Death! Another R-18!

Lucas was completely shocked by what he just read. He attempted to take a step back but Lucas suddenly felt a stabbing pain within his stomach, he looked down only to see the hilt of a katana stabbed through him.

Lucas: "URG! System why did I feel pain?! I have The Gamer's Body, I shouldn't feel pain!"

Lucas was suddenly kicked in the chest causing him to fall down while clenching his stomach due to the Katana that ended up causing more damage due to the fall.


Armin gave Lucas a cold smile that gave him chills while he was trying to get back up.

Armin: "It's not going to help you know. Your System is useless now, try opening your status, Lucas."

Lucas was horrified by what he heard. He started to wonder how someone from Dark Souls could know of his system. He also didn't understand how the man standing before him knew his name.

Lucas then tried opening his status but only saw that it was glitching out. He looked towards Ethereal and noticed she had a smile on her face.

Lucas luckily started to use his brain as he started to speak.

Lucas: "Y-Your the same as me! Are you from Earth!? Why are you attacking me!?"

Armin: "The same as you? No, no I'm beyond your comprehension Lucas, So what if I was from there? I told you to leave as I wasn't going to deal with your bullshit but you decided to act tough and look where that got you. Main Character? Plot Armor? Harem God? Don't make me laugh your nothing but trash, If I had to guess, your probably still a Virgin. Haha, How does it feel dying as a Virgin? Check your system logs."

Lucas was turning pale by the second due to blood loss as he quickly opened the logs. He soon saw the messages that tried to warn him about Armin but in the end, he would just get himself killed.

Lucas remembered that Armin would be able to destroy his soul causing him to truly die and he began crying.

Lucas: "I-I'm sorry *sob* please don't kill me."

Suddenly a sword came towards Armin.

Solaire: "This is not jolly at all! Why are you attacking him?"

Armin simply let the sword strike him as he already looked at Solaire's stats and deemed him no threat at all.

[ The Nameless King, Solaire

Level: 75

HP: 100% (20% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (5% Per Minute)


Strength: 60.5

Dexterity: 52.6

Vitality: 71.2

Agility: 41.3

Intelligence: 39.1

Wisdom: 15.9

Luck: 10.0


Skills: *Lightning Spear -Active-* *Jolly Cooperation -Passive-* *Sunlight Blade -Active-* *Sunlight Spear -Active-* *Sunlight Aura -Passive-* *Astora's Swordsmanship -Passive-*


Lightning Spear: Grants the user the ability to throw spears of lightning dealing 500 Damage along with a high chance to stun.

Jolly Cooperation: The user will experience joy when fighting alongside others, those who fight alongside the user will passively regenerate HP very slowly.

Sunlight Blade: Miracle wielded by Gwyn's firstborn. Boost right weapon with rays of Sun. The power of sunlight, manifested as lightning, is very effective against dragons. Causes weapon damage to increase by 100% and when fighting dragon's it's further boosted to 500%!

Sunlight Spear: Hurl sunlight spear's, In the war that marked the dawn of the Age of Fire, Gwyn wielded these rays of sunlight, which remains fierce even as they fade. Causes 1,500 Damage and deals 200 Lightning DPS for 10 seconds.

Sunlight Aura: When the user is exposed to the sun, the sunlight increases your HP regeneration by 15% per minute.


Solaire is The Nameless King, Gwyn's firstborn son. He was later exiled due to angering his father due to unknown reasons. Solaire has taken up the surname 'Of Astora' after traveling there. Solaire has recently made acquaintances with the world invader known as Lucas due to his 'jolly' jokes. ]

Once Solaire's sword landed on Armin's body he noticed that his vitality stat increases by 0.2 which made him remember he has the ability similar to the Saiyan's Zenkai boost which simply increased his Vitality whenever he received damage.

Armin has forgotten about this due to never taking any damage as who would want to get hit?

Ethereal was about to enter a state of fury but before she could do anything Armin spoke.

