Ethereal... Lore?

Ethereal was completely shocked by what her god asked of her.

Ethereal: 'He wishes for me to call him by his name? Armin when we are in private but Gilgamesh in public? Armin Gilgamesh? Is that my Lord's full name?'

Ethereal: "My lord you wish for me to call you by your last name around others? This lowly one doesn't have the right to speak either part of your name!"

Armin: "Ethereal, first off Gilgamesh is not my last name, It's simply my alias I wish to go by. Second, I said to call me Armin in private."

Ethereal: "I'm sorry my Lord but I can't!"

He started to frown due to being called My lord. Everyone use to call him that back then and he wishes to not be reminded of it.

Armin: "Then as your God, I demand you to call me by my name. Are you unable to fulfill such a simple order?"

Ethereal started to panic inside as she didn't wish to upset her new god.

Ethereal: "Very well my lor- Armin..."

He simply sighed as he spoke.

Armin: "I just don't want to always be called My Lord or Your Excellency. So many people call me that as you could see when I showed you my memories and it gets annoying real quick so just call me by my name. While I'm at it how about you tell me about yourself?"

She was shocked when her god wanted to get to know her because what God would care about there believers?

Ethereal: "My Lo- Armin, I was originally assigned to stay at Anor Londo, The false city of Gods but one day many of us Silver Knights were told to follow the False God Gwyn to fight demons and Dragon so many of us have ended up as I am... Fused into are Armor that we once thought was an honor but now I simply know it as a curse... Gwyn then brought most of the Blacken Silver Knight's to the First Flame became he wished to be 'Noble' and keep the age of Fire going."

Ethereal: "During my time in Anor Londo, I was often stationed to guard the Royal treasury while rarely ordered to guard the normal Banks. Often We would see False God Gwyn and his False God family's moving about in there Giant Forms. They would say it is an honor to see them in their Godly Forms..."

Suddenly hearing this made Armin's Greed Of Sin completely ignore the part about not receiving the Black Knight Armin as it wanted, it NEEDED, to loot the Banks and treasury of a supposed City of Gods!

Armin: "Just because there tall doesn't make them God's if anything there most likely hybrids between Humans and giants. If we come across any of your brothers or sisters who have not lost themselves I'll offer them the same deal. If they are gone I'll grant them True Death so they will not be mindless hollows."

Hearing this made Ethereal visible shake.

Ethereal: "I-I don't know what to say my L- Armin, I would be very happy if some of my brothers or sister could see the truth but I fear they have long gone Hollow... Honestly, I don't even know how I've gotten here and only just realized I was close to death while fighting you..."

Armin raised an eyebrow when he heard this he now knew the Ethereal really has gone truly Hollow but she somehow returned on the edge of death.

Armin: 'Could it perhaps due to being a Black Knight? In-game they were special one life enemies that didn't respawn but in a real-life version of Dark Souls her mind has been strengthened due to being a true warrior so maybe it's possible to return?'

Armin: "Before we leave I need to tell you something. Before I can down to the Mortal Realm I have scanned this world of its near future meaning I know of many powerful entity's locations. One such enemy is is actually right ahead, On the bridge is a Demon called a Taurus Demon. I'm sure you know about them but this isn't why I brought it up. I know the location of three 'false God's'." One I will deal with while the other two is up to you."

Armin really wanted to meet his Waifu so he would never hurt Priscilla but the other two he has no care for.

Ethereal: "Armin, This one wished to know who!"

Armin: "I know of Gwyn's exiled Son, His cross-dressing son known as Dark Sun Gwyndolin, and the one I wish to meet. Priscilla. Priscilla my not be a God but she has the ability to cause True Death and I also pity her... She was imprisoned into the painted world just because she was a halfbreed along with them being scared of her power."

Armin and Ethereal continued to talk for hours but weirdly enough Armin noticed the sun has yet to move. He remembered that the sun was actually an illusion made by Gwyndolin but he didn't know if it was limited to Anor Londo or not.

Ethereal: "Armin, I'm ready to set off when you are!"

