
Chapter 52

"Everything you say and do...it all sparkles so brightly. It's too blinding for me, and I end up closing my eyes. But I can't help aspiring to be like you."

Arima Kousei, "Your Lie In April."

Third Person P.O.V.

Leisurely, Serenity ambles through the P.E. department, dark-pink bag slung over her shoulder. Head bowed, she continues to stroll past the various offices, occasionally looking through the windows. In her disappointment, she only found pages scattered on a charcoal-grey desk and darkness falling upon the silent room. Her bleach-white trainers drag along the cobalt-blue floor and the anguish inside her heart enlarges as she glances beside her.

The entire sports hall gleams as if it were just cleaned, the equipment twinkling as if a streak of sunlight had poured through from outside. In the distance, Serenity could hear the frequent tick of a clock, which frankly only reminded her of the fate that awaited just round the corner.

Her platinum-blonde hair cascades upon her shoulders in ringlets whilst she desperately tries to abruptly blink back the tears, which well up in her hazel-eyes. Raising her head, a sudden boldness is struck deep inside the core of her being, and the initiative, the urge to take charge on behalf of the other girls, became much stronger than the fear that was conjured from her insecurities.

Staggering swiftly, she sighs, coming face to face with the pale-blue door of Coach Sanders' office. From the corner of her eye, she witnessed the devious mans type away at the jet-black computer, consumed in his paper work, yet evidently impatient. As each click resonates, Serenity struggles to maintain her composure.

Shaking her head and hands trembling, she turns the chestnut-brown doorknob.

Sky-blue eyes looking up from his computer screen, Sanders smirks as his gaze lands on the girl before him. Laying back with his hands behind his head, he then proceeds to put his feet up, displaying his black and white trainers. He gestures Serenity to sit down on the chair opposite his desk, secretly pleased that she was the first to show up.

He knew that he always had an obsession for the sixteen year old girl. He was aware of his affection for her and initially, he intended on keeping it a fact which should have never seen the light of day. However, when remembering that the poor thing was on a scholarship, Coach Sanders had the grande idea to use it to his advantage.

Successfully, Sanders manage to persuade Serenity to submit to his blackmail. Content with the result of his first victim, he decided that he'd try it again with any other women he fancied. Opportunity struck and when all the other girls were either on scholarships or in his class because of the credit they needed in order to graduate, he repeated his mischievous ways, unfortunately forcing fifteen other females to comply to his wishes and act in accordance of his orders.

Or else his threats, were to become reality.

Staring at the vulnerable women in front of him, Sanders couldn't help but cackle slightly, disbelieving how easily his plan had turned out. All sixteen students were in the palm of his hand and the books he meticulously created, had been distributed.

Sadly, the rest of them hadn't shown up on time.

"Maybe I can have a little fun," he thinks, sniggering.

Meanwhile, Serenity sat their in bewilderment, the severity of what she and Valentina had planned crashing down on her. But, despite the terror, she also had to accept that what this P.E. teacher was doing was inexcusable, unacceptable. Therefore, swallowing the bile rising in her throat, out little heroine mustered up the last remains of her courage.

"Why don't we go to the storage room?" She asks.

Crossing her legs as she twirls her hair, Serenity makes an attempt to look as innocent as possible. Pouting her cherry-red lips, she gazes up at the horrible man, which tortured her for way too long.

"We can't," Sanders replies reluctantly. "Miss Havisham is doing her weekly check of the faculty departments. This week is P.E., so I have to be here to show her that all the work is up to date and whatever," he sighs.

"Oh come on," Serenity groans.

"I know," he says, rolling his eyes. "It should be Mr Johnson doing this since he's the head of the department but we rotate weekly and it happens to be my day."

Standing to her feet, Serenity struts over to the Coach. When close enough, she bends down to whisper in his ear,

"If we're quick enough, she won't know..."

This causes the P.E. teacher's ears to perk up. His eyes widen in shock at such a proposal and the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

Recovering hastily, he clears his throat.

"I...guess we could," he giggles.

Smiling, Serenity's eyes wander, resting upon a light-brown box in the corner.

"What's that?" She quizzes.

Coach Sanders waves his hand dismissively.

"Miss Havisham's checking that box," he answers. "It contains a bunch of files that she's supposed to review for the school."

"The Headmistress is checking that box, eh?"

"Anyways," the Coach says, "shall we go?"

"Not yet," Serenity retorts. "I need to text my mum; I forgot to tell her about this detention."

Sighing, Sanders walks out the room, merely calling out a simple 'see you there' as he leaves.

Waiting for the footsteps to fade, Serenity looks at the box once again, clearly aware of what needed to be done.


Valentina's P.O.V.

"I hope everything's okay," I internally sigh.

Waiting nearby the pale-green doors where I found Serenity this morning, I lean against the beige wall, looking for any sign of Miss Havisham. Biting my nails, I make an attempt to reassure myself, certain that the plan is full proof. Occasionally, I fumble with my hands, a voice of doubt wanting to overcome my reasoning. A voice of fear, wanting to overtake my common sense.

I sent Wyatt a brief text stating that I was helping Serenity and that if she was comfortable, I could give him an explanation of the events this morning. My boyfriend understood perfectly, knowing that my intentions were pure and wishing me good luck on whatever I was doing.

