Cry of Hell

The conclusion of what they see is the devastation of land where the arrows hit the land and laid waste. Fragments of once a human and beast can be seen.

"All men be calm! Give out assurance to the people inside that everything is fine" The captain shouts in attention for them to retain order.

"Sir, yes sir!" The militia answers

"Bring a carriage to burn the dead. We do not want creepers coming in this place!" calling to a person in standby.

The dead are brought outside to be burned with a pile of wood underneath.


"Sir target eliminated" Alex reply

"OK, let's rest for now. My sister will come here in any second" going back to his home. Chris reminiscence all of what happens and make further plans for what could come.

Resting his chin on his right hand "This world is more dangerous than I thought. It is not like the stories of old or the novels wherein the main character just smite all his enemies and be powerful" realizing the weight that comes with power. He releases a sigh to relax from to much worry.

"Bang!" the door opens in a hurry as if someone's coming in great tension.

"Chis are you all right!" His older sister shouts in a high pitch voice. Not hearing any answer from the silence.

"Chris! Are you in there? Answer me or I will throw at you a bucket of cold water!" Moving towards the bedroom of his brother.

She sees him in deep contemplation of life as if not hearing her sound of worry. "Hey! Why are you not answering my call!

Rushing with anger in her voice. Chris notices the person in his direction and a face that will punish manifest.

"Sister… forgi" his words cut out and only feel the hug of his protective older sister.

"Why are you not answering me. I thought something happens after those explosions" crying in tears his sister embrace him full of concern.

"I am sorry. I am just preoccupied with my thought of what happened" caressing her back in the comfort of his crying sister.

"You must always answer me when I am calling" releasing herself from this bond. She faces him "You are only what is left of our family"

Chris remembers that his parents died after the great pandemonium. The marching monsters that bring hell to this world. They call it the existential war. He recalls his parents defending them from the Gedoa a creature made of half monster and human. The tentacles in its body penetrate the very heart of his love ones, tearing it apart and eating right Infront of their eyes. Only the sound of helplessness and worry can be seen in his parent's faces.

They thought their end is near, closing both their eyes as they hold to each other. To at least make it seem not painful, only for that day a person in red beard and hair comes with an axe on his shoulder, uncaring of the monster's strength.

Chris's consciousness comes back and he holds the very arm that faces him" Do not worry, non in this world will hurt you and me" He stares in her eyes" I will make this world my own".

Anna sees his eyes burning with passion. The first in her life to see him like this after all those years they live together.

She flicks his forehead "What are you stupid. Conquering the world" separating herself from Chris. She walks outside his bedroom and looks back at him "Wash yourself, I have boar meat freshly caught"

Leaving him alone in this awkward silence" What the heck did I say! Its embarrassing likes some kid who believes being the hero of justice is the right path" slapping his face. He prepares for lunch.

Never knowing his sister laugh at his comical attitude.


As the world turns to darkness and light being swallow by the stars of the night.

Here is Chris finding a way to gain Energy Crystals "Alex, how can I find this Energy Crystals?"

"Sir, you can have it by hunting monsters of the variety that have cores. They are beasts that can wield energy and have strong vitality. They're also the alternative of plants that have the same trait"

"hmmm. So, it is possible to build some towers outside the village?"

"Yes, as long as it within the area of control of the core tower and beyond that, it is not possible"

Understanding the reason for the core tower and where he can get energy crystals. "Correct me if I am wrong. If I can kill a monster within the area of responsibility then you can automatically store the Energy Crystals

"Yes, Sir, it is very smart of you. It is possible since the area the tower is built can influence the place"

"Nice Alex! Then you have taken the energy crystal from the beast"

"Yes, sir I have stored before others will have the same thought"

"Thank you, Alex" Checking the interface. He sees the plus 100 in his data of Energy Crystals.

"Alex how many can a mutant beast can give?"

"Starting from Level 5 it can have as much as 100 EC then for every level upward it is plus 50"

Nodding in Alex's reply he rests for this day as he prepares for what to come tomorrow. In his sleep the world outside is silent and only the buzzing of some insects larger than its former one can be heard.

A monster growling from its pain as if giving birth. The roars of beast flow in this very cave their cry praising something beyond the horizon. Waiting for the arrival of the monster that would lead them.

The last shout of pain burst and then fall silent.

"It is our time to avenge the fallen and destroy the wickedness of men. Let us prepare for the Festivity of Blood!" The roar of the innumerable beast cries out.