
Chapter 28

"A hundred bad days made a hundred good stories, a hundred good stories make me interesting at parties."


Stumbling, out of the auditorium, I can't help but feel quite immature. Clearly, I should have known that my actions would have consequences. Yet, I still helped Red, I still pulled the fire alarm because I was too much of a coward to confront those bullies myself.

How could I've been so stupid? How could I've gone through with that? Frankly, I've never been so belittled to the point where I start to question who I am but now, as students file out the double doors, commenting on what has just taken place and giving their useless inputs, I ask myself how I could have fallen so deep in this rabbit hole? How could I have indulged myself so profoundly that I forgot my morals? My values?

"But it's because of those morals, those values, that you knew you had to help Red. It's because of your principles, that you couldn't stand aside and leave him there," my inner voice says.

Upset, I sling by bag over my shoulder and decide to head to my secret place in order to draw. Sighing, I blink back the tears which threaten to spill, determined to stay strong and not let the pain dominate me. I need to persevere, even though I may be falling into greater despair.

"Blue, wait up!" Someone shouts.

Turning around, I come face to face with Red as he brings me into a massive hug.

"I'm so, so sorry," he whispers into my ear. "It's all because of me, it's all my fault."

"No," I mumble. "I agreed to help you."

Pulling away, Reddman's eyes widen, a momentary frown appearing on his face before shanking his head.

"I will support you," he declares. "I will choose to help and I don't care what anyone else says."

Blushing at his words, I turn my face away and smiling slightly. Becoming quite giddy, we giggle and grin as we walk side by side, my arm looped through his arm, his head occasionally resting against my head. The weird looks we receive bounce off of us as we stride with pride, forgetting all our current worries. His presence creates a light-hearted atmosphere, his attention a gratifying award. It's so calm and easy with him. Lovely.

"Hey, Valentina!"

Pausing in my tracks, I allow Red to look back and identify the person behind the shout. Of course, I am aware of who it is, but I to act oblivious, wanting not to appear excited as he sprints towards my destination in hopes to catch up with me. Keeping my head down, my skin buzzes as he taps my shoulder, the brief contact sending me over the edge.

"Val," Wyatt begins, "how...how are you?"

"Really?" I think. "Really, are you kidding me?"

I turn around.

"I've been better," I answer with a shrug.


Silence falls upon the three of us whilst Wyatt glances over at Red and I, evidently surprised by the position we are in. Gulping, he runs a hand along his face, trying to hide his clenched jaw. His eyes darken as he bites his lower lip, tilting his head before sighing.

"So... you two know each other?" He asks.

"Yes," Red responds, playing with my hair, "I know Blue."

"Blue?" Wyatt quizzes, raising an eyebrow and flaring his nostrils.

"Yeah," Red retorts, smirking. We're the best of buds, right Blue?"

Both patiently wait for my input, one tapping his foot against the ground expectantly, the other stroking my head and chuckling in amusement.

"Yeah, I know Red," I say confidently, making eye contact with him.

"Red?" Wyatt chokes out, eyes widening.

I nod, afraid to admit that I genuinely enjoy his confusion.

"Red and Blue," I laugh. "We sort of fit together, don't we?"

We watch as Wyatt fumbles with his hands, lowering his head and tugging at the roots of his dark, brown hair. Then, the once perfect boy puts on the most artificial smile I've ever seen and says:

"Yeah, you do!"

Shaking his head, Red approaches Wyatt, getting face to face with him as they eye each other up and down.

"Listen here," Red whispers, "I don't know why you think it's any of your business, but I personally think that you have no right, to show up and expect Valentina to give you a detailed account on who she hangs out with..."

"That's not what I'm doing," Wyatt interrupts. "I'm Val's friend."

"Really? I didn't think so, you barely even look at her, let alone, talk to her," Red states, wanting to provoke his opponent.

Wyatt's hands ball into a fist, his eyes wild and lips pulled into a frown.

"You don't know anything about our friendship."

"Oh, trust me, I know enough to make a fair and reasonable judgement that you, Wyatt Hunter, are like the rest of this town. You neglect Valentina, you toss her aside as if all the memories you have amount to nothing," Red spits.

"You're a liar," Wyatt accuses. "And don't ever use my good name for your silly disputes, for something you will never have."

At this, Red shoves Wyatt lightly, before getting all up in his face again.

"Who are you," he questions, "to say what I can and cannot have? You're not in any kind of relationship with her, you're not her boyfriend."

Wyatt bites his tongue, realising that there's nothing he can say in order to win.

"Let's go, Blue."

And with that, Red and I leave.