Armin smiled and did something that surprised her.

-Ethereal Point Of View-

Ethereal has completely devoted herself to the kind Got in front of her. He knew mercy, pity, empathy, and so on but he has also proven himself to be a real God! He is not a fake like Gwyn who has claimed himself to be a god wanting power over the weaker mortals.

Ethereal: 'Is this what a True God is like? He hasn't ordered me a suicidal mission and given me orders that are simply wrong...'

as she was thinking to herself her God told her something that would change her life forever.

Armin: "Would you like to become my Apostle?"

Ethereal was shocked at this news because she heard that many Silver Knights were granted this title by Gwyn but once they received it they were never seen again.

Rumor has it that they would receive special treatment, especially by Gwynevere... There would be times were the Silver Knight's would have to escort a Silver Knight Apostle that was summoned into her chambers.

Only for later to find him died while completely naked and husked after multiple days of not leaving her chambers. Many could already guess how he died when they saw Gwynevere exit her chambers in revealing clothing with a satisfied smile on her face.

Gwynevere also had the habit of 'inviting' Beautiful women that were on par or even better looks than her own only to have a Silver Knight clean her chambers due to being covered in blood and disposing of a mutilated corpse.

Ethereal: "I would gladly accept the title, my God!"

She watched as Armin smiled and spoke once more.

Armin: "Who said it was only a Title?"

Suddenly a divine window appeared in front of her.

[ You have been invited to a Party! Accept the invitation?

-YES- -NO- ]

Ethereal was completely shocked as a divine message appeared before herself.

Ethereal: "What kind of magic is this?!"

Armin: "This is not Magic, This is me granting you my blessing."

This only confirmed Ethereal that the man before her was truly a God as no Silver Knight has ever spoken about something similar to this. She quickly said yes but when nothing happened she started to worry.

Ethereal: "Armin, My God... I don't believe it thinks I'm worthy... I'm sorry..."

He simply laughed as he told her that she had to physically press the button. After tapping -YES- a screen appeared before herself.

[Name: Ethereal

Alias: *None*

Job: Silver Knight/Black Knight

Title: God's Apostle (MAX)

Profession: Black Knight (55/100)

Total Level: 55

HP: 100% (1% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (2% Per Minute)


Strength: 30.5

Dexterity: 22.4

Vitality: 46.1

Agility: 15.3

Intelligence: 31.0

Wisdom: 19.0

Luck: 1.6

Stat Points: 0


Skills: *Chop -Active-* *Double Chop -Active-* *Spinning Underhand -Active-* *Quick Upper Combo -Active-* *Smash -Active-* *Power Uppercut -Active-* *Shield Bash -Active-* *High Fire Resistance -Passive-* *Gamer's Body -Passive-* *Gamer's Mind -Passive-*


God's Apostle: You are the God Of The Game's Apostle. Your God is also known as the God-Emperor as he is the strongest God! Due to being the Apostle of your God, you have received his blessing allowing you to become stronger beyond your wildest dreams!

Bonus 1: You are allowed to follow your God into his ID-Create and grow stronger!

Bonus 2: You are given a weaker version of Godly Gamer's Body simply known as Gamer's Body!

Gamer's Body allows the user's body to live as if it was a game! The user's body will never receive physical damage and only take damage according to a numbered value!

Bonus 3: You are given a weaker version of Godly Gamer's Mind simply known as Gamer's Mind!

Gamer's Mind allows the user to remain calm during combat and is mostly immune to mental status effects!

Ethereal was completely shocked. Her God was able to exactly show her true strength along with all her skills that she was learned over her lifetime. When she reached the part about becoming strong she was happy because if she was strong then she would be able to help her God!

Suddenly Ethereal started to itch, at first she simply ignored it but it was getting worse, WAY worse. It soon reached the point where she wished she could just rip off her armor and scratch her body but due to it being melted onto her Armor she had no choice but to continue to feel it. Soon her head started to feel as if something was growing which confused her.

