Who Are You

**Next Day**

Amelia walked inside the Knight Corporation with her head held high.

She felt as if she had entered after a lifetime, even though it was just a few days.

"At last, I am back." Amelia sighted.

Everyone in the company was already informed about Amelia's return. Some were happy, while some were not so much.

One of the latter was Alexander, who had a storming face since he entered the office.

Alexander was not thrilled with Amelia being back. He knew what Amelia's mind was not in the right direction. Alexander knew what she was trying to achieve or what her father wanted her to achieve.

'What if Evelyn misunderstood?' This question was burning Alexander from within. He had not yet walked a few steps long with Evelyn yet but the obstacles were already placed before them.

Last night Amelia's father called him and hinted to help his daughter.

Amelia wanted to be Mrs. Knight, and so was her father. The power of Knight's name was not something.

Things have not yet cooled down when Amelia's father demanded one more thing. 'Take care of my daughter.'

Alexander was at his limits to listen. He had a blank face on his face. 'I am not bound under your words. Even if your daughter dies at work, it has nothing to do with me.' After this, Alexander hung up the phone.

Now that it was a new day, the first thing that Alexander saw was Amelia standing in front of her.

"Sir, the deal is unfair," Amelia tried to break the cold air. Her voice was not low as she tried to prove her point.

The deal was with IL Group. Alexander has decided to go with it without any negotiating. Sometimes it was not very easy to make others understand his statements, just like now.

Alexander's body was filled with rage. "Who are you to say this?"

"Are you my boss?" Alexander's nerves were about to bust.

"I...I... J-J-JU-Just," Amelia was trembling in fear. Alexander had never raised his voice on her. Amelia had heard the rumors but had never experienced it herself.

Amelia's eyes that used to search Alexander's were now avoiding them with all her might. "Look here at me." Alexander's pitch was low, just as if he was whispering.

The atmosphere turned chilly. Seeing Amelia's not obeying him, Alexander walked towards her. He did not want to touch her face at all. Alexander felt touching Amelia would dirty his hand, which could not be made clean after a bucket full of soap and disinfectors.

Alexander leaned down towards Amelia, and his voice was dangerously low, "I said look at me."

Amelia's whole body shivered in fright. She lifted her head to see Alexander's bloodshot eyes. He was in a rage whose reason was unknown to her.

Amelia was confused. What would Alexander say now?

Seeing Amelia look at him, Alexander smirked. "No one questions my decisions."

"Got it?"

Amelia kept quiet. She was not able to say a word. It was as if the acid poured by Alexander's words damaged her vocal cords.

Seeing no response from Amelia, Alexander's patience was wearing out "GOT IT!" Alexander roared at the top of his voice.

Amelia was beyond frightened. Her legs were about to give up. Her trembling hands were searching for a place to hold to stabilize herself.

"Y-Y-Ye-Yes," Amelia found her voice somehow.

Not waiting for Alexander's next words, Amelia flew away.

A small laugh escaped Alexander's mouth. "I need to have a talk with everyone. They are forgetting their places."

Alexander turned around and sat down in his chair. He breathed in a gust of air to calm his mind. Some Things needed to be solved soon, and Alexander knew it very well.

Soon things turned heavy at Knight Corporation. Rumors soon started spreading that Mr. Knight had been possessed. The new employees did not understand this, but the old employee knew that the old Alexander was back. The one who was not afraid of anything and anyone. The one who the business world truly called 'devil.'

"Sir," Alexander's secretary entered with a blank face. He had known his current CEO since the very start and knew that Alexander would not lash out without any reason.

"Yes," Alexander looked up from his documents. His fingers were tapping on the desk.

"Everything has been finalized, and the land has been rented out now."

Alexander nodded. Understanding his employer's mood, the secretary continued, "Our team suggests to start building the resort as soon as possible."

"Why the hurry?" Alexander's words were as soft as a whisper.

"Miss Amelia had informed us that your time was taken for a month. We checked, and you do have it on your schedule, and all the other things have to push back."

Secretary looked at Alexander and saw the ugly expression on his face.

'I need to think of something soon.'

"How about you take Miss Evelyn with you?"

After those words were spoken, the deadly eyes of Alexander showed an unseen smile. Alexander's eyes sparkled with hope.

'A trip with Evelyn.'

'Not a bad idea.'

Alexander smirked with this thought in mind. He took his mobile from the table and searched for Evelyn's number.

It was not difficult to find, as it was the only one saved under the favorite. Before he could think, Alexander's finger opened the message screen.

[Pack up your bags. We are going to examine the land.]

Alexander texted it to Evelyn and smirked. He raised his head up and looked at his secretary, "Send words to the IL Group that their President has to come with us to inspect the land. We have accepted their demands without any negotiation so shall they."

Alexander could imagine Evelyn's reaction to these words. Her small face would be red with anger, like peaches. Her eyes would be widened, and her hands would be irritated to kill someone.

A laugh left Alexander's lips, "And make sure to inform them that it would be for a month. The same days I would be staying there."

When the secretary left, Alexander looked down but saw no reply. Alexander soon added.

[I will come to pick you up]

[It is a business trip.]

Alexander did not want to leave any possibility for Evelyn to say no. Maybe reading the business trip, Evelyn would not reject the idea ruthlessly. After all, she had not seen the land yet.

After the message was sent, Alexander kept the phone aside and started thinking about the so-called business trip.

'I need to find a way to make this trip memorable for us.'