Writer's block and dodging c*ck

Ben set his hands on the typewriter, preparing to write the message he believed to be a lie, and then…nothing happened…

His fingers were on the keys, but he couldn't write... It was like he forgot what he wanted to say! Like his brain was in a fog! Like he had writer's block!

Yet, as soon as his hands left the keys, he remembered. 'That b*tch ain't a good wife!'

'She'd been married three times by 34! She married Kris Humphries for only 72 days!' Then, Ben looked at the typewriter... "This guy knows what I'm talking about."

Ben had no problem going on about this topic, so there was no way that earlier writer's block was normal. He believed it had to be an effect of the wholesome honesty policy of the typewriter.

Now, seeing how it worked, he decided to test the restriction further.

After a while of typing or failing to type various things…Ben understood the general principles.