She attempted to act as if nothing happened was happening so her god would not notice but he then said something that confused her even more.

Armin: "Just hang on, it'll be over soon I promise."

She then misunderstood what he meant by it.

Ethereal: "Armi- My Lord have I done something to receive this punishment?! I'm sorry please let thy one atone for thy sins!"

Armin then frowned which only further caused a misunderstanding but his next words confused her once more.

Armin: "I said to call me by my name Ethereal, You'll thank me once it's over so just hang on. This isn't a punishment I promise."

She then put her faith into Armin as she waited for the inching to stop.

- 1 Hour Later -

Ethereal was laying on the ground when the itching finally started to stop. She didn't know why but she felt... Different...

Ethereal: "Armin what exactly did you do?"

Armin: "I kept my promise of course."

Ethereal didn't understand. Armin told her that if she followed him he would help her get revenge but that hasn't happened yet she is also still bounded by her oaths of serving false gods and the only...

it suddenly clicked within her mind. Without even realizing she started to cry which shouldn't have been possible due to her completely burned body. She raised her hand and touched her face under her helmet. Smooth! She felt her face and was smooth instead of feeling scared tissue all she felt was her smooth skin!

Ethereal has been on an emotional roller coaster today even though she doesn't know what a roller coaster is yet. First, she learned that all the so-called God's they have been fighting for turned out to be False Gods just to meet a True God who has healed her completely, something even the Estus Flask couldn't do!

Armin: "Do you want to get stronger?"

Ethereal nodded her head with a determined look on her face which was still covered by her armor. Seeing this made Armin smile.

Armin: "ID-Create Undead Dungeon Floor 2."

[ Bring Party?

-YES- -NO- ]

Armin quickly pressed -YES- as Ethereal watched her surrounding change once more. At first, she believed her God sent her into a memory once more but Armin walked up to her and explained.

Armin: "Everything here is very much real Ethereal. If you die here which I doubt you would you will die back for real. Now, let the hunt begin!"

Soon both Armin and Ethereal started killing surrounding skeletons. Unlike the first floor, all the groups of Skeletons each had at least one Skeleton Militia within there ranks but it was only level ten.

The former God and Black Knight easily disposed of the 'cannon fodder'. Armin was quickly leveling up Arrow Of Light while Ethereal was slowly but surely gaining XP. After nearly 40 minutes Armin received a notification telling him the floor boss has arrived. Unlike the last boss, Armin could clearly see the Skeleton rushing towards them.

[ Combat Alert!

Skeleton Soldier

Level: 30

HP: 100% (5% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (5% Per Minute)


Strength: 25.0

Dexterity: 15.5

Vitality: 30.7

Agility: 10.2

Intelligence: 8.0

Wisdom: 9.0

Luck: 2.6


Skills: *Power Slash -Active-* *Sword Bash -Active-* *Lesser Command Undead -Active/Passive-*


Lesser Command Undead: The Skeleton has the ability to slightly give good commands towards undead on a lower Rank/Level.

Active: Summons two Undead Militia to attack the user's target!

Passive: Command Undead to do specific actions! ]

Armin: "Ethereal, this is a Skeleton Soldier and it has skills similar to the Skeleton Militia. The skills are Power Slash and Sword Bash along with a new skill called Lesser Command Undead. Its new skill allows it to summon two Skeleton Militia!"

Ethereal: "Thank you!"

The reason Armin had to tell her was that even though Ethereal was able to see her stats and skills doesn't mean she has the ability of the Gamer. She can level up but that's all she can do, she can't view the stats of enemies or allies.

Over the time that she has been within Armin's ID- Create skill she took the role of fighting head-on while Armin would provide support by casting Arrows Of Light along with a few Hell Fire Ball.

The reason Armin refused to use his other Fire Spells was that he wanted to level up his skills that were not maxed.

As the Skeleton Soldier arrived Armin and Ethereal could clearly see what it was wearing. It had a non-rusted suit of armor while also having a similar sword the Skeleton Militia had.

