Mood Swings

[[Unknown Location]]

"He is too dangerous to be kept alive." A red-clothed man said.

"He is growing stronger extremely fast, and it might cause problems in the future for us if we don't deal with him now." Said a black-haired woman with a white mask.

"We should kill him before he gets any stronger." Came the reply of another beautiful black-haired woman. 

Everyone agreed to this suggestion.

"And it's not like we can't bring him to our side once he is dead. Death is just a tool for us." What they didn't know was that 'Death' was getting annoyed by their actions. And soon, they might suffer her wrath.

"So, it's decided." The red-clothed man said. "We will kill him." 

All of them nodded. 

The man turned to look at one of their mercenaries. "You know what to do, Bullseye." 

Bullseye nodded. "Yes, I do." He raised his arm. "For the Hand!"

"For the Hand!"

"For the Hand"

"For the Hand!"

Marcellus Hanley was now under the watch of the Hand.


"Genetics is far more complex than I thought it would be." I said looking at the multiple blood-filled tubes.

I cannot involve Sinister in every one of my genetics projects. Some of these blood samples are extremely precious. They contain powers... unimaginable. 

But what I noticed while studying these samples was that the stronger the mutant, the more difficult it is to clone his or her powers.

Powers and abilities of beta level mutants are extremely easy to replicate.

Another thing that I need to obtain is weapons. But the ones that I want are near impossible to find… So my best bet is to make my own.

Which is possible. How you may ask?

Well, for starters… I found the Savage Lands!

I don't even want to start on the amount of effort it took. But the end result is all that matters. I found it, and that's it.

But as far as I remember, it won't be easy as the entire place is filled with prehistoric creatures. So finding anti-metal will be a pain.

Now, anti-metal works in the exact opposite way of vibranium. Which means that it can shatter the bonds of any metal that it comes in contact with. It's the perfect material for a weapon.

Placing the tubes on the table, I walked towards the phone.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Johnny? Tell the Slovakian guys that I will have to postpone the meeting. I need to visit Antarctica next week." He was surprised.

"Why? Well, it doesn't matter. I have my reasons. Fix the meeting on a later date."


I should better be prepared to fight some dinosaurs.


"You want me to slow down the pace of my projects?" Peggy was not very happy, but I need to do this.

"Don't worry. It will take one month at max. After that, I will personally join the S.H.I.E.L.D initiative." I need to clean those pesky HYDRA fleas within this month.

And I definitely need to destroy the monolith. Hydra is extremely weak right now. The disappearance of Skull has caused a lot of panic within HYDRA and the next ones who have the capabilities of a leader are very young in the current time. 

So, this is the best time to get rid of them. But my main reason for increasing the pace is… 

'I don't want to deal with Hive.' That octopus-face is not someone that I want to deal with. 

"At least, tell me the reason." She was stubborn. And she did have the right to know. "*Sigh* Listen carefully and do not let anyone know about this." 

I looked around the room. "This is a very serious topic." 

She looked around. "Then we should go to the meeting room. It's not safe here." I shook my head.

"No, Peggy… Listen." I went closer to her. "We have spies here." Her eyes widened. "Don't freak out. I can deal with them, but I need time… one month and I will make sure that S.H.I.E.L.D is free of every problem." I whispered in her ear.

"This is not a small problem, Marcel!" She nearly shouted but then lowered her voice. "We have to let the higher-ups know about this. This is an extremely delicate situation… We cannot do this on our own." 

"*Sigh* Listen, Peggy… we can't let them know. For all we know, even the higher-ups might be a part of this. We cannot risk it." I stared into her eyes. "I want you to trust me on this… Just this once." 

She was hesitant. "Not unless you let me join in this mission." 

"No." I instantly rejected the proposal. "I need you here, in the headquarters. I want you to keep an eye on everyone including our higher-ups." 

She was not going to agree so easily… I knew it. 

"But it's not as simple as you think, Marcel. If we were bugged, you going alone will be extremely risky." Women are so difficult to handle. "You should take me with you." 

Well, she isn't known as Agent Carter for nothing.

"Peggy, please… just this once… Let me handle it." This is the first time that I 'begged' her… And it will also be the last one.

She didn't want to agree. 

"One chance. If I screw up, you are free to join." She looked into my eyes.

"Just this once. And if you find it dangerous, you will retreat immediately." 

I smiled. "I will."

She sighed and shook her head. "Just be safe." She is a good woman. 

"I will." I said genuinely. This is HYDRA that I am dealing with, if I am not careful, I will die.

"Before I forget to ask, are you going to the party that's on 17th?" Ah, yes. The party.

Apparently, this party is quite a big deal. Many famous celebrities will be present and I got a direct invitation from the host. So, it will be quite rude to turn it down.

"Yeah, I am going." But then I remembered something. "So, who are you going with?" You need a partner for this party… and I don't have one.

"No one." I raised an eyebrow. 

"What do you mean? Didn't anyone ask you out yet?" That's weird. Peggy is very popular so it makes no sense to me.

"No… So, I was thinking if I could go with you." Well…

"I don't have a partner either. So that works. I would love to be your partner." This put a smile on her face. 

"Then, I will see you later… partner~" 

*Chuckle* Women. Their mood swings faster than a chameleon changes its color.