He told me he loved me.

I told him I loved him too.

Suddenly, the loud tap of high heels grows louder as it approaches me. Recognising the sound, I pull out my sketch book, ready for my part of the plan. I flip to a random page and quickly manage to pull out a pencil.

"Hopefully it's her," I think.

My suspicions are correct, when I find the Headmistress herself looming over me, staring at the picture which I drew during my maths class.

"That's very beautiful," she says, expressing her admiration.

"Thank you, Miss," I reply, barely making eye contact.

"What are you doing her so late?" Miss Havisham asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh," I begin, uttering the lie that I rehearsed several times, "I was in a club that finished about fifteen minutes ago. However, I'm assuming all the ladies in reception have left because no one's here to let me out."

"Okay then," the Headmistress smiles. "I'll let you out then."

"No!" I exclaim, waving my hands around as panic surges through me. "I can't leave now."

Havisham tilts her head in confusion, her eyes filled with a certain amount of scepticism.

"Why not?" She questions.

"B-because," I stutter. "Because...because I need to speak to Mr Sanders! Yet I surmised that he was with you, since today is the day that you do your weekly check of the faculty departments."

"Right," she mutters. "And what can Mr Sanders possibly assist you in?"

"Sh!t," I think, mentally face palming myself. "Didn't think that one through, did I?"

"Coach Sanders has something to give me!" I answer. "Presumably some revision materials or..."

"Alright," Miss Havisham interrupts. "Shall we go see him?"

"We shall!" I retort, stuffing my possessions into my bag and zipping it closed.

Shaking her head and stifling her laughter, the Headmistress proceeds to amble up the stairs leading to the P.E. department. I trail close behind, following her as I pray for my friend.

The faculty doors swing open, and Miss Havisham saunters in her strawberry-red heels. Her tall, slim frame appears elegant in the silk, black dress and her hair is tied back into a tight bun. With confidence and an immense amount of self-assurance, she advances through the school with her head held high and a look of solemnity and importance within her eyes.

Heedful of my body language and actions, I try to disguise my anxiousness with a nonchalant demeanour.

Hastily, we arrive to Sanders office and Miss Havisham pushes the door open, a slight creak occurring.

Inside, there's no one to be found.

"Where is he?" The Headmistress questions. "Sanders is supposed to be here!"

Keeping my head down, I hide my burning face. I clasp my hands together, preventing the nervous fumbling which takes place when my nerves are out of control.

"Whose bag is this?" Havisham continues, holding a dark-pink backpack.

"It appears to be Serenity Hathaway's bag," I retaliate.

"Hmmm," she ponders, "I see."

Turning her head, the Headmistress spots a box sitting in the corner. Curiosity getting the best of her, she walks over to it, seemingly perplexed as to why it's here.

"Is there a problem?" I pry.

"Well," she responds, "Coach Sanders was meant to be here to show me this box. In short, it's a box containing all the files from the P.E. department, which I'm supposed to review."


"And," Havisham interjects, "I'm surprised because it's strange how this is here, yet Sanders is not."

Tearing it open, she looks inside, an abrupt gasp escaping her. Stumbling closer, I lean over her shoulder to get a better look.

And what we find brings a smile to my face.

I don't know how Serenity knew that someone would find this box. However, that isn't important.

What's important, is that someone found the box and opened it.

And upon opening it, Miss found the books which Coach Sanders had given to Serenity and the other girls.

Meaning, Miss Havisham had found a box containing the files she was going to review, as well as sixteen books containing Coach Sanders d!ck pics, photographs that proved he was stalking each one of of the girls, and illustrations that were just down-right wrong.

Skimming through the pages, the Headteachers stern face slowly contorts into an expression of complete mortification. Eyes widening, jaw dropping and a quiet 'oh my goodness' uttered at random intervals, she proceeded to view the books with such disgust and disappointment.

Finally, she stands up, her face hardening. Jaw clenched and fists bawled, Havisham shakes her head, most likely disbelieving what she has just witnessed.

"All these girls," she mumbles, "are they...they're..."

"They're being used, Miss Havisham," I explain. "All the girls, who Coach Sanders prepared those books for, are either on scholarships or in his class in order to graduate. He's taking advantage of them, Miss. He's taking advantage of their situation,"

A moment of silence appears between us and Miss Havisham sheds a single tear, her breathing become slightly heavy.

"You wanted me to see this, didn't you? You weren't at a club, you were waiting for me. You..."

I nod.

"You wanted me to see this, in order to help your friend," she whispers in realisation. "Miss Serenity Hathaway, correct?"

"She and the other girls, who are also in the palm of this cruel man's hand," I confirm.

Staring at me, she then smiles.

"You're a good person."


"Serenity!" I think. "I was supposed to lead the Headmistress down to the storage room ages ago!"

"Miss Havisham, come with me!" I exclaim, already grabbing her hand.

Dashing out the room, darting round corners, sprinting down the stairs to the point where we skip past several steps, I rush to the storage room, eager to get to my friend.

Ignoring the Headteachers' pleads and cries,

I focus on the task ahead, wanting to save my friend as soon as possible.

"Valentina!" Havisham screams. "Shouldn't we be investigating that strange yell for help?!"

"We are!" I shout, busting open the storage room door.

Revealing Coach Sanders, on top of Serenity...