planes soar as if they were doves,  hiding behind the clouds, only to emerge on the other side of the gigantic, fluffy piece of candy floss, drifting along the atmosphere. Craning my neck, I take note of the minor droplets of rain beginning to fall as a jet-black helicopter gradually travels through the air, capturing our attention whilst the sound of its silver rotor blades, resonate throughout the area.

All stare, preparing to comment upon the beast which approaches the uneven steps and large double doors. The crowd snickers at her misery, ready to pounce on their victim, the creature which lurks among them and has somehow managed to hope, despite being excluded and marginalised her whole life.

Little do they know, that the beast is already crawling back into its dark cave, finally acknowledging its place. The creature shields itself from the society which has caused her great melancholy and bestowed her nothing but rudeness. This beast, has been imparted with wisdom, yet no one is intrigued to view the qualities she may have. Each human runs, begging to not be associated with such an outcast.

The one week break is over. Meaning, that I am back at school, forced to deal with all the torment, which I previously and still currently, receive. It's okay though, I prefer to see it as my daily routine, something that is as normal as waking up in the morning or going to sleep at night. The point is, that my sadness is a regular reality and I can't prevent nor ignore the inevitable.

I will always be alone.

And Wyatt's silence is the living proof of that truth.

Clearly, it's awkward since we're next door neighbours but I still make an effort to interact with him. Texting him, waving at him from my bedroom window, greeting him every morning on the way to school. I do all this, and all I get is silence.

If I text him, he doesn't answer. If I wave at him from my bedroom window, he'll draw the curtains. If I greet him in the mornings, he'll walk faster and if he can't walk faster, he'll greet me back in a monotonous voice.

I'll always be alone.

Even if I did have one good thing in my life.

Of course, I'm persevering. Like I once said, the whole point of me coming to school is for me to learn, get a good job opportunity and eventually leave this town. I'll think of Wyatt as a mere distraction or sense of entertainment, from my actual target.

It was fun whilst it lasted, but now it's time to focus on what I need in life and not on what I want.