James 'Logan' Howlett

[1 month later]

As expected, Betty didn't take the offer right away. I had to hire a few more well-known assassins to ensure her. 

"Don't worry, bone-claws. I will release you pretty soon and in all honesty, you will thank me after I do. Because you will have one less enemy to worry about... and a person to care about." He frowned.

"I don't know what games you are playing, Bub. But the moment I am free. I will gut you out." He tried breaking the chains but unfortunately for him… they were made from special alloys which are nigh-indestructible. Unless you use metals like Vibranium and Adamantium.

"Heh, I am freeing you after a few hours. And let's see if you still think about killing me after the news that I will give you." I took a few more milliliters of his blood into a test tube.

"You know… I don't like killing. But I had to kill a few. Because if I didn't, they would have killed me and maybe even destroyed the world." I said looking towards 'four' certain test tubes.

"What do you mean." He was not throwing a tantrum today, which was surprising.

"Let's just say, they were like ticking time bombs. No one knew when they would explode. So I had to cut the wires before the timer could reach zero." 

He didn't understand what I said and it was understandable. What I did would ensure the survival of humans and mutants for a few more years.

Unless some weird versions come from another alternate reality and fuck up my plans.

*Ring* *Ring*

Just in time.

"Jester here~" Don't judge, need to maintain my fucked up persona. "Ah, Betty. I was just talking about the mission." 

Her answer made me smile. 

"Bring him.. Err- his body here." 


"We have good news and good news. Which one would you like to hear first?" This made him raise an eyebrow.

"So tell me, James. Which one."

He sighed. "I don't know what you mean, Bub. But give me the good news."

"The good news is that one of your enemies is dead." 

"Which one?" He frowned.

"Patience my friend, patience. His body will soon be before you. Now, do you want to hear the good news?"

"Spew it." He was angry alright. 

"It's about your family-"

The moment I said family he almost went mad with rage. His bone claws poking out of his fists and if not for the chains… I would have been in pieces.

"Calm down, bone-claws. It's good news, I promise. And you will thank me after this, I can guarantee it." I was calm despite the angry wolverine staring daggers at me.

[Moments Later]

*Knock* *Knock* 

"Come in, sweetheart." The door opened at my answer revealing a beautiful tall blonde woman and three masked men behind her.

"The mission was a success." The smile on her face was more than enough to show how happy she was. "It was difficult but not impossible, especially with the help of the vaccine you gave us."

The three men who were standing behind her… threw the face-covered body near my feet.

"Thank you, sweetie. Now you may leave, I will deal with him from here." Betty nods before going out of the room with the three men following behind her. 

She won't be going back to the association for now… Since I have a few more tasks for her. So she most probably went back to her hotel room.

Turning around I see the ever-frowning Wolverine looking at the limp body of the masked man.

"Victor." He mumbled.

He already knows that Victor is still 'alive' somehow... because of his senses.

"Oops! I forgot that you could identify a person through his smell." Actually... I didn't forget. But man... maintaining this persona is extremely difficult.

If this was the MCU both Victor and James should have been fighting alongside one another and not against each other. 

Which is another reason to believe that this is a fucked up version of Marvel.

Taking a knife in my hand, I tear away Sabertooth's face mask revealing his rough facial features. 

"Why do you have Victor?" Howlett's eyes were fixed on Victor. "You had him capture me. So why did you betray him?"

"Pretty simple. If I didn't kill him, he would have killed you. And I don't want that." I dragged Victor's body towards one of the operating tables and strapped him with the same chains that I used on Wolverine.

I took a syringe and filled it with a solution that I personally developed.

"You drilled opened my skull." His expression was hilarious. "And you say that you don't want me dead?" 

"Yes, because you are very important for my future plans." I pushed the needle of the syringe onto the back of his neck and he didn't even flinch.

"What are you going to do with him?" 

"Kill him." He remained silent. 

"I will give you an option, James." He looked at me. "I will let you kill him."

James was frozen in his place. "What?" 

"Victor is your half-brother… but he destroyed that relationship when he killed the people you cared about. So I will give you the opportunity to kill him yourself." 

I slowly removed the chains that had him bound. The moment the chains were removed he fell down. 

"What did you do?"

"The drug that I injected in your body prevents the X-genes in your body from providing you with any of your powers. For the next 24-hours, you are nothing more than a normal human… no… a bit weaker than them. Since the dose was quite heavy." 

He was barely able to stand up, which I found impressive on its own. No other mutant would have been able to stand up after such a heavy dose but Wolverine is not a normal mutant. Despite being a beta-level mutant, he can still go toe-to-toe with most alpha-level mutants.

"He is unconscious and chained, you can easily kill him." I threw a knife towards him. "Kill him."

Is giving him a knife dangerous? Yes. Can I stop him if he tries to attack me? Of course!

I would never give a knife to someone as dangerous as the Wolverine without any safety measures.

He stared at me and then at Victor. "What's the catch, Bub?" 

I smirked. "Nothing much. But think of it as a test." 

He contemplated for a while before walking towards Victor with the knife. "A knife won't be enough to kill him. His wounds will heal very easily."

"True. But similar to you, I have injected him with the same formula which made his X-genes useless for 24 hours. So a knife is enough to kill the big fella."

James brings the knife near Victor and then drags it against his neck, slowly drawing blood from him.

He increased the force a little, shoving the knife inside his skin. 






But he suddenly stopped and threw away his knife. This riposte made me raise an eyebrow. 

"I can't do it." His answer made me frown a little… but I did expect that response. 

"Any reason for that?"

"He and I grew up together. He saved me countless times, helped me fight my enemies… we even fought alongside one another during the first world war." He then clenched his fists. "But soon he turned violent and more vicious… like a wild animal. He killed the people I loved and cared about. But maybe that was because of his mutant powers? I don't know. So despite him killing the ones I cared about, he is still my brother… the man who was there for me in my younger days."

My face was emotionless. This was Wolverine, the mutant who butchered the murderers of his wife, and yet he is unwilling to kill Sabertooth?

"*Sigh* That's why despite your past, Charles trusted you." I mumbled, which he didn't hear because his senses were in a weakened state. 

"Very well, James Howlett. You have done your part now it's my turn." 

The moment he turned towards me, I stabbed him with another syringe. 

"YOU!" He yelled but fell unconscious directly afterward. 

"*Sigh* Don't worry bone-claws. But you will thank me after this." 


The moment I clapped, two men clad in black clothing appeared behind me. 

"Leave him where I told you." Both of them vanished with the unconscious body of Wolverine. "As compensation for providing me with materials. I will make sure that you don't get captured for the adamantium project." 

And before his unconscious body was taken away, I secretly slipped a piece of paper in one of his pockets.

I turned towards the motionless body of Victor Creed. "Now, all that's left is to take care of you." I mumbled before slowly removing my mask.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 

"That was a very interesting show, Mr. Hanley." The voice made me flinch a little.

But when I turned around a smile appeared on my face, as the person standing in front of the doorway was one of the biggest mutant geniuses to be ever born. The man that orchestrated most of the X-Men plot from the shadows.

"I am glad that you enjoyed it… Mr. Essex."


[A/N: Marcellus never acts without planning ten steps ahead... Even when dealing with Victor and James he had countless safety measures installed around him. The entire room was specifically designed to protect him if something went wrong. And to all the Wolverine fanboys out there....

Should I give him the Adamantium?

and finally...

Mr. Sinister makes an appearance!

I wonder what Marcellus has planned for him???

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