So Hard

Amelia was puzzled. Even though Selena was their Strategic Head, it was still unclear as to why she was here.

Not thinking a lot about it, Amelia smiled and sat down, facing Evelyn. Evelyn's eyes bored into Amelia's.

"Why are you here, Miss Amelia?" Evelyn inquired with a smile pasted on her face.

"Can we talk alone?" Amelia wanted to discuss things that were not suitable to say in front of Selena. The self-esteem which she had cultivated over the years was about to be tarnished by herself. Amelia wanted to say such pleading words to Evelyn alone.

"No, Selena is my advisor as well along with the strategic head, so she will be staying here." Evelyn folded her hands and looked straight into Amelia's eyes.

Evelyn had a rough idea of why Amelia was here. A girl who could not take her eyes off Alexander would do anything to stay beside him.

The realization left a nasty taste in Evelyn's mouth. Evelyn had no prejudice against how other girls feel about Alexander, but deep somewhere in her heart, there was a small part that hated so many bees surrounding her honey.

"Very well then," Amelia looked straight into Evelyn's eyes and continued, "I am sorry to waste your time earlier."

"It's all in the past," Evelyn's eyes narrowed as she looked at a distance. "Get to the point first, Miss Amelia. I have other works to continue."

Amelia nodded. Evelyn was known for her straight forwardness. "Alexander has suspended me from the project, but I would like to rectify my mistake, so here I am asking you to give me a chance."

Evelyn chuckled. "I don't think I am the right person you should speak to about this."

Amelia understood that Evelyn was not interested in listening to her, but she still wanted to take the last chance.

'Here goes nothing for love.' Amelia took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"I have an offer to make," Amelia jumped straight to the point.

Evelyn gave a half-smile, and she brushed her palms together, "I am listening."

"As the land deal was picked by me and failed. I would like to give land under my possession for the project. But I want to be able to lead the project again."

Evelyn's smile did not reach her eyes, "Which land are we talking about?"

Evelyn's tone contained authority. Amelia went white, listening to Evelyn.

'How much does she know about me?' This question started circulating in Amelia's mind.

"I have a few. Which is in your mind?" Amelia wanted to strike this deal. Alexander would never listen to Amelia.

Alexander was a ruthless businessman. Amelia knew if she did not bounce back now, she would be back somewhere in dust in Alexander's mind.

Selena was silent during this entire conversation. She understood Evelyn's plan. Profit in dismay. Amelia was desperate and would do anything.

Selena was sure about it. Amelia's eyes were nervous as she played with her fingers while talking to Evelyn.

Hearing Amelia's answer, Selena smiled. Evelyn looked beside Amelia. Unsure about it, Amelia followed Evelyn's gaze and stared towards Selena.

Selena nodded in understanding. She opened a file and slid it towards Amelia. Amelia was unsure about the content of the file. With shallow breaths, Amelia took the file to read.

As Amelia started to read through the file, a hard straight line replaced the smile on her face.

Amelia's eyes widened. "How…" The words refused to come out of her mouth.

For Amelia, it was hard to believe what she was reading. The file had confidential information, and only a few people knew about it.

When people try desperately to hide something but realize that other people knew about the so-called secret is the scariest thing. Amelia's heart was on a rampage. Her fingers were trembling as her lungs were short of air.

Amelia's mind was not in the right condition. And how would it be, a piece of well-hidden information was casually lying at Evelyn's hand?

"How do you have this?" Amelia gathered the strength to ask the question. She knew Evelyn would never answer, but the words just flew out of her mouth without her consent.

"We are busy people here, Miss Amelia." It was Selena who spoke before Amelia could ask any further questions. "This is the final offer we would be offering."

The naïve and silent lady's image that Amelia had created in her mind for Selena was nowhere to be found. The lady beside her was strong headed and fierce.

"Either you accept the offer, or you simply reject it and walk off."

Amelia had read through the information along with a transfer of property contact.

Initially, it was a blueprint for the upcoming investment in the project, but the land that IL Group had mentioned was not the previous one but the one which Amelia's father had bought for her.

This land was situated deep inside the forest, a place similar to the prior land, but this land had a natural beauty surrounding it. A perfect place for a resort engulfed by the mountain ranges on both sides and a natural hot spring near it made it a perfect destination for holidays.

Amelia knew that her father loved this piece of land and would never agree to sell it. Amelia wanted to sell this land to Alexander, but her father never agreed and gave her another land option.

The piece of land was a future investment. It cost little for them to buy, but its future evaluation was in billions.

Amelia's father had obtained it through some unspeakable means, and only a handful of trusted people knew about its existence.

How did IL Group knew about it was a complete mystery for Amelia. Not only that, but they have also acquired the registry of the same.

A chill ran down through Amelia. 'What am I dealing with?' She looked at Evelyn, who was staring at her without any expression.

"You are asking for this land at a very low-cost. You also know that the value of the land will rise into billions overtime." After speaking her mind, Amelia took a deep breath to silence her chaotic mind.

But before Amelia could come up with a counteroffer, Selena stated, "We are well aware of it."

Selena smiled, "But no one knows when the price would increase. It is a small piece of cake to sacrifice for you, isn't it?"

Amelia's mind was working at a full speed. She was doing various calculations. The land was under her name, but the paper was still in the possession of her father. Even if she wanted to have it now, it would not be an easy task.

Amelia knew her father would not agree to it. She looked at the file again. Amelia's eyes were unfocused.

The gains were too high to even think of. If Amelia was able to give the land and be the head of the project, she would be able to spend months with Alexander alone. She was sure no one would dare to disturb her, providing her a perfect opportunity to be the future Mrs. Knight. It surely was a small price to pay.

"I'm ready to sell," Amelia made up her mind.

'After marrying Alexander, the land will mine anyway.'

With this thought in mind, Amelia looked at Evelyn and said, "Is it a deal then?"

"Sign the paper and transfer the land as early as possible." Evelyn smiled. All her plans were working perfectly, as a ray of joy bubbled in Evelyn's soul.

"When the land is transferred under my name, you will have your position back."

Amelia nodded her head. Before Amelia could ask, Selena passed her a pen to sign. It was so swift that Amelia doubted it to be planned for a second.

Taking the pen from Selena, Amelia signed the contract. There was only one question circulating her mind. 'How am I going to tell father?'

But the happiness to be back to work with Alexander soon replaced that question. Amelia's eyes twinkled, unaware of the future regret she would be feeling soon.

In the midst of all this, a small smile danced on Selena's lips. She appreciated her best friend's mind. Not only Evelyn got a million dollar land for a few thousand, but soon the company would be making millions of profit per year on the same.

Selena was glad she was not Evelyn's target. Evelyn was not only able to read Alexander's mind to remove Amelia, but she was also accurate about Amelia's desperation to be on the project.

When Selena was appreciating Evelyn, Evelyn was also glad to have a friend like Selena who would not sleep for days to help her. Evelyn had only said a few words, and Selena searched every legal and illegal dealing of Amelia's family to gain an advantage in the negotiation. It was god's blessing that Selena found this land.

"It was nice working with you." Evelyn shook Amelia's hand and escorted her out.

As soon as Amelia was out, Evelyn turned towards Selena and smiled, "Thank you."

"It's always a pleasure." Selena giggled as she tapped Evelyn's shoulder and went out to do her work.

Once the door was closed, Evelyn collapsed in her chair.

"It is so hard to stay strong." with this Evelyn closed her eyes.