Can't breathe, crushing weight

Ben was following in the footsteps of giants, knowing that lying on one's back in a film studio was a popular way of getting ahead in the media industry…

As his hands gripped the cold iron barbell, he got ready to bench press 250 lbs, almost twice his body weight. There were many people watching on, but not a single one of them expected him to succeed.

The only one who had any semblance of belief was Jacob, though even he was uncertain if Ben could accomplish the feat. Meanwhile, Owen showed an expression of contempt, waiting for the moment the barbell dropped so he could laugh at the arrogant kid who dared waste his time. Afterward, he'd make sure Ben would pay the price though, getting him tossed out from Hearth altogether. 

Big red glanced at the two corporate slaves standing at the ends of the barbell. "Hey! Make sure your hands are on that weight! When it falls, don't let it crush him like a bug!"