It summoned its 'allies' and the two Skeletons started to crawl out of the ground but due to being so close together, Armin was able to cast Hell Fire Ball instantly killing both with a critical hit.

Ethereal then bashed her shield against the boss causing it to stagger giving a window of opportunity for them to give a damaging blow. Ethereal sent a sword strike towards its chest while Armin cast an Arrow Of Light. After they landed there attacks Armin noticed they took 70% of its HP due to both of them being a much higher level.

Ethereal then took a defensive stance because the Skeleton Soldier was attempting to counter-attack but the only thing the Skeleton hit was Ethereal's, Black Knight Shield.

Armin cast once more to grab the killing blow and once his Arrow Of Light hit the Skeleton it caused its skull to explode into bone shard successfully killing the boss.

[Arrow Of Light (23/100)

Range: 14 -> 32 Feet.

Damage: 18 -> 54 ]

Armin received 100% of the XP while Ethereal only received 50% but this was still enough for her to level up!

Ethereal: "My L- Armin! I received something called a 'Level Up' and your Divine Message said I earned 2.0 Stat points from it. What do I do with them?"

Hearing this made Armin realize he never fully explained the status page. But he also heard that she received more Stat points than him!

Armin: 'Oi, how come she gets two stat points while I only get one per level up?!'

[ Because Ethereal doesn't receive Stat Point upon killing Hollows! ]

Hearing this made Armin calm down as it sounded fair.

Armin: "Let me try and explain it. After gaining enough XP also known an Experience Points you will receive something called a Level Up. When you level up it means you gain Stat Points, They are used for increasing one of your core stats such as Strength or Agility or any of your Stats. Let's say you had 5.0 points into strength, this would mean you have the strength of five men. You can also choose not to put in a full point into one of your stats."

He then began explaining the stats.

Armin: "Strength increases your physical power while Dexterity determines how fast you will be able to attack. Vitality is how much HP you have, HP stand's for health points or hit points. Agility is how quick you are meaning it increases your movement speed. Intelligent tells you how much MP you have, MP stands for Mana Points if you run out of mana you won't be able to use your skills. Wisdom determines how quick Mana and HP regenerate. Luck well... it's as it says, it means how lucky you can be. I won't demand you to put your stat points into anything, I want you to have your freedom and I won't order you to do something you don't wish to do.

When Ethereal's heard this her eyes were secretly shining!

Ethereal: 'I simply have to kill things and I'll be able to get stronger?! This truly is a God's blessing! I'm going to put my stat points into Strength and Vitality because how could I let mortal creatures attack my God? I'll become his shield, I'll give him my soul, I'll give him my body, I'll give him everything! He is giving my life purpose, he is giving me revenge, he will give me the power to let me do anything!'

[Name: Ethereal

Alias: *None*

Job: Silver Knight/Black Knight

Title: God's Apostle (MAX)

Profession: Black Knight (56/100)

Total Level: 56

HP: 100% (1% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (2% Per Minute)


Strength: 30.5 -> 31.5

Dexterity: 22.4

Vitality: 46.1 -> 47.1

Agility: 15.3

Intelligence: 31.0

Wisdom: 19.0

Luck: 1.6

Stat Points: 0


Skills: *Chop -Active-* *Double Chop -Active-* *Spinning Underhand -Active-* *Quick Upper Combo -Active-* *Smash -Active-* *Power Uppercut -Active-* *Shield Bash -Active-* *High Fire Resistance -Passive-* *Gamer's Body -Passive-* *Gamer's Mind -Passive-* ]

After putting her stat points into Strength and Vitality Ethereal instantly felt stronger. Feeling this made her look towards Armin who was also looking at his stats. As she looked towards Armin she started to feel something... Something she never expected to feel again... Ethereal's lower body started to feel hot as she continued to look at Armin.

She noticed just how well built he was while thinking that this is what a God's body look's like. She then started moving her eyes downwards and they landed on an area covered by clothing. She was looking at an important organ that men needed as she suddenly wished she had the ability to see through clothing.

While watching she started to feel a wetness along her legs as she started talking to herself.