Armin: "Ethereal, that bug on the ground practically undressed you with his eyes so you can do whatever you want to him just don't kill him yet."

Ethereal resisted the urge to just outright charge towards Solaire for attacking her god but she listened to him and decided to take it out onto the 'bug'.

Ethereal gave Lucas a sweet smile but this only caused him to shiver as she slightly bent over and looked directly into his eyes.

Lucas as the idiot he just is glanced at her large breast and that was all it took for his 'small' dragon to awaken once more.

Seeing this made Ethereal feel violated as she spoke.

Ethereal: "You dare undress me with your filthy eyes when I'd only let my god do that along with so much more? You disgust me!"

Ethereal then summoned her sword and sent it straight towards Lucas's 'small' awakened dragon completely Cutting it off.

Lucas started screaming in pure agony due to his manhood being cut off but she didn't stop there as she then slowly started to put pressure on his sensitive gems.

Lucas: "Stop! P-Please stop! S-Stop! I-It hurts!"

Ethereal just continued to smile as her sword pierced into one of his gems but for her to only repeat the process with the other.

Armin was able to hear anything Ethereal said due to Lucas yelling in agony. He looks towards Solaire and spoke.

Armin: "I won't be the one to kill you but you will die today Solaire The Nameless King, Gwyn's firstborn son. My lady friend over there sacrificed everything due to your family claiming themselves as God's. I can't feel it, your supposed Divinity. You tricked so many men and women into becoming Silver Knight, How many men and women sacrificed themselves from False Promises by False God's? Your father destroyed Lordran out of fear and let the Darksign become as it is now. I just want to say that nothing's personal... Well besides claiming yourself to be a god..."

Armin simply waited a few minutes to let Ethereal punish the 'bug' while he started to dodge all of Solaire's attacks.

Meanwhile after Ethereal slowly stabbed her sword into Lucas's remaining gem she started stomping on the remaining causing him to pass out only for him to awaken moments later due to the pain.

Ethereal stopped after a few minutes of nonstop stomping leaving a puddle of blood and destroyed organs. She then started walking over towards her God.

Armin: "Alright Ethereal, here is your chance. The son of the false God is before you, do as you will."

Ethereal quickly summoned her armor and started attacking Solaire. While she fought, Armin made his way towards the violently shaking body of Lucas. He finally saw what Ethereal did to him which made him believe it was a suitable punishment.

Armin: "Wow, she really did a number in you. So, was it worth it? Was getting a glance of her worth the price you paid?"

Lucas attempted to speak but Armin quickly grabbed the Katana that was still within his stomach just to stab it back into his over and over again.

Lucas: "Stwp, I'm sowwy, Pwease, it huwts, I downt want to dwi." (Stop, I'm sorry, please, it hurts, I don't want to die.)

Armin only continued on stabbing into him until he finally received a notification.

[ Congratulations on killing -The Gamer Lucas- due to Lucas being a Gamer you will now receive a random Profession or Sub Profession that he owned. ]

[ Congratulations on receiving a Wiped Gamer System!

Wiped Gamer System: This Gamer System has been completely wiped resulting in a completely fresh start. The system can be given to others and due to your system now being connected to it you can now control it meaning you can permanently take it away from the person if you wish to do so. ]

[ Congratulations on receiving the Sub Profession: Eromancy!

Eromancy (1/100): Eromancy is Magic related to sex, it is possible to receive multiple skills every ten levels. Due to being Male and also straight this magic only works on Females. ]

[ New Skill Unlocked! Aura Of Lust: (1/100) -Active-

Aura Of Lust: Causes those around the caster to become increasingly horny towards the caster.

The intensity can be altered by the user.

