Jealous and Possessive Men



Both Evelyn and Alexander said at the same time. Alexander's mouth was set in a hard line. Both of them looked at each other with varying sentiments.

Alexander was unhappy hearing Oliver's name from Evelyn's lips. He wanted to remove the mere thought of someone else from Evelyn's mind, let alone her name from another man's mouth.

Evelyn, on the other hand, was surprised to hear overprotectiveness from Alexander. It was expected, as Alexander always regarded himself as an elder brother to Clara. Seeing Clara hand in hand with another man would be understandable.

"Cough," A sudden voice brought them both from their incongruous thoughts.

Oliver looked at Evelyn with accusing eyes. 'What was Evelyn doing here with Alexander?'

"Business?" Oliver's forehead furrowed as his eyebrows rose in impeachment.

"Pleasure." Alexander's eyes glinted. The corner of Alexander's mouth quirked up.

A single word evokes many reactions. All three of them looked at Alexander in surprise, anger, and curiosity.

"We all know each other here, so we can sit together. Right?" Oliver did not wait for anyone to speak as he indicated the server to add two chairs, "I hope you won't mind."

Oliver eyed Evelyn with sharp eyes.

"Yes," Evelyn answered as she shrugged her shoulders. She also wanted to know what was going on between Oliver and Clara.

Alexander wanted to refuse, but when Evelyn agreed, he was furious.

Soon the chairs were rearranged, and everyone sat down. Clara and Evelyn were facing each other while both the men's vision collided.

Clara was confused with the awkward silence, "You guys know each other."

"Yes," Evelyn nodded, "Is he the Oliver you were talking about?"

Clara felt shy and nodded her head lightly.

"My condolences." Evelyn laughed as she touched her neck.

Oliver elbowed Evelyn in annoyance. Evelyn rubbed her elbow with questioning eyes.

Alexander ignored their talk. His eyes were focused on Evelyn's elbow.

'How dare this man touch her?'

'Why is Evelyn not resisting his touch?'

Alexander wanted to ask so many questions to Evelyn.

"What are you doing here with him?" Oliver eyed Alexander in disgust.

"Oliver," Evelyn warned.

"Does uncle know about this?" Oliver wanted to remove Alexander from Evelyn's life. He never liked this rude, arrogant person.

Evelyn elbowed Oliver as her eyes widened.

To observe the interaction between the two was annoying for Alexander. He could hardly resist the rage that flowed through him like lava.

"Who is he to you?" Alexander could not help asking. They both were so comfortable around each other.

"He.." Evelyn was interrupted. She could see the confusion flowing through Clara. It was better to clear things out now rather than later.

"A person who knows her more than you." Oliver challenged as he leaned forward.

Evelyn found no false information in Oliver's words. It was true, Oliver knew her best, at least more than Alexander or Clara.

Hearing the challenge, Alexander was more than irritated. A fresh swell of fury rose in him. Alexander scratched his head to control himself.

As if just on cue, a server came in with wine. He was about to pour it for Evelyn when Oliver and Clara interrupted.

"She does not drink."

"Not for her."

Alexander's blood boiled. He did not know Evelyn hated to drink.

Even Clara knew about it.

Oliver looked at Clara in approval. He subconsciously touched her head and turned to face Alexander, whose face was much worse than that of spoiled milk.

"Evelyn," Clara wanted to clarify.

'Was her good friend Oliver's ex-girlfriend?'

Clara was confused as it filled her mind with many possibilities.

Oliver was about to serve Clara when Alexander interrupted.

"Clara is allergic to Avocado," Alexander spoke in wrath. He had just noticed the unusual chemistry between Clara and Oliver.

If Oliver knew Evelyn, Alexander knew Clara best. He could see some unknown emotions masking Clara's eyes, which he had not seen before.

'This Oliver should be eliminated as soon as possible.' Alexander's mind was already making plans to dispose of his rival's body.

Oliver looked at Clara, who softly nodded. Oliver mouthed 'Sorry' and kept the spoon down.

Oliver positioned his chin at Alexander. Their eyes crashed in fury. No one is ready to back down.

"And how do you know that?" Oliver asked. He already knew the answer to this. Everyone in the country knew it. But it was still hard to digest to know someone else knows your girl better than you.

"I am her best friend." Alexander proudly said as he ruffed Clara's head. His little girl was growing so fast, not telling him about the unfamiliar man in her life.

Alexander did not like Oliver now, and he was not sure if he would like him in the future. Alexander made up his mind to never approve of Oliver for Clara.

"Uff," Oliver giggled. He wanted to say, 'So what? Soon I will be more important in her life than you.'

Oliver turned to Evelyn and thought, 'You deserve better. Alexander is not good for you.'

