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Rosalind enters the knight's home to be surprised.

Her eyes glittered as she looked around the living room with a love-filled gaze. It had been so long that Rosalind did not remember what it felt like to be home.

But seeing the Knights home decorated in a party mode, Rosalind felt it was her birthday. A smile played on her lips as she walked into the home in search of her family.

"Rose, you are here." Mrs. Knight hugged Rosalind tightly as she took her inside the house. It was a happy day for her as a mother.

Alexander had finally accepted Rosalind as a sister and even apologized for his behavior. Her son had grown up a lot. Mrs. Knight felt Alexander had matured in terms of emotions.

"Have you prepared a dress for today's occasion or should we go shopping?" Mrs. Knight asked, making Rosalind giggled.