
Chapter 45

"Must be love on the brain, that's got me feeling this way."


Wyatt's P.O.V.

I thought that I could suppress the sentiments that amplified over time. That I could bottle up the emotions that intensified over the duration I've spent with you. Granted, this isn't the best coping mechanism, yet my communication skills aren't exactly the greatest. So I bit my tongue, anxious to not ruin what I could only describe as a fragile relationship between two humans, who were still learning to trust. Two humans, who had received the harshness of the world time and time again.

Raven-black hair, dark eyes, pale skin, muted-pink lips, navy-blue glasses and your admirable courage, kindness and determination. As if that already wasn't sufficient, you also possessed the ability to illustrate like no other and your impressive use of words.

As much as I'd payed attention to the exterior, you're interior was what personally fascinated me. I saw past the body and observed your soul, the soul that was shattered and needed mending. The soul whose burdens were weighing it down. Taking note of you, I decided that I wanted to pursue you. I liked you, is all you need to understand.

If this is coming off in a cheesy way, I apologise.

Although I'm still learning what it's like to have you in my day to day life, I'd say that I have managed to bring out the best in you. Cocky, I know but I never said I was selfless. I'm more like a fallen angel, whose rising temper and impatience, banished it from the narrow gates of the saved.




Frankly, not my type of thing.

Honestly, I'm just expressing how I feel and hoping you reciprocate those feelings.

Probability; that's what liking someone is.

Chance is the definition of all relationships because inside the door of a heart, what awaits ahead is inexplicable, undefinable and complex.

Such a shame we can't be more open with each other.

You don't know how angry I was to find his arms around you. How frustrated I was when I saw you smiling from ear to ear without a care. I'd seen that smile before, it was the same smile you'd shown me on our outing a while back.

You appeared so happy, my only thought was to intervene.

Nevertheless, when I did, I was slapped in the face with your next action.

As if the world had slowed down, you pulled out of your ink-black bag, a bag of chocolates. It was topped off with a classic, red ribbon and an origami rose. In cursive, Red's name was written on a label.

"Here Red, Happy Valentines' Day! Thank you for being a good friend."

Immediately, my body turned rigid and I had to bawl my fists to prevent hitting him. Taking deep breaths, I made an attempt to calm myself. Brows furrowed, jaws clenching and vision turning red. My body was experiencing these changes and I desperately tried to return my heavy heart to its original resting point.

In vain, I struggled, for the vexation seemed to be eating me alive and the need for your attention making me feel like an infant. In that moment, I swear he smirked at me. A smirk of triumph and victory. The triumph and victory I wished I possessed.

The excitement of gaining affection from the one you admire.

I admire you.

Upon seeing this, I departed from you guys, not wanting to convey any signs of weakness. What an awful thing but in retrospect, it was comprehensive due to what I had just witnessed. I know that you wanted to reach out to me, you wanted an explanation to the peculiar reaction. Truth be told, I would too if I were in your shoes.

As I mentioned before, my lack of communication skills is one of my several downsides.

I will never be what you want me to be. This isn't a novel, this isn't a romantic story about star-crossed lovers and passion. I won't write you a poem or serenade you or do any of that stuff that they do in the movies.

I'm a simplistic person, I prefer serenity and respect above all else.

And I think you do too.

You see, I'm juggling so much at once. Heather wanting to be apart of my life is taking a toil on me. Then there's my rivalry with Red and of course, what I feel for you. Evidently, this does not justify what I did but I...

I'm always at a lost for words when I'm with you.

The changes that you've made to my personality, really have made me reconsider my actions.

And then I go and make another mistake.

You're so accepting and generous. I appreciate what you do even though you think no one notices.

By the way, Serenity told me what you did for her and that only made me like you more.

I guess when I saw you in the secret place for the first time, I just found it interesting how you came to take refuge. I was there because I felt nervous about my first day at school.

And when ditching class, I discovered you.

I'm imperfect, just like the rest of humankind. I need practice to work on my faults and I need help to correct what went wrong along the way.

I regret a lot of things.

But I don't regret meeting you.

I admire you.