Each level Up will increase the intensity by 1x. When the Skill reaches level 100 The user can have a multiplier of 100x! ]

[ New Skill Unlocked! Addictive Touch: (1/100) -Passive-

Addictive Touch: Causes the users to touch to become addictive, will increase the effect the more it is used! ]

[ New Skill Unlocked! Sensitivity Multiplier: (1/100) -Active-

Sensitivity Multiplier: Once casted onto a woman her entire body will become more sensitive within areas that can cause pleasure!

The intensity can be altered by the user.

Each level Up will increase the intensity by 1x. When the Skill reaches level 100 The woman's body will become 100x more Sensitive within areas that cause pleasure! ]

Armin was completely dumbfounded by his new Sub-Profession.

Armin: 'Of course that wanna be harem God would have something like this... But still, this could be something to play around with but I don't have anyone to test it on. Unless...'

Armin then looked towards Ethereal who was just finishing up her fight as she decapitated Solaire. suddenly Armin received a notification the moment she killed Solaire.

[ Solaire's Soul Of Sunlight is attempting to fuse with the user's soul... Temporarily storing the soul until the host received a quest item! ]

Armin raised an eyebrow and asked about what he needed.

[ The System suggests acquiring the Soul Of Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder, and fuse the souls together for maximum benefit! ]

He nodded his head as he didn't see any reason not to as Armin walked over towards the now dead Solaire he noticed the Golden Orb just floating there and when he touched it he received multiple items.

[ Sunlight Straight Sword: This standard longsword, belonging to Solaire of Astora, is of high quality, is well-forged, and has been kept in good repair. Easy to use and dependable, but unlikely to live up to its grandiose name. Unless...

Damage: 100 (???)

Durability: 200/240 (???/???) ]

[ Sunlight Metals x30: This faintly warm medal, engraved with the symbol of the Sun, is the ultimate honor, awarded to show who summon the Warrior of Sunlight and complete a goal. The symbol represents Lord Gwyn's firstborn, who lost his deity status and was expunged from the annals. But the old God of War still watches closely over his warriors. ]

Armin: "No wonder Solaire was able to hand these out so often..."

Armin then looks towards Ethereal and spoke.

Armin: "I have something for you but if you want it you have to let me practice using magic on you... It's nothing dangerous but it only works on women and since your the only wom-"

Before Armin could finish talking Ethereal spoke.

Ethereal: "You may do whatever you want to my body!"

Armin looked straight at Ethereal and saw that she truly means it.

Armin: "All right, This is for you, you might feel some discomfort or you might not."

He then brought out the Wiped Gamer System and pushed it into her chest which caused her to blush due to Armin touching her chest. Soon Ethereal received a notification.

[ Installing The Gamer System 2.0! 1%... 10%... 30%... 50%... 80%... 100%... ]

[ Welcome New Gamer! Due to already having The Gamer's Body and Mind this process will be skipped. You now have the ability to look at your enemy's or ally's status! Due to both You and Armin being within a party you both will now receive 100% of the XP earned by killing the enemy no matter who kills it! You also can now enter Armin's ID-Create whenever you wish!]

Ethereal simply smiled due to receiving a gift from her God and wondered if it would be okay to hug him. Soon Armin spoke up.

Armin: "Let's return back to the house, we've accomplished a lot today so we can take today off."

Armin and Ethereal then returned back into a cleared floor within the Undead Dungeon and placed the house down again. Armin went to the living room and room on the T.V with Ethereal joining him.

Ethereal: "What type of magic did you want to grind? We can start now if you would like."

Armin scratched the back of his neck and wondered if he should tell her. In the end, he did.

Armin: "It's called Eromancy..."

Ethereal: "Ero-mancy?"

Armin then casted Aura of lust and Addictive Touch onto himself while Sensitivity Multiplier onto Ethereal. All of a sudden Ethereal started to feel slightly horny and after a few seconds, Armin received a few notifications.

[ Eromancy Has Leveled Up!

Eromancy (2/100) ]

[ Aura Of Lust Has Leveled Up!

Multiplier Set To 2x! ]

[ Addictive Touch Has Leveled Up! ]

[ Sensitivity Multiplayer Has Level Up!

