Doorway to the future

As Nick glared menacingly at Ben who was grappling in the last semi-final match of the purple belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament, the eye-candy himself wasn't having as good of a time. His opponent was a tough one. In truth, Ben hoped to challenge himself by not using his soul attacks, pushing his techniques to the limit as he honed his skills. That was until he remembered he was the MC. 'F*ck it! Gold-finger!'

When did MCs ever have to hold back from using their world-breaking abilities? Ben wasn't trying to insult his fans by getting too creative…

He glanced at his opponent. "Hey bro, I bet when you brush your teeth, you hold the toothbrush still and shake your head like this." Ben shook his head side to side at rapid speed.

"Wha— Huh?" The opponent blinked as his thoughts became cloudy.

"You look confused, boy…" Ben continued the onslaught.

The opponent didn't know how to respond.