Innocence in Our World

Alexander closed the door gently. He ran his finger through his hair.

Clara was sleeping in her room peacefully, but it was not like this initially. Clara cried a lot before slipping into dreamland. She even blamed herself for holding one-sided love for so long.

The fact that she loved Kyle was never a secret. It was evident on her face and in her behavior. Maybe Kyle didn't feel anything for her, so he did not take any action.

Clara was extremely sensitive, while Kyle was indifferent. As a friend, Alexander always thought they might not be suitable, but he never had the heart to say that to Clara. Maybe just maybe, if he would have urged her to give up on Kyle much earlier, she would not have sobbed herself to death.

"Clara slept?" Mr. Sheldon inquired as soon as he saw Alexander walking in his study.

Some things never change. Mr. Sheldon never fancied Black's style of thinking. He just restricted himself because Clara was friends with one, but now it seems like there is no need to carry on with the pretension.

"Yes," His voice was small like a whisper on a cold night. It was evident that Alexander was in deep thoughts.

"Scotch?" Mr. Sheldon picked two cups and a bottle of scotch. Alexander never drank much but today was a special occasion.

Mr. Sheldon's one of the two children has cried her fair share now the other one was remaining, "You heard my daughter, you are heartbroken too."

"Thanks," Alexander could not refuse it.

He felt like howling. His soul was shaking as if it wanted to break free and come out screaming, while his eyes were red, flaming like wildfire.

He was never this close with his father, to talk about his grief. He knew if it was his father now, he would probably say to suck up and work. Afterall, things like the breakup were not for them.

But was it even a breakup? He just liked Layla, she was a refreshing wind into the monotonous, stressful, double-faced crowd.

An innocent flower between thorns.

Alexander wanted to feel this type of refreshment more. But maybe Kyle felt the same way. They both tried their best to have her heart without damaging their friendship, but in the end, Kyle won.

After hearing Clara's sobbing, he was sure he never liked Layla as Clara liked Kyle. He desired to chase the feeling, the new prospect, but Clara's words still echoed in his mind.

'How far can she maintain her innocence in our world.'

Both were immersed in their own thoughts. Silence submerged the room. Alexander was tapping on the table with his finger making a '𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘥 𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘥' sound.

"Aren't you curious about the girl?" Alexander suddenly asked, disrupting the peace. His forehead furrowed. Afterall, the words that struck his soul were said by the girl named Eve to Clara.

"I know her, and I am sure you have heard of her too." Mr. Sheldon came back from his wandering thoughts. Alexander was confused. He tried to search his memory, but he has never heard of anyone named Eve.

He was not able to see her face. But according to Clara's portrait of the girl, she looked like a fairy who is younger than Clara.

"Alex, Your and Clara's mother have been childhood friends, and they did hope that you guys could remain together as they are," Mr. Sheldon said with a steam face.

Both the families, at some point, wanted them to end up together. They were simply not fated for love.

"I know that you guys love each other a lot, just not in a romantic way. Clara is three years younger than you. You have to take care of her." Mr. Sheldon's heart wrenched. He knew his daughter was putting on a strong front.

It made him feel helpless as a father. Even though he spoiled her, but somethings can never be shared with parents. What Clara needed the most now were reliable friends and their emotional support.

"Yes, Uncle," Alexander's throat clenched, "you don't have to say those words to me."

Clara was more than a friend to him. She was his younger sister. Now that he has sorted out his own feelings, it's time to focus on his family and career.

Clara told him about her future plans today. Even though it coincides with Kyle's, she was confident to succeed. She decided to calm her mind for two days and start fresh. As a friend and a brother, he would help her to do just that.