Multiplier Set To 2x! ]

Armin didn't change the Multiplier as he did it on his own and Armin didn't feel bad about doing this because his wife practically demanded him to love another woman. The only request she asked was that she would ALWAYS remain the first wife no matter how many he gets she would always be first.

Ethereal was starting to feel hornier as every second passed while waiting for Armin to start grinding his spell. Armin then spoke.

Armin: "I want you to tell me to stop when you want me to okay?"

Ethereal was confused at first but what happened next made her mind go blank. Armin lifted her shirt as he saw that she has forgotten to wear her bra as he stared at her perfect breasts. He then began fondling them as Addictive Touch started to work its magic.

Due to Armin gaining 10x the XP along with only needing 1/10 of the original amount his skills started leveling up quickly.

[ Eromancy Has Leveled Up!

Eromancy (9/100) ]

[ Aura Of Lust Has Leveled Up!

Multiplier Set To 11x! ]

[ Addictive Touch Has Leveled Up! ]

[ Sensitivity Multiplayer Has Level Up!

Multiplier Set To 11x! ]

Ethereal who has finally recovered started to feel the wave of pleasure due to Armin's Eromancy.

Ethereal: 'So this is what if feels like to be touched by the person you love? It feels so good!'

Her body started relaxing as her gray legging she wore thanks to Armin buying her multiple pairs due to how comfortable she found them to be started to turn into a darker gray around her pussy due to becoming wet.

Ethereal then let out a moan which even turned Armin on as he started to suck on one of her nipples. Ethereal was currently within heaven when she suddenly felt Armin stop which made her open her eyes.

Ethereal: "W-Why did you s-stop?"

Soon she kept feeling as if Armin was still grabbing her boobs yet it felt significantly less pleasure which only made her almost grab his hand herself just to put it back when she heard him say something.

Armin: "let's continue this within my room okay? I'd say it would be more comfortable."

Ethereal followed Armin towards his room and with an opportunity available she pushed him down onto his bed and sat on him as she grabbed his hands and brought them back up to her breasts causing her to moan once for while talking.

Ethereal: "When you touch me it feels so much better compared to when I did it last night while thinking of you."

Ethereal suddenly stop while Armin looked at her with a surprised look on his face.

Armin: "You were masturbating while thinking about me last night?"

Ethereal turned red out of embarrassment even though she was currently sitting over his cock while topless handling his hands up to her breasts.

Ethereal: "Y-Yeah? I-I know the time w-we spent together was short but if I'm using the correct term, I-I fell in love with you... Last night while I was thinking about you I started to feel like how I am now and one thing led to another..."

After listening Armin let out a breath of air as began to talk.

Armin: "Ethereal you know I'm a God and as a god, we live for a very, very long time..."

She listened as he continued on.

Armin: "During my time as the God-Emperor I naturally got married and I had a wife and adopted daughter who I treated as my own flesh and blood but here is something mortals don't know. God's are not immoral, I lived on for billions or even trillions of years and I'd only ever loved her but in the end, they both died."

Ethereal felt wrong when she learned that her God was taken and started to believe that this was perhaps one of those one night stand kind of things she overheard about from the other silver Knights but his next words changed all that.

Armin: "I'm not like the other God's I'm truly immortal and I can't die of old age as my family did. After they died I spent so long alone not letting others within my heart, I even turned down multiple Goddesses who just wanted to have sex often. After trillions of years since they passed away, I've come to learn that even though they died they continued to watch me, and do you know what my wife and daughter demanded me to do? Simply open up my hard to others and to never forget that she was the first while my daughter wanted bothers and sisters..."

Ethereal felt a tear fall down her flawless face as she believed she would be able to enter her god's heart and to become one of his lovers.