Ethereal: 'Would my God like to see me? But... Do I look beautiful? I remember trying to stay away from Gwynevere due to her causing other women to disappear but what did I look like? Would...'

As she was talking to herself she suddenly heard her god speak.

Armin: 'How was it? Did it feel good?"

Ethereal suddenly started turning crimson without realizing it while thinking.

Ethereal: 'B-But We didn't do anything... Unless we did! Was he perhaps so good I passed out and even forgot due to how great he was!? Did I lose my v-'

Suddenly Ethereal realize what he meant.

Ethereal: 'STUPID! STUPID! He meant the rush of power! Ethereal get it together! I'm a Silver Knight I should not be acting like this, I may regret becoming one for those False Gods but I can be my God's Knight!'

Luckily Ethereal entire body was still hidden behind her Armor became as of now her lower body was completely soaked while also red due to a mixture of feeling's with embarrassment being the main one.

Ethereal: "It's g-great Armin but it could be better. I'm not trying to sound like I'm complaining but the enemies are very weak and don't give a lot of the XP stuff."

Armin watched as her body was slightly shaking but just smiled as he told her something that caused her to smile.

Armin: "Did you believe that this is the only area? Haha my Ethereal how wrong could you be, I have three different areas similar to this. There is the Undead dungeon which we are within, then there is a Demon Dungeon and finally, there is a Celestial Dungeon. Each Dungeon has multiple floors and as we reach higher floor the enemies will only get harder and harder meaning more XP!"

Ethereal didn't smile because there were more floors, she smiled because he said 'my Ethereal' she soon came out of it.

Ethereal: "Of course! How could I be so dumb, you are my god so of course, you could do this!"

He decided not to correct her.

Armin: "So are you ready for some level grinding?"

Ethereal quickly nodded her head because the stronger she got the more she would be able to be her God's shield!

- 3 days later -

Armin and Ethereal have been fighting for three days straight. Due to having high stats there need for sleep has lessened significantly, Ethereal was able to level up multiple times and the same could be said for Armin. The only downside was that with Each floor the party reached the longer it took to clear due to the higher level Skeletons.

[Arrow Of Light (50/100)

Range: 32 -> 59 Feet.

Damage: 54 -> 108 ]

[Hell Fire Ball (15/100

Range: 22 -> 32 Feet.

AOE Damage: 1,500 -> 2,000 ]

[Name: Armin Foll

Alias: Gilgamesh

Job: God Of The Game

Title: Demon Slayer ( 1/10 ), Destroyer Of The Darksign.

Profession: Fire Mage ( 100/100 ), Light Mage ( 9/100 )

Total Level: 109

XP: 03.2%

HP: 100% (15% per minute)

MP: 100% (10% per minute)

Gold: 5,890


Strength: 100.0

Dexterity: 30.0

Vitality: 100.0

Agility: 41.4 -> 45.0

Intelligence: 1020.0 -> 1110.0

Wisdom: 60.0

Luck: 32.0 -> 37.4

Stat Points: 9.0 -> 0


Skills: *Saiyan Body -Passive-* *EX Rank Magic Core -Passive-* *ID Create -Active-* *ID Escape -Active-* *Photographic Memory -Passive-*

*Past Life Memories -Passive-* *XP Boost -10x-* *XP Requirements -1/10-* *Random Multiverse Travel -Active-* *Void Core -Passive-* *Sin Of Greed -Passive-* *Inventory -Passive-* *Fire Bolt (MAX) -Active-* *Godly Gamer's Body (MAX) -Passive-* *Godly Gamer's Mind (MAX) -Passive-* *Critical Strike (MAX) -Passive-* *Fire Scatter Bolt (MAX) -Active-* *Grandmaster Mage (MAX) -Passive-* *Inferno Shot (MAX) -Active-* *Flamethrower (MAX) -Active-* *Flame Wall (MAX) -Active-* *Flame Mine (MAX)-Active-* *Hell Fire Ball (15/100) -Active-* *Arrow Of Light (50/100) -Active-* *Astora's Swordsmanship (48/100) -Passive-* *Amateur Weight lifter (MAX) -Active-* *Lesser HP Regeneration (MAX) -Passive-* ]

