
Chapter 26

"Description begins in the writer's imagination, but should end in the readers."

Stephen King

Shocked, I rub my eyes. I have to confirm several times that my mind is not constructing the image in front of me by mistake. My lips turn pale as I feel the colour drain from my face. Skimming through the diverse set of possibilities, I can only surrender in defeat when I come to a blank, hitting a dead end. Fumbling with my hands, I take deep breaths, gulping down the rising bile in my throat.

Aside Mr Thunderman, he stands tall in all his glory, smirk imprinted on his full lips, his ocean-blue eyes dancing about in amusement as he tilts his head to one side. Looking around, I can infer that the rest of the class is also thrown off by his visit. The silence which has fallen upon us is deafening, bringing along the questions we hope to be answered.

He's wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with white trainers and a sky-blue, denim jacket. His midnight-purple bag is slung over his shoulder, one dark, green book in hand. Rolling his eyes, he chews on the piece of gum in his mouth, most likely waiting for the next orders of Mr Thunderman. Humming, Red taps his slim fingers against the teachers light, brown desk. Eventually, he stops, due to the fact that Sir shoots him a glare that words simply can't define.

"Red," I think, "what are you doing here?"

Murmuring and babbling bits of gossip, the class breaks out into chatter, uncertainty evident in each individual remark and retort, curiosity embroidered and laced within the words conversed. Flustered, I bite my nails, ready for the wanted explanation which is much needed. Most members of the class are so indulged in the drama, that they barely acknowledge how the scene is beginning to unravel right before their eyes.

"Quiet down!" Mr Thunderman bellows above the noise and in return, receives the attention of all students.

Now observing the seating plan, Sir then surprises us with his next set of words.

"I'd like to invite the whole of the back row to move up one space please," he demands.

Groaning, the back row comply, completing the task effectively as well as efficiently. You may be thinking that our other peers were witnessing this in confusion and they were, astonished as to why these sudden changes were being made.

Once we were done, I couldn't help but realise the empty desk next to me.

"Class, Reddman Scott will be attending these English lessons from today," Mr Thunderman announces. "I know you all must have questions to ask but please, this is a learning environment, therefore I'd like to inform you that it wouldn't be appropriate to engage in that sort of conversation here. Meaning, be quiet, do your work and save the drama for break time."

Students remain silent, obviously processing what's been said.

"Reddman," Mr Thunderman says, "you will be sitting in the back row, occupying the desk beside Valentina. If you have any concerns about the work, you are to go to her before questioning me. Is that clear?"

Red, turning around, runs a hand through his hair. Tossing his bag from his left to right shoulder whilst adjusting the grip on what I think is his exercise book, he saunters around the classroom, making his way towards his desk. As he does so, he subtly winks at me. However, the wink does not go unnoticed.

I can tell from the way Wyatt's jaw clenches.

When sitting down, Red initiates eye contact with Mr Thunderman, replying with:

"Crystal clear, Sir."

Clearing his throat, our teacher then resumes the lesson, allowing to us to whisper amongst ourselves.

I'm about to say hi, when Red beats me to it.

"Hey Blue, what's up?"

"Nothing much," I answer. "Listen, how are you back at school?"

"I got better," he responds casually.


"Yeah, everything's all right now so don't you worry," he smiles.

"It's hard to do that when I was the only one to see you in that...unfortunate state," I mumble, looking down.

Sighing, Red lifts my chin up so that I'm forced to look at him.

"Hey," he whispers, "I'm fine, your fine and most importantly, we are fine. There's no need to get all sad and stuff."


"Yes, really. I owe you, Blue."

"No, no you don't," I chuckle.

Pulling back, Red then says:

"I mean, what's the worst thing that can happen now?"

And that's when we receive an announcement over the speakers.