Armin: "So then I came down to a mortal realm to only find out that a false god has practically destroyed it but I found something down here... I found you Ethereal. The time we spent together was indeed short but compared to my sense of time it was akin to multiple lifetime's. You entered my heart and slowly started to heal it without me even noticing and honestly... I wish I could have introduced you to my family, tell them that you were the one who healed me. Just recently I've started to feel something that only my family could cause... I love you Ethereal... Thank you for filling the hole within my heart."

Armin then leaned upward keeping Ethereal inside his lap as he rested his head in between her large breasts while wrapping his arms around her giving her a hug.

Ethereal has already begun crying due to hearing her God tell her that he loved her. Soon Ethereal stopped crying as she leaned Armin back down while following him and placing her lips on to his.

Ethereal was instantly completely addicted towards Armin's lips but soon after wave of pleasure started flooding throughout her body as she leaned back up returning his hand to her breasts while even grinding herself on Armin now rock hard cock.

As Armin listened to Ethereal seductive loud mons he received another notification.

[ Eromancy Has Leveled Up!

Eromancy (10/100) ]

[ New Skills Unlocked!

Orgasm Lock (MAX) -Active-!

Orgasm Sensitivity Multiplier (1/100) -Active-!

Flavor changer (MAX) -Active-! ]

[Orgasm Lock: Once the user casts this spell on to a woman she will be unable to orgasm once she's about to. For each orgasm that the user brings her to it will be stacked together until the user unlocks it causing them all to happen at once.

If you cause a woman to reach an orgasm 10 times during sex while locked once you unlock it she will experience all 10 at once! ]

[Orgasm Sensitivity Multiplier: Multiplies the woman's feelings during her orgasm!

Currently Multiplier 1x. ]

[ Flavor Changer: Can be used on yourself and a woman, causes body fluids to taste any flavor you choose! ]

Armin smirked reading the new skills as he decided to give Ethereal a night she would NEVER forget. He then casted Orgasm Lock and Orgasm Sensitivity onto Ethereal then proceeded to ask Ethereal a question.

Armin: "Weird sudden question but name something sweet that you enjoyed."

Ethereal who was still moaning felt something changed within her body as she heard Armin's question.

Ethereal: "Um? Once a noble gave me something called *moan* chocolate and it tasted amazing *moan* why?"

Armin: "Take off your leggings, you'll understand soon."

As Ethereal started stripping her now soaked pants and leggings Armin casts Flavor changer on himself and Ethereal making his cum take like chocolate while I made Ethereal taste like blueberry.

Armin opened the System and stored his and Ethereal's clothing within so they did get messier.

Ethereal's eyes widened as she saw Armin's cock. While she once imagined it being 7 inches but in person his cock was thick and reached 9 inches.

Armin: "Face your ass towards me and I'll play within while you suck my cock."

Ethereal did as he instructed as she started feeling even hornier as her face was right in front of Armin's large cock.

Without even telling her Armin accepted the 'meal' causing her to moan out. She then started opening her mouth and licking the tip of his cock but to only give in to her lust and went all in. Ethereal started moving her head up and down while also guiding her tongue around his cock.

Armin showed Ethereal how to limit her status and told her to bring her vitality down to 1.0 due to sexual pleasure's being related to vitality the lower it was the quick you would reach an orgasm and due to Ethereal lowering it down so much along with Armin using his other Eromancy skill which has also been leveling up, she soon started to feel the explosion of pleasure she kept giving herself yesterday which made her slowdown on sucking Armin's cock but right before she was about to squirt the feeling suddenly vanished. She stopped sucking his cock as spoke.

Ethereal: "What happened?!"

Armin: "Trust me Ethereal you understand soon, this will happen multiple times during are 'spar' but in the end you love it I promise haha"

Ethereal decided to trust Armin as she believes he wouldn't stop her from squirting without a reason. She then returned to her 'popsicle' and began sucking on it once more. Ethereal started using her dexterity and sped up as she noticed Armin's cock started to twitch but she continued on until Armin tightened his grip around her thighs as a large amount of cum flowed into Ethereal's mouth.