[Name: Ethereal

Alias: *None*

Job: Silver Knight/Black Knight

Title: God's Apostle (MAX)

Profession: Black Knight (90/100)

Total Level: 90

HP: 100% (1% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (2% Per Minute)


Strength: 31.5 -> 50.0

Dexterity: 22.4

Vitality: 47.1 -> 50.0

Agility: 15.3 -> 48.9

Intelligence: 31.0

Wisdom: 19.0

Luck: 1.6

Stat Points: 68.0 -> 0


Skills: *Chop -Active-* *Double Chop -Active-* *Spinning Underhand -Active-* *Quick Upper Combo -Active-* *Smash -Active-* *Power Uppercut -Active-* *Shield Bash -Active-* *High Fire Resistance -Passive-* *Gamer's Body -Passive-* *Gamer's Mind -Passive-* ]

During the days of nonstop fighting, the duo have managed to reach floor 10 and Armin learned something about the Dungeon. On floor 10, when Armin and Ethereal cleared out all the enemies he received a similar notification but a light changed was added.

[ Floor Super Boss has appeared! ]

When Armin saw this he started to worry as the last boss was almost on a level with him. If this dungeon worked similarly as they do in some games then the tenth floor would be significantly harder.

Luckily for the duo, they managed to defeat the Super Boss but near the end, Ethereal ended up receiving a critical hit which almost outright killed her but Armin threw her his Estus Flask.

Armin still remembers the stats of the boss.

[ Skeleton General

Level: 125

HP: 100% (10% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (5% Per Minute)


Strength: 125.0

Dexterity: 73.1

Vitality: 250.8

Agility: 62.9

Intelligence: 28.4

Wisdom: 12.6

Luck: 9.9


Skills: *Power Slash -Active-* *Sword Bash -Active-* *Greater Command Undead -Active/Passive-* *Critical Strike -Active-* *Shield Strike -Active-* *War Cry -Active-*

Super Skills: *Strength Multiplier -Passive-*


Greater Command Undead: The Skeleton has the ability summon 10 Skeleton Colonel that are level 80

Shield Strike: The Skeleton has the ability to strike its enemies using its shield causing 200 + Strength damage.

War Cry: This Skeleton has the ability to boost all stats of allies by 30% within 20 feet of itself.

Strength Multiplier: Every 30 minutes this Skeleton's Strength will multiply by 1.5x until it's defeated! ]

The Skeleton General was able to multiply its strength twice before they managed to defeat but during its last moments, it attacked Ethereal who blocked with her Black Knight Shield but for it to only end up turning it into scrap metal.

Armin was currently sitting next to Ethereal as she was still drinking out of the Estus Flask. He didn't bother to look around due to already clearing out all the skeletons.

Armin: "Are you sure that you're okay?"

Ethereal: "I'm better thanks to you giving me your Estus Flask. But I must admit that Skeleton's Weapons was incredible to be able to destroy my shield that was reinforced with Titanite as if it was nothing!"

Armin simply smiled because Ethereal apparently did notice that her shield wasn't the only thing destroyed.

Armin: "You do realize that your shield isn't the only thing destroyed right?"

Ethereal: "Eh?"

When Ethereal heard this she was confused until she looked down and noticed multiple holes and cracks within her suit of Armor. She started to turn red because underneath her armor she wasn't wearing clothing due to them burning off when her armor was burnt black long ago.

Since her skin was melted onto the armor she had no need for clothes due to her being unable to leave her armor.

Conveniently her armor remained intact around her breast and lower body along with her helmet being fine but everything else was wide open for Armin to see.

Armin then opened the shop and purchased a pair of clothes including a bra and panties along with socks and shoes alongside a mirror with the remaining Gold out of habit when Eve's clothes would get destroyed whenever they 'spared' together.