The air was turning stiff and hard to breathe.

"Evelyn, you know him?" Clara asked again. Her mind was a mess at this point.

"Well, he is one of my best friends." Evelyn nodded. Oliver was a very important part of her life, just as Alexander was Clara's.

"Tsk," Alexander shook his head. 'Best friend and Oliver. I would kick him out of yours and Clara's life soon.'

Clara nodded as a small smile formed on her face. She understood Evelyn. Sometimes best friends can be crazy, and he could not understand Oliver's unusual behavior.

'Oliver is jealous, and so is Alexander' Clara giggled at this realization. Both of the men were confused between their best friends and their love interest.

Clara saw Evelyn smile at her as she winked. The message was obvious, 'Sit back and enjoy.'

"Is this how you introduce me to your friends," Oliver stretched on the friend which poked Alexander's nerve.

"I am obviously more than that." Alexander gave a half-smile.

Clara's eyes widened at such a confession. She was thankful that she did not have any food in her mouth.

"Evelyn," Alexander touched Evelyn's hand lovingly. The skin was soft as silk, making people assisted to its touch.

Oliver's eyes stretched. Alexander's gesture added more fuel to the already lit fire.

"Don't touch her." Oliver hissed.

"Why?" Alexander's grip tightened over Evelyn's hand. 'She has such small fingers. How is she able to work?'

"You dare," Oliver could hardly control himself. His little flower was being touched by a dangerous wolf, and he could not save her.

"Want to bet?" Alexander challenged as he smirked.

Clara felt the change of emotions. She held Oliver's wrist to make him calm down in the hope to handle the situation.

Clara's small gesture filled Oliver's heart with calmness. He looked at Clara's hand, stopping him.

Clara's eyes were filled with concern, which touched Oliver.

'I want Clara in my life.' It was a promise that Oliver made to himself.

Alexander saw this movement as his jaw clenched.

"Leave his hand Clara." Alexander seethed.

Oliver held Clara's hand and squeezed it tightly. "Why should she?"

"Alexander." Evelyn was running out of patience.

"What more is he to you?" Alexander asked.

"Something you will never be," Oliver replied.

Clara's hold on Oliver's hand loosened, but Oliver held on tightly. He was not ready to let her go.

Clara looked up at Oliver, who was glaring at Alexander.

"I am not talking to you," Alexander's eyes shifted towards Clara's hand still held in Oliver's, "Clara let him go."

"Try," Oliver demanded.

"Oliver." Evelyn finally could not take in any more. She was hungry, and these two men were busy fighting like a 5-year-old. Men in love are difficult to handle.


"Let me speak?" Evelyn's brows snapped together.

"You don't need to tell him," Oliver ran his other hand over his forehead.

"That is my decision to make." Evelyn glowered.

Evelyn and Oliver looked at each other as the tension in the air increased.

"Actually, I want to know as well." Clara's small voice broke through the demeanor.

Oliver's studied Clara, who was looking at them with questionable eyes.

Oliver sighed. He did not want Clara to misunderstand him at the initial stages.

Evelyn looked at Oliver with interest. Oliver was behaving unlike himself. Her dear friend was the hardest to deal with, but a few words from Clara were enough to change his mind.

Alexander pulled Evelyn towards him when he saw her paying more attention to Oliver rather than him.

Alexander was criticizing in his heart.

'Is Oliver the reason Evelyn is avoiding him?'

'They are best friends now. What about before?'

"He is my cousin," Evelyn's words were a breath of fresh air in a hot sunny dessert.

Alexander and Clara looked at both Evelyn and Oliver.

Alexander smirked. Oliver was right. He can never be that for Evelyn.

Alexander chuckled lightly. 'Only a cousin.'

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, Evelyn?" Clara could not help but ask.

Many possibilities ran down Clara's brain.

'Was Oliver approaching her because of Evelyn?'

'Do Oliver only think of her as Evelyn's friend?'

"You never told me his surname. How could I tell that your Oliver was this idiot" Evelyn giggled

Clara was an open book that Evelyn wanted to protect. Giving her to Oliver was never Evelyn's plan. But the new development was not bad.?

Alexander's ears spiked, "Your Oliver?"

"Well..." Clara stretched.

"He is not for you." Alexander was not happy with Oliver. He did not want to give his best friend to an arrogant, irritating inhumane.

"The same way Evelyn is not for you." Oliver challenged

Evelyn and Clara sighed in their heart. Jealous and possessive men are fools in the head.

"Oliver," Evelyn said.

"Alex," Clara called.

"Don't call him." Both Alexander and Oliver said simultaneously.

"I am hungry" Clara looked down at her plate.

"Can we just eat without more bricking?" Evelyn said as she called the server to order more food.