She didn't leave Armin's cock as his cum started to flow down her throat and she noticed something. Armin's cum tasted exactly like the chocolate but only better! As he continued to cum within her mouth she started to be greedy as sucked his cock trying to get as much as possible.

After drinking as much of it as possible she spoke.

Ethereal: "It tastes *moan* so good!"

She then started to feel like she was about to come again but similar to last time it suddenly vanished. Armin: "Do you want to ride me?"

Ethereal was confused by what he meant and after explaining what he meant she instantly agreed. Armin made sure to make the System have it so she would not get pregnant until he was ready. Armin didn't want to have children until he was a god again.

Soon Ethereal was beginning to slowly lower herself onto Armin's cock which made her loudly moan. She felt it stop but for only a moment as she sank deeper while blood flowed out. Due to The Gamer's Body, she didn't feel any pain and only pleasure.

With each thrust, Ethereal would moan loudly due to Armin's cock reaching her deepest parts. Armin was laying on his back as he watched Ethereal perfect boobs bouncing up and down as he honestly preferred larger breasts. Watching them bounce only made his cock hard which Ethereal felt. She also noticed Armin was staring at her breasts while riding his cock she grabbed his hands and made shoved them into her boobs.

Ethereal: "Do you love *moan* my large boobs *moan* Armin? I actually was *moan* worried you might not like them big *moan* but I'm glad you do! *moan* They belong to you now just *moan* as my body does!"

Soon Ethereal once again almost had an orgasm but for it to only to vanish. The lover tried multiple different position's but the one Ethereal enjoy the most was when Armin would pound her hard while she was in Doggy-Style.

Ethereal ended up being denied an orgasm over 30 times and it was reaching the point to where she couldn't take it anymore.

Ethereal: "Please let me cum! I want to cum! Please Armin!"

He started to smile because he was able to level up Orgasm Sensitivity Multiplier al the way up to 10 meaning each of Ethereal's orgasms would feel 10x better! Due to mixing it with orgasm lock he honestly couldn't wait to see her face and reaction.

Armin: "Are you sure? Because once I let you, you will never be able to return to normal orgasm."

Ethereal: "Who cares when I can have you fuck me with your hard cock! Let me cum!"

Armin then started to speed up and when Ethereal started to moan very loudly he attacks her G-Spot while unlocking her orgasms!

Ethereal: "OH, IM CUMMING! AHHH"

The moment Ethereal started squirting, she became so sensitive that with a simple thrust she would reach another orgasm and Armin didn't let up he used his dexterity to thrust into her an inhuman speed only causing her to squirt harder.

Ethereal: "I... Cant... feel... my... legs..."

Armin simply lifted her legs up to support her and continued to speedily pounds into her as soon tears started falling due to sheer and utter pleasure due to squirt so much and Armin refusing to stop. He kept on going 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour... 3 hours! Armin has caused her to cum with each thrust and with every orgasm she would become more sensitive while her orgasm sensitivity leveled up to 100 causing each orgasm to feel 100x better.

Armin who returned his vitality to its peak felt he was going to cum soon as his bed was completely soaked due to fucking Ethereal stupid.

He started speeding up witch made her moan incredibly loudly while speaking with a smile on her face.

Ethereal: "Your... breaking... me... slow... down...I... can't... Think... My... Mind... is... going... blank..."

Armin knew she was enjoying it as he didn't slow down but pounded even harder until he finally came! When he finally started cumming inside of Ethereal she moaned loudly as she reached her final massive orgasm.

Ethereal kept twitching due to cumming while Armin's sperm flowed out of her.

Armin then picked her up and moved her toward her room due to his being covered in both his and Ethereal cum. Once he lifted her up she ended up coming again due to him forgetting to turn off his Eromancy along with how sensitive her body was.

Making his way into her room Armin attempted to lay some towels over her bed due to her still leaking out juices and once he placed her down he spoke.

