Fingered by fate


While staring at Willy as he morphed from an ominous black ball to a circular wheel, Ben was standing in a Crane Kick stance...

He had sweat on his forehead, not having realized how challenging it was to balance himself using this technique. However, he couldn't use Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on a gargantuan sausage snake, so he figured he might as well Karate Kid the thing...

After all, at least going by canon, the Crane Kick would be effective against Cobra Kock…

It didn't matter if the move blatantly violated the rules either… Hundreds of people in attendance would ignore that without argument and award Ben the fight… Besides, this wasn't a karate tournament. This was his bedroom.

In any case, on this occasion, Willy had been well-behaved, leading to Ben not having to unleash his wrath on the world through a bunch of failed sequels and remakes…only finding his way in a budget YouTube sequel series decades later.