The clothes he bought were a simple white T-shirt, black leggings, black bra which automatically adjusted sizes, black panties, white socks, and simple shoes.

After handing them over he then turned around which made Ethereal a little sad as she wanted him to see more of her even if she was embarrassed.

Ethereal then began stripping off her armor and once she pulled off her helmet long silver hair fell down. As to how it all fits within only the universe would know...

Ethereal stared at herself within the mirror and touched her face. She touched her face because she believed that she looked more beautiful than Gwynevere herself which made her happy because she believes that if she was beautiful enough then Armin would love her.

She then grabbed her breasts while looking towards them through the mirror. Ethereal Breasts were large possibly double D's size, she then started to wonder.

Ethereal: 'Does my God like them big? I hope he does... Don't all men do? Occasionally I would hear a lot of the male Silver Knights talk about how large Gwynevere were so he would right?'

Ethereal then grabbed the black panties and at first, she didn't understand what they were but soon she figured it out due to them looking similar to the underwear the female nobles would buy.

When she put them on she instantly noticed how comfortable they were compared to her old pair. Next, she grabbed the bra and didn't know what it was. Women simply put a cloth over there breasts and since she didn't understand its use she spoke.

Ethereal: "Um is this black thing supposed to cover my breast? It's the only other reason I can think of for them."

Without turning around Armin answered.

Armin: "Yeah, the two cups within it hold your breast's, A bra will hold up your breasts to give you the shape and look you want. I was once told that it's more comfortable wearing one by someone but I wouldn't know."

Ethereal was interested in the comfortable part and followed Armin's instructions on how to put it on. Soon she was looking at her body within the mirror and noticed how good they look on her.

Ethereal: 'Gwynevere would kill for this...'

She then began putting on the shirt and once more noticed how comfortable it was compared to the other clothing she has felt long ago.

Ethereal: 'These are truly the clothes worthy of a god!'

She began putting on the legging and socks which she never seen before then putting on the shoes. If Ethereal was on Earth she would easily become the hottest woman there by a long shot! Hell, she could rival the goddess of beauty if Armin didn't demand her to give up her title for Eve.

Ethereal then began looking at herself once more as tried her best to look as good as possible because she really wanted to impress Armin. Meanwhile, Armin was thinking.

Armin: 'Why do women take so long when they get a mirror!? All she had to do was put on clothes! Thank God I didn't give her makeup...'

Ethereal: "I finished putting on the clothes, thank you for giving me them..."

Hearing that she finished getting dressed Armin turned around and immediately had a shocked look on his face. When Ethereal saw his look she started cheering on the inside thinking that Armin was surprised by her looks!

Meanwhile, Armin was trying to figure out how Ethereal could have possibly fit inside of her set of armor.

Armin: 'How the hell did she fit within her armor when her breasts are so large!? Hell, how did her hair not even fall out of her helmet!?'

She continued to smile as she spoke.

Ethereal: "What should we do now?

Armin: "Now? Now we sleep, we have been fighting for three days straight."

Armin: 'Will anything respawn since we cleared this floor completely because I'd rather sleep in a safe environment... Also is there anything within the shop that would make sleeping feel more comfortable? I already had enough sleeping on hard ground...'

[ The user currently has 5,000+ Gold, this is enough to buy a small home with two bedrooms, two bathrooms with all furniture included! ]

Armin: 'I can buy a fucking house? This isn't some scam we're I have to build it myself or anything right?'

[ The house is completely built, all furniture is built, water is functional by System's Magic, it even has the ability to store itself within your inventory to use at a later date! ]

Knowing this Armin didn't mind paying for it and quickly searched for the house mentioned. Once he found it he purchased it as a green outline appeared within his vision.

After finding a spot to place the house Ethereal watched as a building suddenly appeared and before she could do anything she heard Armin talk to her.

Armin: "Follow me, I'll show you where you can take a bath or shower and where you will sleep."

Ethereal didn't know what a shower was but she followed Armin inside the building and after giving a quick tour and showing her how to use the bath and shower he left to go take one for himself.