The Enhanced Bub part 2

Sitting on a chair, I kept an eye on the unconscious man that laid over a puddle of sweat and blood.

James writhed like a worm in pain after being injected with the serum. And surprisingly, it took him longer to get used to the serum than the anti-metal. He has been laying there for over two hours now but the good thing is that his vitals are perfectly stable. 

Another twenty minutes passed before his body started making movements again. 


He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. 

The light was most likely hurting his head but the serum and anti-metal worked and that's all I care about.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." 

My voice drew his attention towards me. Groaning again, he smacked his head.

"Did it work?" He asked.

"Perfectly." My answer made him sigh in relief. "You are almost ready now. All you need is getting used to your new powers." 

A smile appeared on my face. "Do you know any instructors that can help you train? Or do you want me to step in?"

He shook his head. "You don't have to. I know one."

A little bit of suspicion emerged in my mind. 

"James… Have you regained all your memories?" I asked as he flinched. "I thought so."

James' past was tragic and it was something that I cannot help him with. 

Looking at his expression, I sighed. 

"Look, James… I cannot help you with it. It's something that you have to deal with on your own. And without dealing with it… you cannot move on." I said. "It's all up to you."

He sighed and nodded. 

His past was something that I strictly didn't want to involve myself in. It was a tale of lost love and blood.

Both of which are never good.

"I should leave." He said and I shook my head. 

"No, there are still a few tests that I need to run. You will have to wait for a while."

He looked unsure but agreed in the end.

[[Joel Argent]]

Success comes in various forms— wealth, popularity and above all… happiness.

I had the former two but the last one… I didn't.

Marcel's friendship and my parents' memories were the only happy things in my life.

Even romance wasn't as constant as those two. Relationships for me often ended up in heartbreaks and as my wealth and popularity increased— fake love became apparent.

Women tried to get close to me because of my wealth or to get a chance to meet Marcel.

I hated both of those reasons. I needed someone who would stand by me through thick and thin and not someone that was only after my wealth. 

I feel guilty at times… guilty that I might have been using Marcel. To me… he is all I have left. We have known each other since we were seven. Our friendship goes beyond two decades and I know it will go on till both of us end up on different paths of the afterlife.

But I feel like I haven't been able to give anything in return for his trust and help. I know I am at this height all because of him— and I hate that. 

I wanted us to be equals… but I know that's not possible. He is better than me and I don't mind him being better. 

All I wanted was to be able to help him… which I haven't been able to do.


But I will worry about that later. Because I have something bigger to worry about… something that involves my past and the future of Marcel.

"Tell me." I looked at the chained man. "You have been beaten, tortured, drowned, stabbed… yet you act loyally towards Hydra." 


The man screeched as I plucked one of his nails out with a plier.

"Now… other than pain, you will not gain anything by staying quiet. But if you tell me about Hydra's location— you will live." I said but he chuckled.

"Dream on, fucktard." He laughed.



Not bothering to waste time on him— I blew away his head. 

Another dead end… Can I do it without Marcel's help? 

[Later that night]

[[Marcellus Hanley]]

"Easy there, boy." 

My laughter didn't stop as Mavros licked me all over my face. He has grown a lot within the past and I need to meet Shifu in order to help me disguise the big panther and my non-ageing self.

"You haven't played with him in a long time. So, of course, he misses you a lot." Mother said as she knitted a scarf for Mavros. "It's difficult to keep him hidden from the public eye, so have you talked with the officials about permission to keep him?"

Mother found out about Mavros' true identity a long time ago but since they grew so close, she just couldn't let him go. And even if I can get permission from the government to keep him— I have no intention of doing so. The government will allow to keep him… but the restrictions that will be placed on him will be countless.

"I am trying." I lied… like most of the times that I do. 

She looked at me for a solid minute, and smiled. "I know that you will do the right thing, son."

Ashamed at myself, I gave her a nod.

"But I heard that you are going to another country, is that correct? Didn't you finish a business trip last weekend?" She asked with a sigh. "At this age, you should focus on your romantic life more than your business. Maybe I will never see any grandchildren in this lifetime."

"Mother!" I choked on my saliva at her teasing. "I am not even thirty yet."

"Not yet, but you will be soon. So, at least look for someone." She smirked. "That Peggy girl is nice."

I remained quiet as it seemed like the best option. But… I know I have to confront Peggy. I just don't know when, where and how.

Flirting is fine but romance is something that I find difficult. 

"I will… think about it." I finally said as I know it's indeed something that I have to think about.

"So, mom… How's the company running?" 

I already know the answer. The clothing line has become one of the top three biggest brands in this world and it's all thanks to the advertisements, clothing quality and my mother's talent for marketing.

Maybe being a good business owner runs in our blood.

"There is a press conference in a week as our company has risen to the global rank of three and according to the statistics it might reach the top rank within five more years." She said with her usual smile.

She didn't care much about the money so reaching rank one didn't mean much to her. And I am happy that she doesn't care about it— one greedy and selfish person in the family is more than enough.

"Well, if you need any help with the conference… All you need to do is give me a call. And I will handle it." I said and she laughed.

"I know, Marcel… I know." She said with a kind smile. " But I have to do this on my own."

"Well, as long as you are happy— I don't mind."

I truly don't. Her happiness comes above money.


[[A/N: Can we enter the top 40? Can we surpass Ghosty? Prolly not…

Marvel Facts: (1) Galactus… "The Devourer of the World's"— a being who eats planets and one of Marvel's strongest characters, was eaten alive in the 'Marvel Zombies' comics by zombies that attacked the planet eater.

(2) Silver Surfer in the comics had a romance with Mantis (from the Guardians of the Galaxy.)]]