What is value?

Inside the nightclub, Ben tried to ignore the dance music in the background, as he pondered over an issue that was troubling him. 'The system said I failed the value test because the target's value was too high relative to mine. What did she mean by that?'

Then, looking at his more experienced friends next to him, he realized he might be able to get some advice. "Beluga, I think I understood the usefulness of confidence, but when I opened that girl, I got the impression she thought my value was too low, but what is value exactly?"

Beluga looked at him as he crossed his arms in his purple suit and responded in his deep voice. "Ah, I see... Benjamin, it's like this. When you approach a female who outclasses you too much in looks or other desirable traits, value comes into play. Do you remember when we first started picking up women together, I explained that when a man makes an approach, he has a baseline from where the female's attraction starts off?"