Moving Along

Armin was currently sitting at his desk with a bored look on his face, earlier today he was 'asked' to bust the front office where he ended up meeting the authorities. The two individuals that wanted to 'speak' within were in fact the same ones who dealt with John when he was expelled from his middle school at the time.

Sadly for them, Armin won't allow others to act arrogantly in front of him plus he wanted to get revenge for John. He ended up telling them he was 'once' a God and that he didn't care about mortals such as them. Armin also had to wipe all their memories afterward but it still felt good.

After he left he went back to class and proceeded to finish out the school day which led him to be in his final class of the day.

Armin: 'Should I ask Seraphina if she would like to come with me to buy a phone? I know I could get one from the System but I'll have a reason to go out with her...'

Suddenly the bell rang signaling that today's classes were over. Armin was surprised as he felt today went by very quickly so he gathered all his things and left to go find Seraphina. Luckily he found her walking down the hall while drinking a drink.

Armin: "Hey quick question, do you want to come with me to buy a phone?"

When she heard this Seraphina raised an eyebrow as she didn't know anyone who didn't have a phone.

Seraphina: "How do you not have a phone? Are you a caveman?"

Armin: "Ouch, can you stop sending invisible insult arrows, please. I never got the chance to buy one yet as my last one broke, I completely forgot to buy one when we all went to the mall."

Seraphina: "Very funny caveman but the question is why should I go?"

Armin: "Well I thought we could spend some time together and get to know each other more."

Seraphina: "I'll come along but I want some food along the way."

Armin: "Caveman happy! Caveman brings pretty lady to store! Meet caveman at the school gate when changed?"

Armin couldn't help himself and spoke like a caveman which caused her to smile and laugh. The duo then proceeded to go back to their dorms to change out of their school uniform and once Armin entered his dorm he met John who was sitting on the couch.

John: "Yo, what happened for you to end up having to go to the office?"

Armin: "Authorities wanted to chat with me about some stuff so I did some stuff and they shouldn't both me for a while."

When John heard this he frowned as he had a bad experience with them but he didn't say anything about it and instead he changed the subject.

John: "Any plans today?"

Armin: "Yes actually, me and Seraphina are heading to the mall because I need to buy a phone but it came at a huge cost..."

When Armin said this he had a playful suffering look on his face while John had a confused look on his face.

John: "You and Seraphina are heading out together?"

Armin just nodded his head and entered his room to 'change' but in reality, he just used the System and waited a little while before heading back out once more.

Armin: "I'll sure you later John!"

Before John was able to respond, Armin already left the dorm causing him to wonder to himself. Along his way towards the school gate, Armin ended up being blocked by three guys who had an annoyed look on their faces.

Already fucked guy 1: "Hey little shit why are you walking around like you own the place huh? Trash like you should be worried."

Armin: 'Who the fuck is this guy? I didn't do anything so why is he bothering me?'

Already fucked guy 2: "Yeah. Since you are here give us all your cash and we will make this quick."

Armin was annoyed so he decided to casted Cruel Sun but only strong enough that it will leave them on deaths door.

Armin: "Alright but it's all within this harmless orb so be careful because it's hot."

All three had a dumbfounded look on their face as they just wanted to grab some quick cash from a random person but instead, they ended up receiving a small star. They tried running away but Armin wasn't going to allow that to happen as he already sent it towards them.

The three guys proceeded to be engulfed by Armin's attack causing them to scream out in agony as they felt like they were being burnt all over their body which they actually were. Luckily Armin didn't have to listen to their screams because he was instead listening to the beautiful sound of explosions!

Armin then left the individuals on the floor who quickly passed out due to the pain as all their clothes were burnt off while their bodies had severe burns.

After a few more minutes he soon arrived at the school gate where he saw Seraphina dressed in a casual outfit who was looking towards the rising spoke in the background.

Seraphina: "What was that?"

When she asked this Armin had an innocent look on his face.

Armin: "What was what?"

Seraphina: "The explosion."

Armin: "Why are you asking me? I don't know anything."

Seraphina: "Something tells me that you do but I'll most likely hear more about it tomorrow instead from you..."

Armin just laughed as they made their way towards the mall and along their way, they ended up having small talk.

Seraphina: "Were are we going for food?"

Armin: "How about the 'City Of Gods' it's super fancy and I'm pretty sure it made out of gold."

Seraphina: "The city of what now? Made out of gold? What nonsense are you talking about now?"

Armin: "Who says I'm speaking nonsense? I'll have you know that I'm a dimensional hopping God who is just looking for fun, I also have five wives who love me dearly! I conquered a fallen kingdom and made it my base of operations when I'm traveling throughout the multiverse!"

Seraphina: "Oh you're a God? I bet you're the God Of Nonsense with all this nonsense your speaking haha."

Armin: "*Sigh* Mortals can be so hard to accept the truth, don't worry I'll still want you to become my next wife! I'm sure the other's already want to bring you in but they will most likely force you to call them sister..."

When Seraphina heard this she couldn't help but laugh at his 'joke' but she also wouldn't mind trying a relationship after getting to know Armin more. She found Armin to be very funny and he was also kind to her so if things went well together why wouldn't she want to enter a relationship with him?

Seraphina: "So when can we get some food?"

Armin: "After we purchase my phone dummy, I never said I would before it so you can only blame yourself haha."

Seraphina put on a hurtful look on her face and proceeded to be overdramatic while saying.

Seraphina: "How can you be so cruel! To your supposed future wife of all things! I'm going to die of starvation because of you! *Sigh* my future husband is so mean and wants to starve me to death..."

Armin: "Look who became the God Of Nonsense now haha."

The duo laughed as they continued on their way, eventually, they made it towards the mall and found a phone store. Armin had an annoyed look on his face because he has never seen these brands before so he didn't know what to get. He noticed that a few brand items remained the same back on his original Earth but they were very few.

Armin: "What phone should I get? Any suggestions?"

Seraphina: "What is your price range? What are you looking for in terms of using your phone? Do you just want to have calls and texts or do you want a good phone for games and such? Wait why the hell are you using me as a saleswoman you bastard!"

Armin: "*Gasp* I would do no such thing, my lady! I'm a gentleman and would never do that! I merely ask for a suggestion but you turned yourself into a saleswoman haha."

Seraphina: "You a gentleman? You are the caveman who doesn't own a phone haha, well mine is a pretty good one so you could get the same model if you want. If you can't afford it there are cheaper ones around."

Armin wasn't worried about cash and could literally give out gold if need be so they ended up looking around and eventually found the same model as Seraphina's phone.

After purchasing his phone and walking out of the store, Seraphina grabs his phone and did some things.

Armin: "Care to explain why you snatched my phone? I may be a supposed 'caveman' but I know how to use a phone."

Seraphina: "I'm just giving you my number and installing a chatting app me and John used. If you don't want my number then fine."

Armin: "Who said I didn't want your number? Haha, it would be my honor to have such a pretty lady's number!"

Seraphina just smiled and typed down her number while also inviting him into her chat room. She also invited him to John and her's chat room.

Seraphina: "There you go, how about some food now?"

Armin: "Sure, I actually haven't even eaten their yet so don't blame me if the food sucks there."

He then looked around to see if anyone was watching them and when he didn't notice anyone he placed his hand on her shoulder which caused Seraphina to look confused which soon changed into utter shock as her surroundings changed.

Seraphina looked around her and noticed the massive golden-colored palace and the surrounding city which seemed endless.

Seraphina: "What the fuck is this?!"

Armin couldn't help but laugh as he walked forwards a little bit and turned around to face her and said.

Armin: "Welcome to Anor Londo! The 'City Of Gods'!"