Armin: "How was your first time?"

Ethereal: "Fan...fucking...Tastic... I... wanna... do... this... again... someday..."

Armin smiled then started laying down with her while accidentally touching her nipple causing her to moan and cum again... That was it... after cumming for littering 3 hours straight she ended up passing out. Armin who also started to fall asleep as his last view was Ethereal completely naked while covered in sweat and her own juices well, some of his was was covered on her as he looks at her huge tits that were covered in his cum.

Armin: "Her breasts are simply heavenly..."

After Armin and Ethereal fell asleep they ended up sleeping for the entire day and when Ethereal is woken up she was dumbfounded.

[ Debuff acquired!

Sensitivity Overload (23:59:59): The user has experience Eromancy for an extended period of time causing your entire lower body to become numb! The user will be unable to walk for the next 24 hours! ]

[ Mark Of The God-Emperor! (Permanent): The God-Emperor has marked you as his lover letting other's know you are his. If an entity attempts to force themselves on to you the God-Emperor will appear next to you! ]

Ethereal watched as a tattoo formed just above her pussy, the tattoo was shaped as a Heart with a crown within it. She wasn't upset about this as he honestly smiled due to the System tell her that the man she has fallen for claimed her.

Due to waking up before Armin and being unable to walk to simply looks towards Armin who was also still naked as she carried herself over towards his cock.

Ethereal: "I'm sure he won't mind me having breakfast hehe."

She got herself comfortable as she began licking his cock causing the mighty dragon to awaken once more. She then started to give him a blow job and noticed after almost 30 minutes she felt his coco twitching again as she started to speed up.

Soon Armin was awoken by having an orgasm as he watched Ethereal drinking as much as she could.

Armin: "Waking up with a blow job is probably the best thing I could ask for haha."

Ethereal didn't respond as she continued to take all of his cum into her mouth while some fallen onto her breast. After swallowing his cum Ethereal spoke.

Ethereal: "Yeah well, This has become my new favorite breakfast so I'll be doing it every day from now on and I won't take no for an answer hehe. Also I kind of received a debuff making me unable to walk for 24 hours so could you help me?"

Armin definitely didn't refuse the morning blow job as who would? Armin just smiles as he began to talk while she started licking his cum that has fallen onto her breast.

Armin: "I expect this as when I and my wife went at it for tens of thousands of years she would be unable to walk for years haha."

Armin then picked her up as she started fantasizing about being fucked for ten of thousands of years.

Armin then brought her to the bathroom and luckily the bathtub was large enough for both of them to sit with it as he started filling it up with hot water. Armin sat down first as he places her on his lap after the bathtub was filled he began to wash her body cleaning off the dried liquids that covered her body while focusing on her boobs.

He would constantly fondle them as large amounts of foam formed due to soap. He sadly moved on to the rest of her body while she would moan every now and then. After cleaning up her body the two did get out but instead filled the tub with fresh hot water after draining it and started to relax.

Armin's term of relaxation was simply fondling her perfect breast while Ethereal moaned. As he pinched her nipples she started speaking.

Ethereal: "I think it's safe to say you love my breasts haha."

Armin: "Damn right I do! There not only huge but also firm, I'm more of a boob guy and your breasts are simply heavenly! I just want to say here and grab them forever!"

Ethereal: "I can tell haha, how many times did you need to 'clean' them? 6? 7 times? I believe it safe of me to say that there now the cleanest part of my body! Luckily for you, I enjoy it when you grab them, so grab them all you want!"

Ethereal turned her head as she started kissing his lips.

Ethereal: "So I'm guessing that magic you wanted to practice was Eromancy? You honestly did break me Armin, I don't think I will be able to be satisfied with normal sex now hehe. Also, we will be doing this once or twice a week, now that you corrupted me to this you better take responsibility!"

Armin simply continued to kiss her while squeezing her breasts signaling he definitely would.