The Murder

"So where are we going to look for my father?" 

"At his house, and if he is not there, we will go to his office." I nodded at the suggestion.

The place was ghastly silent. Not even guards, maids, or butlers were present within the mansion compound.

"This is weird." 

"Yeah, no shit." I guess even Marcellus can be vulgar at times. "This feels like a haunted mansion." 

"I would like it if you didn't refer to my dad's mansion in such a way." He shook his head.

"Don't get me wrong. A few years ago, I wouldn't even dream of walking inside such a beautiful compound. But that doesn't change the fact that this silence is quite suspicious." True. I have never seen this place so… deserted.

I am worried.

"When was the last time that you contacted Jacob?" 

"Last night." And he was supposed to be at my house for breakfast.

"This place is way too suspicious. We should hurry." I nodded and both of us rushed towards the mansion.

It's locked? 

"The door's locked." 

He sighed. "We don't have time, Sebastian. Break it." 

I nodded and kicked the door with full force. Yet it didn't budge.

"Looks like your powers are temporary." He walked closer and stood before the door. Clenching his fists, he smashed the door with full force. "There… let's go." I nodded and both of us dashed inside.

The moment I entered the mansion, my blood ran cold as my face was drained of blood. 

"W-What H-happened here?!?!" My voice came as a stutter.

"A massacre… We don't have time for this, let's go and find your father." He didn't seem concerned by the dead bodies of the maids and butlers.

Some of them were there for me when I was growing up. And looking at the gruesome scene… made my heart ache.

"We can't waste time, Sebastian!" He is right. I need to find father, I cannot let him be harmed.

But somewhere in my heart… I had this very ugly thought.

No, I shouldn't think about it.

We rushed inside the hallway but found nothing. Neither in the bedroom or kitchen.

"That leaves his office and the bathroom." He said. "You go to the office and I will check the bathroom."

I walked to the office. And the moment I reached the door, my heart stopped. 

Blood. There was blood on the floor and I would like to believe that it's not his.

"D-Dad? Are you in there?" No response. My heart sank deeper into the darkness yet I didn't break-down.

I slowly opened the door. "I am coming in." I said as I opened the door.

The moment that door was opened, was the moment I felt my heart cracking, my vision blurring, and my rage going out of control. 

"DAD!" The mansion shook from my outburst.

My father was dead. Stabbed through the heart by multiple spears.

"AAAHHHH!" My rage was going out of control and I felt my sanity being lost.







"M-Marcellus?" The emerald-eyed man sighed as he stabbed me with a syringe. 

"Don't worry. It's to stop your powers from running amok." True… because I couldn't access my powers. 

His face morphed into sadness. "Forgive me for not being here on time… but I had to fight those mercenaries as well." 

He was attacked by them? Of course, he was! He is a mutant!

"Forgive me, my friend. For not being able to save your father." He clenched his fists with his anger visible on his face. "They will pay… pay for going against us mutants."

He suddenly looked at me. "We need to get you to safety… now!" 

"W-What… why?"

"They will come after you once they know that the assassination failed." He said in a rush.

"I don't care!" Not after what they did. "They murdered my father, nearly killed my wife… what makes you think that I will let them get away so easily?!?"

He sighed. "We won't. But you are weak at the moment… we are not prepared."

"What do you mea-" 

"Shuush!" He frowned. "You have no idea what will happen if the Sentinels come for us. We won't stand a chance, we will be slaughtered like pigs."

"Then what do you suggest we do." My father's body was laying on the ground with a dozen spears poking out of his body.

"We need to fall back… for now." He turned serious. "You need to get your fiancée to somewhere safe. They might go after her."


"I will take Jacob, you take a car from the garage." He said and I nodded. I cannot lose another person that I love.



Poor Sebastian. Lost his father, nearly lost his fiancée… and almost lost his own life.

Oh, well. At least the plans are moving forward, just perfectly. 

I walked towards the dead body of Jacob. 

Sorry man. But I couldn't let you stay alive, in the original timeline you turned out quite evil before being killed. So I had to remove you from the chessboard.

Hilarious that Paris and Edward thought that those weak mercenaries could kill someone of Jacob's caliber. So, I had to kill those mercenaries and send my own.

Oh, I indeed sent my own mercenaries.

The mercenaries sent by Edward to kill Jacob and Lourdes were killed by me. Then I sent my own mercenaries against Sebastian… Of course, those mercenaries were mere puppets.

As for Jacob. "Good job, boys."

Three shadows appeared in front of me. "It's our job, Elder." 

Yes, it was the ninjas. My trusted subordinates, the ones I personally 'modified.'

They vanished as I flicked my hand.

"Now, I need to get this body back. Sebastian must be already at the garage." 

[Later at Sebastian's mansion]

Jacob's body was placed on a bed with Sebastian sitting on a chair in front of the bed… staring at the corpse of his father.

"S-Seb. You should take some rest." Lourdes said in a weak voice. She was still not back to perfect health.

The wounds were healed but she had lost too much blood, so it will take some time for the weakness to go away.

"No, I am fine. You should be the one to be resting." His pained smile made Lourdes tear up.

"You two need to move." This drew both of their attention towards me.

"But where? I have some places that I can hide, but if what you said is true… then even those places are not safe against the Sentinels." I nodded.

"True. But I have a place that can keep you two temporarily safe. I will deal with them." Sebastian frowned when I said that.

"I know what you are thinking, Sebastian. But if you go against them, you will die. Let me handle this." He wasn't convinced.

"They killed 'my' father. 'I' should be the one to deal with them." 

"*Sigh* Look, nothing good will come if we two keep arguing. I have my ways, I will handle them before they could contact the Sentinels." His frown deepened, which made me sigh.

"You want revenge." He nodded. "I will let you have it." This surprised him.

"I will bring Edward to you, you can kill him with your own hands. But till I capture them… I want you to just stay safe."

He had a confused expression. "Why do you care? We are not even related… what will you gain from all of this?"

Your loyalty, the Hellfire Club… and a lot of other shit.

"Nothing… absolutely nothing, in terms of profit." He looked at me. "But I will gain satisfaction. The satisfaction of taking down the ones that were trying to kill our kind, satisfaction of protecting a fellow mutant… And preventing the Sentinels from coming."

I don't give a shit about mutants or him… but the last thing that I said was true. I don't want those crazy powerful Sentinels against me.

"I want you to trust me just this once. And I promise that I will bring Edward to you." Edward is an idiot, he won't be much of a problem. 

As for Paris, I have my ways.

He contemplated the proposition for quite a while. "Alright. As long as you can bring Edward to me, I will follow you."



[A/N: How the hell did this even work? How? Because a vulnerable person is the easiest to manipulate. Even the most brilliant humans can be manipulated easily under such circumstances... And by the time that they figure this out, it's already too late.

How do I know this? Maybe, I have been in such a position... who knows?

Anyways, FUN FACTS!

•Contrary to popular belief, it was not Thanos who cursed Deadpool... Well, at least not directly. He did this through another guy (Deadpool's arch-nemesis/rival) T-Ray. So... In a way, Thanos didn't curse Deadpool... but he did it as well.

•In one of the Marvel Universe(Earth 8101) everyone is an ape or at least related to it somehow... and I don't mean in the form of humans.

•The timeline where Spidy was successful in marrying MJ... was erased by Mephisto. Which was the deal that Peter made with him in order to bring Aunt May back to life. He had to sacrifice his marriage to save Aunt May. Big Oof!

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